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How to Create a Laravel Helper

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Here's what the official Laravel site says about helpers.

Laravel includes a variety of global "helper" PHP functions. Many of these functions are used by the framework itself; however, you are free to use them in your own applications if you find them convenient.

Basically, helpers in Laravel are built-in utility functions that you can call from anywhere within your application. If the helper you need isn't provided by the core framework, you can code your own helper classes.

You'll learn how to create a custom Laravel helper in this tutorial.

Helpers in Laravel

As we discussed earlier, there are plenty of helpers available in the core of the Laravel framework. They are grouped together based on the functionality they provide. Here’s a list of helper groups.


Helpers in this group provide functionality to manipulate array elements. More often than not, you'll want to perform different operations on array elements. So this is the place where you should look first to see if what you're looking for already exists.


I find the helpers in this category most useful. They return the fully qualified path of different directories like app, storage, config, and the like. I bet you're using most of these helpers already in your Laravel application.


String manipulation is something inevitable in your day-to-day application development. Although PHP itself provides plenty of string manipulation functions, you'll find a few more useful goodies in this section.


You'll find very few in this category, but they are used throughout the application. They are used to generate route, asset, and form action URLs.


This category contains helpers that provide a variety of functionalities, ranging from logging to debugging and many more.

For a complete reference of Laravel helpers, there's no better place than the official documentation.

How to Call Built-in Laravel Helpers

In this section, I'll demonstrate how you can call built-in Laravel helpers. We'll go through a couple of Laravel helpers to understand what they do and how you can use them.

The Str::ucfirst Helper

The Str::ucfirst helper converts the first character of string to uppercase. You can call it as shown in the following snippet from anywhere within your application.

$string = Str::ucfirst('envato helper');
// $string should contain "Envato helper"

As you can see, it's pretty straightforward to call a Laravel helper.

Let's look at another helper that's widely used in Laravel.

The url() Helper

The url helper helps you to generate a fully qualified URL to the given path.

$url = url('user/profile');
// $url should contain full path like "https://localhost/user/profile"

So that's how you can use Laravel helpers. In the next section, we'll discuss how you can create a custom Laravel helper.

Create Your First Custom Helper

Now you have a basic understanding of Laravel helpers and what they are used for. In this section, I’ll demonstrate how you can create your own custom helper that can be used globally in your Laravel application.

To keep things simple and easy to understand, it’ll be a pretty basic helper that takes a user id and returns a user name as a response. Of course, that doesn’t sound fancy, but I believe it’s enough to demonstrate the concept, and you could always extend it to fulfill more complex requirements.

I assume that you have a users table in your database and it has at least two fields—userid and username.

The Skeleton of a Laravel Helper

Before we move ahead and actually create the files, let’s have a quick look at the files that we’re going to create in the rest of the article.

  • app/Helpers/Envato/User.php: It’s our helper file that holds the logic of our helper.
  • app/Providers/EnvatoServiceProvider.php: It’s a custom service provider file that loads our custom helper file.
  • config/app.php: In this file, we’ll declare our custom service provider, and it also helps us to define an alias to our helper so that we don’t have to use the fully qualified class name of our helper.
  • routes/web.php: This is a pretty standard Laravel route file where we’ll actually test our helper.

Create Helper Files

Although you could place your helper files anywhere in your application, the more intuitive and standard way suggests that it should go under your app directory.

The User Helper Class

Create a Helpers/Envato directory under app and create a User.php file with the following contents. Of course, you could place it directly under the app or app/Helpers directory, but providing that extra level allows us to organize our helpers—especially important when you’re going to have a lot of them.


namespace App\Helpers\Envato;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
class User {

     * @param int $user_id User-id


     * @return string

    public static function get_username($user_id) {
        $user = DB::table('users')->where('userid', $user_id)->first();
        return (isset($user->username) ? $user->username : '');

The file starts with a pretty standard namespace declaration:

namespace App\Helpers\Envato;

The purpose of our custom helper is to retrieve a username based on a user id. Hence, we need to interact with the database, and that forces us to include the DB Facade.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

For those who are not familiar with Laravel Facades, it’s just another convenient way to access the objects in service containers. Alternatively, you could have used dependency injection.

Moving ahead, there comes the concrete implementation of our helper. As you can see, there’s a static method that defines the logic of retrieving a username based on a user id.

$user = DB::table('users')->where('userid', $user_id)->first();

The $user object holds the database record with the matching user id. Finally, the method returns the user name as a response in the following statement.

return (isset($user->username) ? $user->username : '');

That’s it as far as our helper file is concerned.

Create a Custom Service Provider

Now we’ve created our helper file, but the question is how are you going to use it? Two quick solutions come to my mind:

  • You can include our helper filename in the composer.json, so that it gets auto-loaded. Then, you could straight away call the static method of our helper class.
  • You can create a Laravel service provider which allows you to register your custom helper file so that the Laravel framework loads it along with other dependencies. Register that service provider in the Laravel configuration and create an alias to use your helper.

Of course, the first one is pretty quick and easy to implement, and you might be tempted to do so, but I would rather suggest the latter one as it looks more professional and is more maintainable.

Move to the command line and run the following command in your application root to create a new service provider.

$php artisan make:provider EnvatoServiceProvider 
Provider created successfully.

You should see a message which confirms that it’s created successfully under the app/Providers directory.

Open that file and you should already see two methods out there. The important one in the context of this article is the register method. Yes, it’s empty at the moment, so let’s feed in some stuff to make it more useful.

public function register()
    require_once app_path() . '/Helpers/Envato/User.php';

The register method is used to register your dependencies, and we’ve done exactly that. We’ve included our custom helper file.

Here’s how the app/Providers/EnvatoServiceProvider.php file should look after modifications.

namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class EnvatoServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider

     * Register services.


     * @return void

    public function register()
        require_once app_path() . '/Helpers/Envato/User.php';

     * Bootstrap services.


     * @return void

    public function boot()


So it’s all pretty good so far. We have our custom helper and service provider on the table.

Custom Service Provider Declaration

Next, we need to inform Laravel about our service provider so that it can load it during bootstrapping. Let’s open config/app.php and add the following entry to the providers array.


To use our helper in a convenient way, we can create an alias as well. So let’s do that by adding the following entry in the aliases array at the end of the same file.

'EnvatoUser' => App\Helpers\Envato\User::class,

By defining this entry, we can call our helper by using the EnvatoUser keyword. Pretty convenient, huh? We’re almost there! We’ve done all the hard work to get here, and now we can reap the benefits of our custom helper.

Your First Custom Helper in Action

Again, to keep things simple, we’ll define a basic Laravel route and call our helper from there!

Go ahead and add the following code in the routes/web.php file.

Route::get('/envato-user-helper-demo', function () {
    return EnvatoUser::get_username(1);

Does that need any explanation at all? We’ve just called the custom helper by the shorthand EnvatoUser::get_username, and it should return the username.

Of course, you can call this helper from anywhere in the application, be it a controller or view.


Helpers in Laravel are a powerful feature, and I'm sure that as a developer you would love to extend that. So today we went through the basics of the Laravel helper file structure and created a useful custom helper.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the article and it helps you create your own custom helpers in your day-to-day Laravel application development.

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