Don’t Let the High Cost of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Stop You From Building Your Family.

Our goal is to make In Vitro Fertilization affordable for you.

You’re not alone! Did you know that the inability to have a child affects 6.7 million women in the U.S. – which is about 11% of the reproductive-age population?

(Source: National Survey of Family Growth, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] 2006-2010).

For many people, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is their best hope for having a baby.

Trouble is, the average IVF cost is $10,000 or more, making it unaffordable for most people.

At IVF 4 Everyone we can help you…

  • Find affordable ways to cover your IVF medication (or get them for free!)
  • Point you to the MOST reasonably priced IVF treatments available in the U.S. (to save you money!)
  • Guide you to resources that can help with infertility (often reversing it).
  • Give you step-by-step instructions to secure an affordable loan for your IVF meds.
  • Plus more!

Whether you have no (or partial) insurance coverage for IVF … can’t afford to pay for IVF on your own … have less than perfect or poor credit … or want to save money on the cost of IVF, let us guide you through each step.

Only 4 Easy Steps:

Why wait? Take the first step to building your family today.

In Vitro Fertilization Cost – ObamaCare Makes It More Expensive?

“How much does In Vitro Fertilization cost?” is one of the first questions people ask after finding out that IVF is their recommended treatment course. It’s a reasonable question, considering that most people don’t have the thousands of dollars IVF costs just sitting around, burning a hole in their pockets. A lucky few, however, may have invested in a healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA), which can be used to pay for the IVF treatment. Money in a healthcare FSA is pre-tax, and therefore the money spent from a healthcare FSA can go further than money that has already been taxed. Many people have relied on their healthcare Flexible Spending Accounts to pay for IVF, and many are counting on it to be available for their future fertility treatment.

In Vitro Fertilization Cost – How Will ObamaCare Affect It?

A healthcare Flexible Spending Account provides immediate tax savings for un-reimbursed infertility expenses. The limit to the amount a person could contribute to their healthcare FSA was set by their employer. Some set small limits, while others allow up to $10,000 or more. Any money spent on a qualifying medical expense could then be immediately reimbursed out of the employer sponsored healthcare FSA. The Affordable Care Act will not be so generous. The ObamaCare changes that will be put into effect in 2013 mean that the amount a person can contribute will be lowered to $2,500 per year. There may be a silver lining in that the Department of Treasury is considering changing the “use it or lose it” policy that has long applied to FSAs, so that unused balances may be rolled over into the following year or years.

Healthcare Flexible Spending Accounts have long been a useful way of paying for IVF for those with the foresight to prepare for an unexpected medical expense. While none of these changes are certain, given the volatility surrounding FSAs at the moment, anyone who is planning on utilizing a healthcare FSA to defray their In Vitro Fertilization cost would be well advised to contribute as much as possible now, while the opportunity to make a meaningful impact still exists.

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Take the first step in the IVF 4 Everyone program.  Click here to get started.

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Fertility Financing: Stretching Your Dollar Further

InVitro Fertilization or IVF can sometime be very costly for most couples or intended parents. The cost of the different treatments involved with IVF differs from state to state and can significantly rise depending on the specific treatments required by the couple or intended parents. On the average the cost of IVF would roughly be anywhere from $10,000 to $15,000 and the chances for success will vary. Such costs would require the best options to avail of the best fertility financing plan.

Fertility Financing: How to Maximize Your Savings

Thankfully today, there are now several great ways and resources of funding InVitro Fertilization. Low cost IVF programs may be available to couples or intended parents who lack the finances for an IVF program. To help you get started, here are a few tips for funding your IVF cycles:

1. Medical Grants – for couples or intended parents who lack the finances to fund their IVF journey, medical grant programs can be availed. This process does take a bit of time and patience because couples would have to complete application forms, submit requirements and wait for processing to see if they would qualify for the medical grant. But if couples are given this medical grant they would be able to properly finance their IVF because a grant program may help pay for IVF expenses and treatments.

