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Focused Resilient Energized

Focused Resilient Energized

"Resilient people focus on what they have control over and don't waste a lot of time on things they have very little impact or influence of."

~Dr. Robert Brooks, Co-Author of The Power of Resilience [Affiliate].

The idea of being energized or resilient has a lot to do with focusing your energy. I believe directing your energy, on that which you can best impact, creates more energy. Think about it, when you are doing those things that you best impact you are energized afterward.

The trick is having the self awareness and the spiritual connectedness to identify those things that you can best impact or influence. I'm not perfect in this area by any stretch but I do seek to be more disciplined and consistent in this area. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.


photo credit: http://thedailywoman.wordpress.com

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