Deficits and interest rates

Brad DeLong has been writing about the falsity of the claim that large-scale government borrowing in a liquidity trap will lead to soaring interest rates. I was looking for some corroborating data, and came up with a picture that surprised me, though it shouldn’t have. Here it is:


Net federal saving is, roughly, the budget surplus (so it’s negative if there’s a deficit.) It turns out that there’s a strong correlation between budget deficits and interest rates — namely, when deficits are high, interest rates are low.

On reflection, it’s obvious why: a weak economy both drives up deficits and drives down the demand for funds, while a strong economy does the reverse. Thus the surpluses of the late Clinton years were associated with high interest rates, while the current recession has depressed both rates and revenues.

And what about the bounce in interest rates over the past few months? It reflects a gradual reduction in the end-of-the-world discount: interest rates have risen along with stock prices as investors have gradually become convinced that we’re avoiding a second Great Depression.

Overall, Brad’s point is exactly right: the US government is borrowing huge sums, but interest rates remain low by historical standards — which is exactly what you’d expect given what we learned from John Hicks, 72 years ago.

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Could the Fed be keeping rates lower in order to reduce the federal cost of borrowing?

Many years ago I had already doubted the power of interest rate. I think we can’t not save our economic by playing with interest rate any more, particular when we have such a big debt.

I have also been confused about the assertion that the federal government printing a lot of money to finance a deficit is necessarily inflationary. The way I look at it is that when the federal government prints and spends money it pumps up demand for goods and services. If you have more demand chasing the same amount of goods and sevrices you will have inflation; but, if you have more demand chasing more goods and services, you won’t necessarily have inflation.

In a period of substantial undrecapacity, such as now, the government could print and spend the money to hire and pay people for various public works jobs that would produce wealth. Then, the extra demand would be backed up by the extra wealth and not be inflationary.

For example, the federal government could build and run some factories that would produce some consumer goods, such as lithium ion batteries for electric vehicles, photovoltaic cells, some pharmaceutical compounds, etc., and sell them at somewhat of a loss in a period of weak demand, with the printed money covering the loss.

Mr. Krugman,

Back to health care, why not make Medicare available to everyone and call it a day? Leave everything else alone, and let the GOP’s precious competition show them what’s best (Medicare). The tax structure already exists, the appropriations already exist, the administration already exists.

The only changes would be:
~remove the 65+ age limit;
~remove the upper income tax limit (currently $102k or so); and
~put the tax on a progressive scale.

Why are even the Liberals pushing for some new “public” plan when one already exists, that millions of people in the US are actually participants and wouldn’t trade it for the world…I don’t understand.

Can you enlighten me? Thanks! If you have access to it, feel free to reply to my personal e-mail account that I entered to make this comment.

Dr Krugman, doesn’t this basically reflect the fact that right now, the “multiplier” for policy action is low, but just as the mutliplier contracted rapidly during 2008 (debt deflation), isn’t it capable of expanding rapidly (and maybe more rapidly than fiscal policy can be reversed)?

Put another way, in your heart of hearts, don’t you think your new apartment is a better store of value than cash or Treasury securities?

I think there is an old saying that things that are unsustainable probably won’t be sustained, and that seems especially true for excessive borrowing.

Could you show us the graph as well for the past four (or perhaps even seven) decades?

Professor Krugman-

You are performing an outstanding service in debunking the fatuous claims of the right. It seems that many economists, even respected ones, are willing to ignore or misconstrue evidence that threatens their ideological preconceptions.

You and Professor DeLong have been at the forefront of this intellectual battle. .

We are not in a liquidity trap so what’s the point of whatever Brad DeLong wrote. Brad thought that it was impossible to have Bush’s deficits without rising interest rates — he even said that not what the econometric models showed.

I am curious how this graph would look going back further, particularly during period stretching from the stagflation era into Reagan’s military build up deficits. Perhaps this speaks more about the nature of Fed policy and how it interacts with treasuries [duh], then deficit spending crowding out private investment.

