A Blog of Seattle Arts & Lectures

“El Amar Y El Querer,” by Marta Juárez-Aguilar

El Amar Y El Querer

Es el cielo o el infierno
Aquella voz como fuego
Que consume mente y cuerpo

Cenizas dejadas al viento
Saberlo todo y vivir la nada
Estar viva y morir viviendo

Comprender, no comprendiendo
Es el yugo que a mi mente mata

Ligado al dueño del sentimiento
Estar dormida y soñar despierta
Es algo más que se lleva el tiempo

Hablar sin palabras, llorar sonriendo
El gemir del alma es fuego sintiendo
Mirar sin ojos y sentir sin cuerpo


Loving and Wanting

Is it heaven or hell
That voice like fire
That consumes mind and body

Ashes released in the wind
To know everything and to live nothingness
To be alive and to die living

To understand, without understanding
It’s the yoke that kills my mind

Tied to the owner of the feeling
To be asleep asleep and daydreaming
It’s something else that takes time

To speak without words, to cry smiling
The groaning of the soul is fire feeling
To look without eyes and feel without body

Evergreen High School student Marta Juárez-Aguilar wrote “El Amar y El Querer” during the 2018/19 academic year, during a residency with WITS Writer-in-Residence Raúl Sánchez. Watch Raúl read the poem in our #SALMoment video for Friday, April 17, 2020.

Posted in CreativityWriters in the Schools