2. Public Service Discounts – some fertility clinics will offer their services at a discounted rate if one of the patients works in the public service sector. It is always best to ask your fertility clinic if there is a discounted program available if you are a teacher, firefighter, police officer, or emergency medical technician. Some programs can be discounted by up to 25%.

3. Low Income Discounts – a few fertility clinics will offer access to their IVF services to people who meet low income requirements.  Typically, tax and pay stub information will need to be provided to the clinic to determine a patient’s eligibility.

4. IVF Financing Companies – there are now organizations and companies that help aid couples and intended parents to undergo their IVF treatments. Although this might not sound like a great idea at first because of the additional cost of the interest rates, this will actually help you fund your IVF program. Financing companies do charge interest rates but you can actually make flexible payments depending on your monthly income.

5. IVF Refund Programs – as a way to make IVF more reasonable and affordable, there are now IVF clinics that provide refund programs and discounts for IVF treatments. You can now find several clinics offering a package of 2-3 IVF cycles at a discounted rate compared to paying for each cycle individually. Couples and intended parents can save on this discounted program if they are found to have less successful chances with just one IVF cycle. For the refund programs, there are IVF clinics that provide some refund for failed IVF cycles. These refunds can actually be applied to the next IVF cycle.

Want more help? There are great tips for getting approved for fertility financing and saving money on the IVF cost in the IVF 4 Everyone program.

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Take the first step in the IVF 4 Everyone program.  Click here to get started.

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IVF Loans Are One Way Of Paying The IVF Cost

The topic of IVF loans doesn’t come up often, which is surprising considering that according to the CDC, there are 6.7 million people in the U.S. who are suffering from infertility. Most of these people will end up seeking fertility treatment in an attempt to become pregnant. In doing so, many people are shocked to discover that are they infertile, but that In Vitro Fertilization, the most drastic solution, is the recommended course of fertility treatment. Most of the time, the diagnosis happens so fast that people never consider the other potential implications an infertility diagnosis means.

IVF Loans Start Where Medical Insurance Stops

One aspect of fertility treatment that most people don’t consider until they are in need of it is the financial aspect. Most people assume that since they have a medical need for IVF, their medical insurance will cover the treatment. They fail to realize that frequently the cost of IVF treatments aren’t covered by insurance at all. Some people will not be delayed by this news, as they already have the funds available to pay for IVF, and can simply pay for it up front. Most people, however, did not anticipate needing to pay thousands of dollars for infertility treatment and do not have the funds readily available. These people will need to pursue financing options, like a fertility loan, in order to go through the In Vitro Fertilization treatment. Here are some common choices to explore before paying for IVF.

Payment Plans

Financial counselors at the fertility treatment clinic will have reasonable options available for consideration. Since these counselors specialize in this matter they can surely provide some great options that would work for most fertility patients, such as a payment plan.

Home Equity Loans

If you have some property or own your home and have enough equity on it, you can try refinancing your mortgage or taking out a second mortgage. Although banks won’t loan money specifically for an IVF treatment, they will lend against real property. This however is very risky, because you risk losing your home if you can’t afford to make payments on time.

IVF Grants

There are grants whose purpose is paying for IVF treatments. There are limitations and restrictions for each, so research which programs are available and whether you may or may not qualify. Our IVF 4 Everyone program provides a list of current IVF grants and their qualifications to its members.

IVF Loans

There are ways to get a loan specifically to pay for In Vitro Fertilization. A loan for IVF is ideal because it allows you to move forward with IVF and pay for it over time without risking your home. Our IVF 4 Everyone program provides competitive lending options and exclusive tips for increasing approval application.

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Take the first step in the IVF 4 Everyone program.  Click here to get started.

