GREENVILLE, N.C. (WNCT) – 9 On Your Side is continuing to follow a bill that may change the way you spend your Sunday morning.

Senate Bill 155, known as the “brunch bill”, is making its way through the general assembly.

If passed, it would allow restaurants to sell alcohol at 10 am on Sunday’s.

Right now it cannot be sold until noon.

“I would say our alcohol sales are about 45 to 48 percent of our business.” Winslow’s deli general manager Don Pittman said with moderation, this bill would positively impact his restaurant.

“Sometimes people do want an alcoholic beverage early in the morning, it’s not going to be a huge difference but overall on a monthly average it could be 2 to 3 percent on a month,” said Pittman

Next door at Starlight Café, alcoholic beverages aren’t the main course but they expect it will bring in more business.

“We make 2.13 an hour so we are getting tipped on whatever our customers buy, and our alcohol does tend to bump up so adding that extra mimosa or that extra bloody mary it add a little bit more to the bill and usually means a higher tip,” said waitress Monica Jones.

Starlight owner Susan Boutilier said more alcohol sales would help her business break even.

“As a restaurant owner we pay more for liquor than a private citizen pays because we pay an added tax on each bottle,” explained Boutilier.

Pittman believes the current law has a religious background and he said, it’s time to change it.

“I think there is going to be mixed emotions because we are the southern belt and it’s the whole alcohol issue but it’s like anything else. If you manage it responsibly and you handle your operation with your customers I think it’s a positive thing,” said Pittman.