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Effective Whiteheads Cures

Teenagers face many problems growing up but a major catastrophe is on removing whiteheads before a major event, like a dance or a date. Pimples are very common in teenagers but can occur at any age. Oily skin is definitely problematic to anyone who has it. A pimple is caused by excessive oil in the skin. Dirt and grime from the environment can attract anyone who has oily skin. Besides pimples being unsightly, whiteheads are a cause of acne. When a pore is blocked, the oil gland can get infected which results in forming a pimple. Controlling whiteheads will help the prevention of acne.

whiteheads can appear anywhere on the body, but mostly common on the face. Extracting a pimple should be left to a professional who knows how to do the procedure. It is very wise not to start picking at them as it can cause infection and get worse and make a small problem get bigger

Home remedies and seeing a dermatologist are two ways to help reduce whiteheads or to remove them. In dealing with pimples try and use skin care products that are gentle not harsh. Harsh products can actually strip the natural oil from the skin. There are different natural kinds of treatments available to help with a pimple problem.

Various home remedies to treat whiteheads

1. Diet. Eat sensibly. Don’t eat fried foods or sugar. Drinks lots of water.

2. Apply fresh lemon juice. Lemon juice helps to remove pimples.

3. Use Witch Hazel and lemon juice. You can use this combination as an astringent and will help remove the pimple.

4. Exfoliate your zits. People with oily skin should exfoliate your acne. Use a scrub that has acne healing ingredients such as lemon, orange, aloe Vera, baking soda, and salicylic acid.

5. Natural acne mixture. Wash your face with this mixture twice a day. It will help you eliminate acne. Recipe is 1 Tablespoon of witch hazel, lemon juice and all ready made green tea. Add ¼ cup of baking soda. You will see a difference after using this mixture for a while.

6. A lemon. Mix together one tablespoon of sugar and one lemon. Apply on your face and leave it on for about 30 minutes. The next day they should be remove or at least very small that you can’t see them.

7. Steam your face. Steam can be used for treating whiteheads as well as for colds. Boil water. Place a towel over your head so the steam will not leak out. This will help open up the pores. Lean over the pot. Breathe deeply every so often. Take a cloth and rub your face, which will help remove the zits. Be very careful not to burn yourself!

Related article: Exfoliate acne with coffee

8. See a dermatologist. It is very wise to make an appointment to a dermatologist and get the right treatment for your problem.

In dealing with pimples, do occur take the proper method of removing them. See your dermatologist and don’t squeeze them! Purchase over-the-counter products or use home remedies to eliminate your whiteheads.