Ear Protection for Competitive Swimmers

Ear Protection for Competitive Swimmers

One of the biggest problems individuals have when it comes to competitive swimming is keeping the water out of the ears so they can stay comfortable. This means having the right competitive swim equipment in Dallas, TX. One of the best ways to combat this problem is using earplugs for swimmers. This equipment effectively keeps water out of your ears so you can swim without concern over developing swimmer’s ear.

Learn how to choose the right earplugs for swimmers.
Which are the right earplugs for swimmers?

Types of Earplugs

There are several types of earplugs. Which ones are the best earplugs for swimmers depends on your own personal preferences, as long as they’re rated for swimming. Flanged earplugs offer a universal fit using multiple flanges to block the water out of the ears. These are often the least expensive option but may not fit as well for everyone. Ergonomic earplugs fit securely in the ears and lie flat against the ear canal to reduce resistance. Finally, moldable earplugs offer the best customized fit so you don’t have to worry about water entering the ears.

Various Materials

In addition to the type of earplug, you will also need to be concerned about what material they are made from. Most earplugs for swimmers are latex-free so those who suffer from a latex allergy shouldn’t have a problem finding the right earplugs for them. However, be sure to read the descriptions carefully because some of them do contain latex. For the most part, earplugs are made from a soft silicone material because it is hypoallergenic and can easily be molded and reused. If you’re a competitive swimmer, you want to choose the best earplugs for swimmers that are reusable so you don’t have to keep buying them repeatedly.

Swimmers ear can be one of the biggest challenges for swimmers. While many swimmers are mostly unaffected by getting water in their ears, others are much more susceptible to problems caused by letting water in the ears. The good news is earplugs don’t often affect your ability to move through the water and don’t create more drag. This means you can easily keep the water out of your ears without negatively impacting your swimming performance.

If you’re looking for the best earplugs for swimmers or other competitive swim equipment in Dallas, TX, contact us. We carry a vast number of earplugs for swimmers so you can find the perfect one for your needs.

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