Q: What does the manuscript status "archived" mean?

Detailed Question -

Hello! My manuscript has been accepted, but I was asked to do some corrections. I completed the corrections and resubmitted it. I then checked the status of the paper and saw that it had changed to "archived." What does it mean? Thank you. 

1 Answer to this question

The status "archived" usually appears once the submission and review process for a manuscript is considered closed. Since your paper has already been accepted and the decision communicated to you, the review process for the paper is technically done and closed. Thus, the manuscript is no longer "active" in the journal submission system and has been filed away in the journal's archives. With regard to the corrections that you have been asked to make, they will now probably be taken care of by the journal's production team, that is, the team that will handle the copy editing and proofing for your paper.

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What is the minimum number of comments to be included while proofing my paper?