More Scare Tactics and Cheap Shots from Alan Grayson

March 13, 2013

Alan Grayson, the Democrats’ Legislator-in-Chief, is at it again. After the release of Paul Ryan’s sensible balanced budget yesterday, Grayson accused Ryan of wanting poor and sick people “to die.”

Say what?

That’s right, the man that House Democrats are relying on to champion their legislative priorities believes that the main goal of Ryan’s budget plan is to let poor and sick people in America die.

Not only is this wildly offensive, it’s just plain wrong.

Instead of highlighting the budget’s balanced and responsible approach, Grayson and his liberal allies are clearly more focused on scaring the American people into believing that this is “a nightmare for America” and that “(Ryan) wants an America that consists of nothing but cheap labor for his corporate patrons.

Check out the clip below:

Democrats have already attempted to prove that Republicans want to end Medicare – and it didn’t work. Politifact rated the Democrats’ Medicare scare tactics the “2011 Lie of the Year” – and it seems that they are up to their old tricks and scare tactics yet again. Co-Sign and show your support for Paul Ryan’s budget here.