Black Pudding: Britain’s Most Popular Superfood

Black Pudding: Britain’s Most Popular Superfood

Not a fan of cereal in the morning? Perhaps Great Britain’s latest superfood craze will be the perfect complement to your morning tea.

Black pudding – made out of pig’s blood, pork fat and oatmeal – was a surprise inclusion a list of superfoods to watch in 2016 produced by MuscleFood, a nutritional food retailer.

The blood sausage is a delicacy in northwest England and the west Midlands. Typically served with the classic bacon and eggs combo, it’s packed with protein, iron, calcium and zinc.

“2015 saw healthy eating reach a new level and this year we predict this trend is only going to get bigger,” said Darren Beale of MuscleFood, in an interview with British Media.

“It’s been interesting to note how people are changing their habits depending on the new buzz words in clean eating. Some of the foods have been on the up for a while like avocado oil and maca root, but others like mushrooms and black pudding have been a total surprise to us.”

Some experts are already downplaying the validity of black pudding’s healthy qualities. They argue black pudding is usually comprised of 20 percent fat, and have relatively high levels of calories and salt. The World Health Organization cautioned against sausages, ham and processed meats, citing them as a cause of bowel cancer.

Photo credit: Iaroshenko Maryna/Shutterstock

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