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Dec 13, 18

Urgent: Come to the Unist’ot’en Camp Now!

Call to support the Unist’ot’en camp.

Injunction will be decided this Thursday

The hearing of TransCanada’s application for an injunction was moved to this Thursday December 13th in Prince George. If granted RCMP could be at the Unist’ot’en Camp as early as Friday.

The time to stand with the Unist’ot’en is now. If you are in a good space to be on a frontline and can get to camp by Thursday please do so.

If you can’t make it by Thursday but can by shortly after its worth it to attempt to get to camp.

Please sign up online at: and/or for expediency call or signal message Bob at 604 760 6786 to coordinate ride sharing.

If you are uncomfortable being on a frontline but can give people rides to camp or at least Houston please get in touch with Bob. Finding a good vehicle is a major barrier to people getting to camp.

If you are not in a posistion to come to camp but can give money please do so at Unistoten.Camp/donate.

Please spread this message far and wide.

Thank You,
Unist’ot’en Solidarity Brigade

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The camp is located at the shore of the Wedzin Kwah and mouth of the Gosnell Creek. These are all tributary to the the Skeena, Bulkley, and Babine Rivers. The proposed pipelines from Enbridge Northern Gateway and Pacific Trails both seek to cross the rivers at the exact point where the occupation cabin is built on the Unis’tot’en Territory of Talbits Kwah.

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