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This Magical 1.2 Km Christmas Lights Tunnel Is Back Again Next Month In Vancouver

It's never too early for Christmas.

If you're a Christmasfanatic like myself, it's never too early to start talking about Christmas. The second Halloween is over, it's time to start sipping on those peppermint mochas, but more importantly, to bust out those Christmas lights.

But if you're too lazy to deck the halls, not to worry, because Lights at Lafarge is back on November 25! The city of Coquitlam has put on a massive 1.2 kilometer Christmas light display surrounding the entire lake for the public! With over 100,000 lights glowing every night and 10 themed zones open from 4:30PM - 11PM all the way until January 21st, Lights at Lafarge will definitely put you in the holiday spirit. Oh, and did we mention that it's completely free?

But of course, a picture speaks a thousand words, so here are some magical photos of Lights at Lafarge from last year (and we can only expect even better things this year)!

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And now all we gotta do is hope for a bit of snow this year. Stay updated with more info here.

See you there!

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