
What's in Store for 2018?

New Year, New JobSafe Initiatives!

With the ringing in of the New Year comes great determination to see our JobSafe mission succeed at empowering more youth by preparing them for the workplace. But in order to do so, we're driving forward many projects and initiatives that the JSSS team had been developing throughout the past year. In addition to the upcoming launch of our new Learning Management System (LMS), we're also redeveloping all of our JobSafe
course material. We've refined our strategic business and communications plans; we're improving our efforts to keep stakeholders and the public informed and engaged via regular communications; we're establishing our marketing and fundraising efforts; and we're brainstorming ways to increase interest in sponsorship of and donations to the Job Safety Skills Society. Stay tuned for more updates in coming months!

A Glimpse at Features of the New LMS

The official launch of our new Learning Management System (LMS) is just around the corner. We would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the key changes and features of the new system. More details will be revealed as we draw closer to the launch date, so stayed tuned to JSSS' communications channels. Read ahead for key features of the new LMS!

Student Enrolment

Teachers will no longer have to contact the JSSS and wait 2 to 3 business days to register students for JobSafe courses. Once teachers are registered in the new system, they'll have the ability to enrol students immediately.


Comprehensive Teacher Profiles

In the old LMS, teachers had very basic profiles that only allowed them to generate final course grade spreadsheets. In the new LMS, once teachers are registered they will have their own comprehensive profiles with multiple features, including administrative access to student profiles.

Adding Student Users

In the old LMS, there was only one way for teachers to add multiple student users to the system. The new LMS gives teachers three different methods to add multiple student users. 

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) would like to invite Canadian OH&S students to apply for the 2018 Dick Martin Scholarship Award. This national $3,000 award is granted to any full or part-time student of an occupational health and safety certificate, diploma or degree program at an accredited college or university in Canada. The application deadline is Wednesday, January 31, 2018. Learn more about this scholarship.

New Year Welcomes Changes to Alberta's Employment Standards

Following input from stakeholders and the results of nearly 5,000 responses to an online survey, Alberta's Employment Standards Code has been updated for the first time since 1988. Many of the changes, which took effect as of January 1, 2018, will make for more family-friendly workplaces, modernizing antiquated legislation and aligning Alberta's standards with those of other provinces. According to the Government of Alberta, the new standards apply to roughly 85 per cent of employment relations in the province. Worth noting are the significant changes made to Alberta's youth employment standards, which are outlined here. These changes will come into effect on May 1, 2018.

Promote Mental Health in the Workplace 

Bell Let's Talk Day takes place on Wednesday, January 31. The initiative was launched in 2010 to promote conversations about mental health and to end the stigma of mental illness. For every text, call, tweet, social media video view and use of the Bell Let's Talk Facebook frame or Snapchat filter, Bell will contribute 5 cents to Canadian mental health support initiatives. In light of Bell Let's Talk Day, the Job Safety Skills Society encourages active participation in promoting mental health in the workplace. Click here for some ideas on how to get involved and make a positive difference. 

Interested in helping us empower today's youth for tomorrow's workplaces? Check out our page or learn how to become a sponsor!

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