Shouldn’t this analysis be presented in real terms? If, for example, inflation falls sharply during contractions, an analysis of real interest rates might show that they’ve risen during high deficit contractions. I’m not presenting a conclusion, just arguing that real, not nominal, interest rates are the intellectually honest way to present this analysis.

In this post, it is stated that low demand for funds keeps interest rates low, an easily understandable idea. However, increased deficit spending is in fact an increase in demand for funds, being a public demand as opposed to private demand. What I am curious to understand is there any difference in the effect on interest rates, between an increase in public demand for funds and increase in private demand for funds?

Also, wouldn’t it be more precise to say that a weak economy drives up deficits because they lower revenues and not because they spur an increase in spending? So, it is somewhat of a leap to connect deficit spending with low interest rates? I would think that low interest rates are more connected with the lack of revenue side of a deficit than the increase public demand(deficit spending) side of a deficit.

PS – I’m a liberal too, so I’m merely attacking this out of academic curiosity, not because some conservative lobby scared me into it, lol

Aren’t interest rates in the end about credibility and linear relationships should hold as long as that credibility is there, which is currently true. However, what happens when we reach a breaking point and linearity goes out the door?

What you are saying is that it is hard to isolate tyhe effects of deficits on interest rates because other things – investment, consumption are also moving around a lot at the same time.

Of course, the idea that budget deficits don’t affect interest rates is perfectly consistent with Barro’s Ricardian equivalence, i.e., that if the Gov spends more, private individuals save more. But he’s “boneheaded,” right?

The logic in this blogpost seems a bit backwards.

Recessions bring higher deficits and lower interest rates are used to counter the recession. Expansions bring lower deficits and higher interest rates are used to keep inflation in check. What’s constant in this logic is that the deficit is cyclical and not structural.

But its a fallacy to conclude that the deficits caused the interest rate fall.

What fiscal conservatives are most worried about (at least the intellectually honest ones) is the increase in structural deficits and whether that will make it more difficult to auction off the debt.

enrique fleischmann August 14, 2009 · 6:54 pm

I am afraid that it is difficult to have a clear cut conclusion based upon such a short period ( app. a decade) , a testing of such theory should be done with a larger sample.

In addition, there are other factors that take place such as the coordinated expantionary fiscal and monetary policies ( as we have today) . Nevetheless, the main explanation for the apparent anomaly i.e. low interest rates with current account deficit and fiscal deficit during that period ,was the Chinese ( and other countries) mercantilist policies which helped to maintain US borrowing rates in a very low level ( denomitnated as Greenspan¨s “conudrum” or Bernanke´s “saving glut”) by recycling their surpluses into bond and other USD assets.

Not sure if I’m just reading more into this than you intended, but this doesn’t necessarily forgive the deficits.

The fact is that deficits cause debt, and debts are paid over long periods of time, usually rolled over from one T-Bill to another to another to another. Interest rates at the time of the deficit is immaterial. Interest rates over the duration of the debt are what matter.

The reason people are freaked out about these deficits is that they are so big, they will take a long time to repay, and who knows what sort of inflationary growth we will experience in the years ahead, and thus what sort of high interest rates we will see along with the “recovery”.

Did you consider that this correlation is because the federal reserve bank sets interest rates to reflect what the economy is going to do.

The surplus goes down – a bit- after the treasury interest rates go up. There is a bit of chicken and egg problem here.

Back when President Bush was president Brad Delong would have said that deficits raise interest rates, according to the econometric models (he sent me an email saying so). Now I wonder if either Brad Delong or Paul Krugman would stake their professional reputation of the issue of if we in a liquidity trap today or not.

To the moderator: I’m not cursing, posting in all caps, or attacking another person making posts. So according to your own standards for posting how am I not being complient to the standards.

Don the libertarian Democrat August 14, 2009 · 9:41 pm

Since Oct., I’ve been advocating the Chicago Plan of 1933. I supported QE plus a reinforcing Stimulus. My disagreement about the Stimulus with others was that I wanted a Sales Tax Holiday.

