Fatigue And Stress Specialist

Total Women's Care

Priyabala Ramaiah , MD

Gynecologist & Robotic Surgeon located in Canton, OH

Fatigue and stress take a toll on your health and hinder your quality of life. Dr. Priyabala Ramaiah and the medical staff at Total Women’s Care in Canton, Ohio, use alternative medicine to relieve stress and fatigue naturally. When you’re ready to look and feel your best, call Total Women’s Care today, or use the online scheduling tool.

Fatigue and Stress

What causes fatigue?

Fatigue is a feeling of being very tired that often lingers and affects day-to-day tasks. Numerous factors can lead to fatigue, such as:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Stress or depression
  • Menopause symptoms
  • Hormonal imbalances, such as low estrogen or low thyroid
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Taking certain medications
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Lack of exercise
  • Poor dietary habits
  • Chronic diseases

Dr. Ramaiah helps determine what’s causing fatigue in your life. Stress or depression may play a role. She might order lab tests that can detect hormone imbalance and nutritional deficiencies.

What are the negative effects of stress and fatigue?

Stress and fatigue can significantly hinder your quality of life and increase your risk of the following health problems:

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Overweight and obesity
  • Falls and other accidents
  • Depression or suicide
  • Headaches
  • Muscle tension or chronic pain
  • Digestive problems
  • Decreases in sex drive
  • Mood changes

How can I overcome stress and fatigue?

Dr. Ramaiah and her team use alternative medicine to relieve stress and fatigue naturally, without medications. She may recommend:

Bioidentical hormone therapy

Dr. Ramaiah offers bioidentical hormone therapy to balance hormones, especially low estrogen and progesterone, to boost your energy. If low thyroid hormone contributes to fatigue, she administers the appropriate prescription medication.

Dietary supplements

Multivitamins and other dietary supplements can correct nutrient deficiencies and boost energy. Dr. Ramaiah lets you know which supplements best match your needs based on what’s causing your fatigue.

Regular exercise

Regular exercise is a natural way to relieve stress and anxiety, and helps you sleep better at night. Avoid working out right before bed, however.

Massage and acupuncture

Massage and acupuncture are natural stress-relieving remedies Dr. Ramaiah might recommend you try. These strategies ease muscle tension and chronic pain, and boost energy.

Stretching and yoga

Stretching and other yoga moves work to relieve stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and fatigue.

Other relaxation strategies

With the busy hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, finding time to relax can be difficult. Doing so is crucial to maximizing health and wellness. Spend time outdoors, go for a walk or bike ride, try meditation, or read a good book to help you relax. Dr. Ramaiah can show you some deep breathing techniques to try at home.

If you’re seeking alternative medicine, including supplements for stress and fatigue relief, call Total Women’s Care today, or use the online scheduling tool.