Cool Deals 3/7/2014

We've found some pretty cool deals for this weekend.



Curt's found another great Jake Bible deal on Amazon. Right now you can find Dead Team Alpha there for just $2.99.
















We're right in the middle of a one week 99¢ sale on every issue of the series American Vampire. It has Stephen King trying to outdo his son for best horror comic. You can find it both on Comixology and Amazon (affiliate link).










Image has an interesting sale going on at Comixology (couldn't find it on Amazon, but if it's there please let us know): 8 different #1 issue in a single bundle for $9.99.



Comixology must be gearing up for SWSX because it's going crazy with sales. They've also got a Fear Itself sale with well over 100 issues priced at 99¢. Amazon (affiliate link) does have the collected book at a discount but that's all I could find.