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Cotton Intelligence

Cotton Intelligence is a special set of reports on Cotton that will keep you updated on price trends, market analysis, trade analysis, demand & supply prevailing and other major issues in all major Cotton markets. It also provides the future perspective of cotton market and current price trend from major cotton hubs like USA, India, Pakistan, and China.

Cotton Fibre Price Index

Cotton Yarn Price

Market West India South India North India Pakistan China Bangladesh
Product Name Sub-product Name
Cotton Yarn
10/1 Carded
10/1 Combed
20/1 Carded
20/1 Combed
30/1 Combed
40/1 Carded
40/1 Combed
60/1 Carded
60/1 Combed
10/1 OE
16/1 OE
20/1 Carded
20/1 Combed
20/1 OE
30/1 Carded
30/1 Combed
40/1 Carded
40/1 Combed
50/1 Combed
6/1 OE
60/1 Combed
7/1 OE
80/1 Combed
10/1 Carded
10/1 Combed
20/1 Carded
20/1 Combed
40/1 Carded
40/1 Combed
60/1 Carded
60/1 Combed
10/1 Carded
16/1 Carded
20/1 Carded
20/1 Combed
24/1 Carded
30/1 Carded
30/1 Combed
40/1 Combed
10/1 Carded
13/1 Carded
16/1 Carded
20/1 Carded
20/1 Combed
30/1 Carded
32/1 Combed
40/1 Combed
60/1 Combed
Ne 10/1 OE
Ne 12/1 OE
Ne 16/1 OE
Ne 20/1 Carded
Ne 20/1 Combed
Ne 24/1 Carded
Ne 24/1 Combed
Ne 26/1 Carded
Ne 26/1 Combed
Ne 30/1 Carded
Ne 30/1 Combed
Ne 40/1 Carded
Ne 40/1 Combed
Get Latest Cotton Intelligence Report, Explore TexPro

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