About QE, I said that, in order for it to work, short term interest rates should stay very low, but longer term rates should go up. I suggested that 4% for 10 yr t’s was perfect. When it got to that point, I heard that Hyper-Inflation was coming. I argued that, on the contrary, it showed that QE was working. From my perspective, in order to counter Debt-Deflation ( The Flight to Safety ), you want short term rates low, as a disincentive, and longer term rates higher, to encourage lending for the future. If they’re too low, it won’t work as an incentive. I see businesses as needing to sell bonds for loans, meaning that interest rates cannot be too low. As well, you needed the spreads to come down, otherwise corporate rates would be too high for borrowing.

As near as I can tell, this is working. I would have liked more QE, and a little more Stimulus as well. Nevertheless, it’s working. But I see this as confirming Fisher’s view of Debt-Deflation, and as confirming the Chicago Plan of 1933.

I guess that the difference with Hicks boils down to this: In The Flight to Safety, people are buying Treasuries not based on the Interest, but on the Govt Guarantee. This is shown by the movement out of Agencies and into Treasuries. In my opinion, they would buy even negative rate bonds. In fact, some investors, counting selling losses and other costs, did that. I need to see some evidence of China, for example, holding cash. Indeed, if they fear inflation going forward, they’re accepting a loss when they buy the Treasuries. Don’t they?

What about the role of foreign central banks and the Fed monetizing some of the debt? Until Aug 7, when the sense was that Chinese commodity buying would fuel inflation worldwide, the 10 year was headed higher. With American consumption down and the current account deficit down, China and other central banks might not want to buy so many treasuries. By cutting back on their commodity stockpiling, they’ve helped to put less pressure on treasuries. Since early August, when China announced its fine-tuning, the Shanghai Index, euro-dollar, crude prices, shipping rates, and 10 year treasuries have all declined together. We might see in the next couple months just how much leverage investors tied to the Chinese stimulus, if the Chinese really do take the pedal off the medal.

What’s going on before 2000, though? There seems to be no correlation at all: //

Michael A. Kamperman August 14, 2009 · 10:55 pm

Paul, do you believe we have avoided the risk of a second Great Depression? I don’t.

Recent economic “strength,” a relative term, is due to data distortion and not authentic green-shoots.

First, the second quarter GDP report of minus 1% is based on a positive 1.38% contribution from net exports, despite the fact actual exports fell. Because imports fell faster than exports economists (alchemists) consider the improving trade gap a sign of growth.

Second, the recent improvement in the unemployment rate is because the government said 1 million workers were so discouraged they were removing them from the labor force.

Finally, the coup de grace is we are in a serious deflationary environment. The CPI is reported to be down by 2.1% over the last 12 months. Yet the cost of home ownership, almost 1/4 of the inflation calculation, claims owner equivalent rent dictates the cost of purchasing a new home is now 1 1/2% higher than it was a year ago. Yet the Case/Shiller index has median home prices down 17%. In the 1930’s home ownership costs were calculated by using the rise and fall of actual home prices. But we installed owners equivalent rent in 1983 to “improve” the accuracy of the calculation. It we used the same calculation they used in the 1930’s deflation would be running at 6% and 2%.

Hopefully your next column will be why we already need a fourth stimulus, since the first two weren’t enough and the next one will surely be inadequate too.


Think you should talk this over with L. Randell Wray to help clarify the presentation.

The point is still opaque.

Federal deficit spending creates reserves which are then soaked up with bond sales not because the government has to have bond sales to raise money but instead to retain credibility that they won’t go Wiemer Republic on us.

Everyone admits a lot of reserves drive down short-term interest rates.

Everyone seems hesitant to admit a lot of reserves drive down long-term interest rates as well.

Of course there is always the threat of inflation, but that threat should be kept in perspective especially at times like these.

weren’t interest rates high and deficits high also during the raygun years? aren’t those sorts of years the ones that the people who scream about the danger of inflation use to back up their arguments?