Excellence In Dementia Care: Research Into Practice, 2nd ed.

Author: Edited By Murna Downs And Barbara Bowers.
Pages: 543 Size: 3.85 MB Format: EPUB Publisher: Open University Press
Published: 01 September, 2014
eISBN-13: 9780335245345

This scholarly yet accessible textbook is the most comprehensive single text in the field of dementia care. Drawn from research evidence, international expertise and good practice guidelines, the book has been crafted alongside people with dementia and their families. Case studies and quotes in every chapter illustrate the realities of living with dementia and bring the theory to life. Fully updated with 10 brand new chapters, this landmark textbook has enormous breadth and gives an authoritative overview of dementia care. The 2nd edition now includes chapters on the following topics: Dementia friendly communities Representations of dementia in the media Younger people with dementia The arts and dementia Relationships within families or with family carers Whole person assessment Transitions in careWith engaging and varied pedagogy in each chapter this authoritative and compelling textbook is an absolute must purchase for a range of professionals and academics. Those working or volunteering in health and social care, undergraduate and postgraduate students across a range of disciplines in health and social work, and anyone interested in the field of dementia care will find this text enlightening and essential. This edition of Excellence in Dementia Care provides an important, new and comprehensive overview of the state of the art in caring for the diversity of people with dementia. The international authors and global focus have created a unique textbook that will help educators, students and the broader care community to better understand the challenges and opportunities related to dementia care.