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Haustrap - "Haustrap Podcast" Mix [March 2013]

Hailing from the Southeast US - along with living abroad in Europe & Asia for 9 years - Haustrap now resides off the Gulf of Mexico in Tampa, Florida as a local House Music DJ and a staple within the downtown House scene. A seasoned DJ with over 10 years under his belt and well traveled around the globe, he has picked up different styles and techniques from different cultures and countries within the Electronic Music scene and has forged a hybrid style to call his own. Haustrap has spun alongside some of the industry’s top DJ’s within their field including George Acosta, Kimball Collins, Viro & Rob Analyze, Trip Theory, Spacemen, Vicious Vic, South Rakkas Crew, and DJ Monk of Rabbit In The Moon, just to name a few. Haustrap has now moved from being strictly a club DJ to crossing over into the production realm and is currently in the studio gearing up to release his own tracks which will be available for purchase soon at multiple Electronic Music download sites. This mix is over 50 minutes of Funky Disco House music from his podcast, available on SoundCloud and iTunes. Press PLAY to stream, then download for FREE, and comment. Enjoy and share!

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