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Phage Therapy: Thwarting Antibiotic Resistance and Saving Lives

August 17, 2022

11 am PT, 2 pm ET, 20:00 CET

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There is enormous potential to treat bacterial infections using bacteriophages—an idea that has existed for over a century. And recent success stories have garnered excitement that the field may overcome some of the hurdles it has faced while trying to play a more prominent role in medicine. In this episode of GEN Live, we’ll discuss where the field is now, the momentum it has heading into the future, and the challenges it still faces.

A live Q&A session will follow the presentations, offering you a chance to pose questions to our expert panelists.


Martha Clokie, PhD
Professor of Microbiology
University of Leicester
Graham Hatfull, PhD
Professor of Biotechnology
University of Pittsburgh
Ivan Liachko, PhD
Phase Genomics