REVEALED: Steve Bannon's proposed documentary warning of the 'Islamic States of America'
Steve Bannon at Bloggers Briefing in October 19, 2010 (Don Irvine/Flickr)

An eight-page draft of a documentary-style film written in 2007 by Steve Bannon envisions a world where Muslim extremists have co-opted the United States and transformed it into the "Islamic State of America,” the Washington Post reports.

The outline, written by Bannon when he was a Hollywood filmmaker, was entitled, “Destroying the Great Satan: The Rise of Islamic Facism [sic] in America,” and proposed a three-part series that would explore the threat posed by Muslims and their “enablers among us.”

Among the “enablers” listed by Bannon: The New York Times, NPR, universities, the “American Jewish Community,” the FBI, the State Department and the CIA.

“The road to the establishment of an Islamic Republic in the United States starts slowly and subtly with the loss of the will to win,” Bannon wrote in the outline. “The road to this unique hell on earth is paved with the best intentions from our major institutions.”

According to the outline, “Great Satan” also planned to explore “the rise of a global holy war” that would “attach and destroy western civilization.”

Julia Jones, who’s listed as a co-author on the document, told the Post the draft was the brainchild of Donald Trump’s top advisor.

“It was all [Bannon’s] words,” Jones said.

The outline reinforces the former Breitbart publisher’s anti-Muslim extremism. In unearthed audio recordings that surfaced Wednesday, Bannon can be heard mocking former President George W. Bush for reminding Americans that Islam is “a religion of peace” following the 9/11 terror attacks.

For those remarks, Bannon called Bush "one of the dumbest presidents in the history of these United States."

"He made the dumbest [comment] being that Islam is a religion of peace," Bannon added.

Bannon was instrumental in crafting last week’s controversial executive order restricting immigration from several predominantly Muslim countries. Despite the administration’s insistence that the ban has “nothing to do with religion,” political scientist Shadi Hamid said Bannon’s historical contempt for Islam can’t be overlooked.

“There’s no way you can look at [“Great Satan”] and Steve Bannon’s other comments and remarks and say Steve Bannon is a friend of American Muslims,” Hamid, author of “Islamic Exceptionalism: How the Struggle Over Islam is Reshaping the World,” told the Post.

“It’s remarkable that someone involved with a film like this is at the center of power at the White House,” he added.