Companions in Mission

Brother Chris Markert

At our past Synod Assembly, every congregation in our synod was invited to become a mission companion with one of several new mission starts or redevelopments. This commitment included being willing to:

  • Pray at least once a month for your mission companion during worship
  • Encourage members of your congregation to worship, serve, or fellowship at least once during the year with your mission companion/partner
  • Give a financial gift to your mission companion. This could be as simple as a special one-time offering during worship or adding the mission companion to your budget, for example. The amount does not matter; the relationship does.

Recently, Pastor Ashley Dellagiacoma shared a graphic representation of the mission companions and partners who helped get Kindred up-and-running as our synod’s first-ever restart.


Notice how these mission companions were able to support Kindred, through financial offerings to in-kind gifts like pianos and audio-visual support, from joint worship to providing the first meal for Kindred’s dinner church.

For all those churches and ministries that supported Kindred in its restart: thank you.

And this is only the beginning: We will be celebrating other mission companions throughout 2017. Because, in the end, we are better when we’re church together.

Please contact Chris Markert, the synod’s Mission Catalyst, should you need more information.