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How Businesses Can Address Severe Weather In The Workplace

This article is more than 10 years old.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it... snow?

This isn't exactly the theme song of choice for employees across the country right now. A late-winter snow storm made its way through the Midwest this week and headed further Northeast today, according to the LA Times, where it dropped rain and snow on New Jersey and hit parts of Virginia and Maryland hard. Nearly 4,500 flights around the nation have been cancelled due to weather conditions, a coastal flood warning is in effect for the shores in Massachusetts, southeastern Connecticut is slated for up to 7 inches of snow on Friday, and thousands in Virginia and New Jersey are left without power, the former state of which was declared a state of emergency.

Meanwhile, in California (where I reside) we're scheduled to get some rain this evening as well as tomorrow. Which I realize sounds practically laughable in the face of snow and coastal flooding, but anyone who has ever driven on the 405 and 101 freeways out here during a downpour can attest it's definitely no laughing matter. Bad weather conditions throw everyone into a spiral and the worse they are, the more they leave employees contemplating whether or not to take the day off as a safety precaution and businesses considering closing their doors until Mother Nature calms down.

Through wind, rain, sleet, and snow, a work day is still a work day and a business can't declare they're shutting everything down every time there's a light mist in the air. For many employees, it's also difficult to financially justify taking the day off by using a vacation day or an unpaid day to do so, the latter of which could impact a paycheck severely. And should the office choose to remain open, the pressure to show up for face time is also on. As Lee Bolman, leadership professor at the Block School of Business at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, put it bluntly in the Kansas City Star, "How vulnerable do you feel if you don't show up?"

Rather than have employees toss and turn over whether to go in or stay home, businesses can take the following tips in consideration to address severe weather.

Set Expectations on Snow Day Policies

The snow day policy your business has in place will consist of personal, legal, and business decisions. To avoid confusion on whether or not you'll be open, you must have a notification policy in place for snow days and set expectations on said policies. Unless weather conditions are unbearable, most businesses will still remain open albeit with a smaller head count than usual. But having some staff present to help is better then no staff!

Working From Home Is An Option

Don't misread that one as "staying at home" either. For those within positions that allow to work from any space like PR or social media, working from home must truly involve working. However, in the event of a power outage, this too could prove to be difficult. Whether your position can be worked from home or requires being in the office or on site for customer interaction, it's imperative that employees still maintain a willingness to come to work and bring a positive attitude, not a negative one, with them.

Be Understanding

We're only human when faced with elements that are out of our control. Encourage staff members to leave early if they have especially long commutes to get to work, but don't expect them to drive like a banshee on a slippery road to make into the office on time. Keep employees who use public transit in mind if they're faced with a delay en route to work. And don't forget to show your gratitude to your team for going above and beyond in showing up and maintaining a good attitude about the day - go on a quick Starbucks bulk coffee run, bring in hot chocolate ingredients for the team to take a break from working and make together, and send out a "thank you!" mass email.

Bonus points to the business that salts their sidewalks and keeps emergency windshield ice scrapers on hand for the team to dig their cars out after the work day is over too.