Ailing pets at the sharp end of new acupuncture craze

A UK practitioner says there has been a 50 per cent rise in referrals
A UK practitioner says there has been a 50 per cent rise in referrals

When ancient Chinese practitioners began experimenting with needles thousands of years ago they hoped to create a treatment that would provide relief to humans for centuries to come. They may have succeeded — and now acupuncture is becoming increasingly popular with pet owners to have their ailing animals treated.

Dogs, cats, horses, and even rabbits are often treated with the practice, which is widely recommended by vets. Hundreds of veterinary acupuncturists in the UK are seeking to relieve the pain of pets suffering from conditions including arthritis, spinal injuries, paralysis and muscular strains.

Dietrich Graf von Schweinitz, 63, education director of the Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturists, said that there had been a surge in interest from other vets and the organisation now had 360