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IVF Cost Less Risky With High IVF Success Rates

IVF cost. For people who have been told they need In Vitro Fertilization to get pregnant, those two words are very scary indeed. Most people do not have insurance that covers IVF, which can cost more than $10,000, and very few people have options for paying for IVF. So when people are able to come up with the money to pay for the cost of IVF, it helps them to know that the money they are spending will be worthwhile and that they will achieve a pregnancy. A new study has revealed a potential breakthrough in the egg maturation process which could drastically improve the chances for IVF success.

IVF Cost Easier To Bear When IVF Success Chance Is High

The study performed by scientists at the University of Gothenburg uncovered a chemical which can help to initiate the maturation process in ova, a process which is critical to increasing IVF success rates. During the In Vitro Fertilization process, a woman’s eggs, or ova, are matured in greater numbers than a normal menstrual cycle using IVF medications. The purpose of developing a large number of eggs is to increase the chances that one or more will turn into viable embryos. The resulting embryos will then be implanted into the woman’s uterus, in an attempt to get her pregnant. The more mature eggs a woman produces, the better her chances are for IVF success.

The study investigated whether suppressing a molecule called PTEN, which was found by scientists to potentially inhibit the maturation of eggs, would increase the number of mature eggs. The results showed that PTEN inhibitor can trigger the growth of immature eggs. Although the study was performed with mouse eggs, the scientists are hopeful that the findings could be reproduced in human eggs. “This discovery demonstrates that there is a realistic chance of being able to use PTEN inhibitors to activate small eggs in a test tube,” says Kui Liu, professor at the University of Gothenburg’s Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology. “This technique is extremely valuable for those women who have only small eggs in their ovaries and cannot be helped by IVF as things stand,” says Kui Liu.

Every person going through IVF wants the outcome to be successful, but the pressure for IVF success is especially hard on those who cannot afford a second try. One of the worst possible outcomes for people who can barely afford the high IVF cost is for the IVF treatment to be unsuccessful. For those people, any news of improving the potential for IVF success is good news.

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Take the first step in the IVF 4 Everyone program.  Click here to get started.


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IVF Financing: Traditional Options Found To Be Ineffective

IVF financing is something that most people who go through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) need to consider since IVF is not affordable for the average person. IVF treatment costs thousands of dollars or more, depending on the number of cycles needed, the IVF medication dosages that are prescribed, and other ancillary expenses. Some of the most common ancillary expenses relating to IVF treatment include fees for donor sperm, donor egg, donor profile viewing, surrogacy, specimen storage facility, specimen shipping, traveling, and legal work. All of these factors play a part in determining each person’s unique IVF cost. Unfortunately, since most insurance plans do not cover fertility procedures, most people have had to rely on traditional IVF financing options to pay for In Vitro Fertilization treatment.

IVF Financing: Why Traditional Options Are Ineffective


Some people have saved enough money in their savings accounts to pay for the cost of IVF. Although they are depleting their savings, these people can pay for their IVF treatment in cash and so are not likely to need any sort of IVF loan in order to proceed. Of course, any ancillary expenses could also be paid for in cash as well. Most people do not have enough savings available to pay for IVF with cash.

Credit cards

Some people have enough credit available to put the cost of IVF on their credit card, or split the payment between several of their credit cards. Although they will have to pay interest on the amount they charge, this provides them with the ability to pay off the balance over time, as opposed to paying cash up front or taking out an IVF loan. A credit card can also be used to pay for any ancillary fees, such as IVF medications,  so that they do not have to pay for them in cash.

IVF Clinic Loans

Most fertility clinics recommend IVF loans through the lender they work with. The fertility clinics employ financial counselors that will even take the patient’s loan application right at the clinic. It is often inadvisable to work with these lenders however, as most of them charge high interest rates, require excellent credit for approval and will not pay for any ancillary expenses. It is better to research alternative lenders than to apply for a loan recommended by a fertility clinic.

Traditional options for IVF financing are not always success for everyone, especially for those with credit problems. People with credit problems, or those who are interested in getting IVF for free, are invited to use the IVF 4 Everyone .

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Take the first step in the IVF 4 Everyone program.  Click here to get started.


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