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A Massive Yoga Festival Is Coming To Ottawa That You Have To Attend

Get your zen on.

As the weather slowly warms up, festival season is fast approaching! Festivals are always so much fun. While you're at festivals the vibe is always so united and lively. Everyone that's there actually wants to be there making the atmosphere so energetic and comfortable. Whether you're someone that likes music festivals or food festivals, nobody can deny that festivals are absolutely amazing.

Yoga is one of the most calming things to do and doing it amongst hundreds of people is sure to get you in your zen zone. This festival coming to Ottawa this summer is made for anyone that loves yoga, spin, or even just working out. The vibe is incredibly positive and you will leave feeling so energized. The best part is, you don't need to be a pro to go, everyone is welcome to unwind.  

City of Om will be happening this summer and you seriously can't miss it. The entire day is dedicated to connecting the Ottawa community to a world of mindful living. Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or an expert everyone is welcome to join in on this incredible event. The second you walk into this unreal event you will be in an instant Nama-State of Mind.

Some classes you go to are indoor and some are outdoor. No matter what you will be immersed in a world of mindfulness. This is such a fun way to spend your day with your BFFs. Whether you want to try something new or just meet some new people, this event is perfect for everyone. It's time to plan your cutest workout outfit because your day will is going to be filled with stretches. 

This festival isn't purely about yoga! There are vegetarian cooking classes, spin classes and much more. At this festival, you will learn how to take a holistic approach to life. Some of the events include: 

  • 15 + classes & workshops 
  • 30 + apparel & food vendors 
  • Little Om’ies Kid Zone
  • Nama-State of Mind After Class

There will be so many professional yoga teachers at the event. Amber Stratton loves to teach classes that she loves to take. She's completed over 800hrs of training in Classical Hatha, Power Vinyasa and Moksha. Jen Dalgleish will also be a teacher at this event. She is the co-owner of Pure Yoga and has completed over 400 hours of training in Classical Hatha, Core Vinyasa and Power.

Get your tickets to Ottawa's biggest yoga festival ASAP! You do not want to miss this incredible opportunity to completely unwind and learn from the best. City of Om will be on June 2nd from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at Lansdowne Park. To keep up with the many more teachers attending the event make sure to follow their Instagram here. For more information about the event and to get your early bird tickets, click here

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