Agenda and minutes

Planning Applications Committee - Tuesday 24 November 2020 7.00 pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams (please copy and paste the following link into your browser):

Contact: Lara Edwards, Democratic Services,  020 7926 6816, Email:

No. Item


Declaration of Pecuniary Interests

Under Standing Order 4.4, where any councillor has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (as defined in the Members’ Code of Conduct (para. 4)) in any matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council, a committee, sub-committee or joint committee, they must withdraw from the meeting room during the whole of the consideration of that matter and must not participate in any vote on that matter unless a dispensation has been obtained from the Monitoring Officer.




With regard to application 20/02203/VOC, Councillor Joanne Simpson stated although not a pecuniary interest, when the original application had been presented at Committee, she had voted against the application and had stood down for the second part. She confirmed that she did not have a pre-determined view.


The legal officer confirmed that if the member had an open mind (with no predetermined view), this would not affect her considering the application referred to at item four.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 171 KB

To agree minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2020.



RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 September 2020 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record of the proceedings.


The Chair announced a provisional timetable for the meeting in accordance with Standing Order 9.9.1.




339 Norwood Road And 3 Thurlow Park Road (Thurlow Park) 19/03669/FUL pdf icon PDF 5 MB

    Officers Recommendations:


    1.    Resolve to grant conditional planning permission subject to the completion of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) containing the planning obligations listed in this report.


    2.    Agree to delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Transport and Development to:


    a.    Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes; and

    b.    Negotiate, agree and finalise the planning obligations as set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


    3.    In the event that the committee resolves to refuse planning permission and there is a subsequent appeal, delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning, Transport and Development, having regard to the heads of terms set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes, to negotiate and complete a document containing obligations pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in order to meet the requirement of the Planning Inspector.


    4.    In the event that the Section 106 Agreement is not completed within six months of committee, delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning, Transport and Development to refuse planning permission for failure to enter into a section 106 agreement for the mitigating contributions identified in this report, addendums and/or the PAC minutes.


    Case No. 19/03669/FUL(agenda item three, page five of the agenda pack, page one of the addendum and page one of the second addendum).


    The Planning Officer gave a presentation which included a summary of the report and subsequent addenda that had been published on Friday 20 November 2020 and the day of the meeting. Members were advised of the key material planning issues for consideration and noted that the application was an amalgamation of two separate sites to provide 45 residential units (16 affordable units) with landscaping, communal amenity areas, two disabled parking spaces, cycle parking and refuse and recycling stores. The scheme was not within a conservation area, the buildings were not listed and was opposite a locally listed building (Tulse Hill Hotel). There would be 30 new trees planted for the six trees to be removed and there was a condition for them to be native species. The application was a departure from the Policy ED2 of the Lambeth local plan because no evidence of marketing of the site for another employment generating use had been provided. The daylight/sunlight impacts were within BRE guidance.


    Following the officer’s presentation, the objector raised the following concerns:

    ·         The scheme was too bulky, too tall, and unattractive for its suburban location with a property line excessively close to Norwood Road.

    ·         The key concern was for the health of its future residents, particularly of the affordable dwellings.

    ·         The flats with the sunken gardens on the ground floor and the first floor would be subject to the fumes of the queuing traffic. The applicant’s air quality assessment underestimated the extent of the fumes.

    ·         Forced ventilation would be needed for lower-ground, ground and first floor flats and the inadvisability of opening windows would create unacceptable living conditions.

    ·         Unacceptable air quality conditions for future residents would result and it was noted that some flats, balconies and children’s outdoor play area would be set back by only two to four metres.


    The agents and architect then provided the following information in support of the application:

    ·         The scheme would re-develop a highly accessible, underutilised brownfield site and provide more housing.

    ·         The proposal would provide an elegant and confident seven storey corner building that would gently step down to meet the context of the buildings to the north and east of the site.

    ·         The combination of high-quality contemporary brickwork detailing along with the reconstituted stone detailing would help to refine the massing of the building and add richness to the overall façade.

    ·         It would provide a mixture of unit sizes and tenures, including affordable dwellings. Of the 45 dual aspect dwellings, 16 would be affordable dwellings (37% by habitable rooms).

    ·         The applicant had secured a deal with a social housing provider.

    ·         It would provide access to outside space and playspace and was wheelchair accessible.

    ·         Daylight/sunlight assessments had been completed and showed that all dwellings and outdoor spaces would have sufficient daylight and sunlight levels.

    ·         The scheme would provide 85 cycle parking spaces and two on-site blue badge parking  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Tesco Stores, 275 Kennington Lane And 145-149 Vauxhall Street (Oval) 20/02203/VOC pdf icon PDF 3 MB

    Officers Recommendations:


    1.    Resolve to grant conditional planning permission subject to the completion of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) containing the planning obligations listed in this report.


    2.    Agree to delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Transport and Sustainability to:


    a.    Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes; and

    b.    Negotiate, agree and finalise the planning obligations as set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


    3.    In the event that the committee resolves to refuse planning permission and there is a subsequent appeal, delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning, Transport and Sustainability, having regard to the heads of terms set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes, to negotiate and complete a document containing obligations pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in order to meet the requirement of the Planning Inspector.


    4.    In the event that the Section 106 Agreement is not completed within three months of committee, delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning, Transport and Sustainability to refuse planning permission for failure to enter into a section 106 agreement for the mitigating contributions identified in this report, addendums and/or the PAC minutes.


    Case No. 20/02203/VOC (agenda item four, page 111 of the agenda pack, page eight of the addendum and page six of the second addendum).


    The Planning Officer gave a presentation which included a summary of the report and subsequent addenda that had been published on Friday 20 November 2020 and the day of the meeting. Members were advised of the key material planning issues for consideration and noted that the scheme requested an additional storey to Block G (providing an additional 15 residential units) and revised ground floor layout to provide 105sqm of additional commercial space to the previously approved 18/02597/EIAFUL application. The improvements on the ground floor included the straightening of the residence entrance and removal of the refuse bin in the south east corner of the building, which would be consolidated within Block A. There would be no change in operation for residents. Members were shown images of the consented application and the proposed scheme from various angles.


    The applicantthen provided the following information in support of the application:

    ·         Despite the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, they were continuing to deliver the project which would support 15 direct jobs and potentially 1,000 construction jobs.

    ·         The scheme proposed a subtle increase of heights across Block G which would increase the number of homes in the block by 15. This would include seven additional affordable homes. This took into consideration the key views, local townscape, daylight/sunlight and environmental impact.


    Officers then provided the following information in response to questions from Members:

    ·         The term “low cost rented” was an umbrella term to include London Affordable Rented homes (the 1 and 2 bed units) and the social rent homes (the 3 bed units). There were 49 x 3 bed units all having a dual aspect.

    ·         There was a discussion on the wider changes to the scheme which were not part of the application.

    ·         Short term lets were restricted to a 90 day use. Any use beyond this would require permission and, in its absence, would be liable to enforcement action.


    At 10:00pm the Committee elected to proceed with the meeting for a maximum of a further 45 minutes in order to conclude the remaining matters of business.


    The Committee considered points raised by the speaker and information provided by officers in conjunction with the report before making the following observations:

    ·         Members agreed that although there was an increase in the height, bulk and massing it was not considered a significant material change to the previously approved application.

    ·         A member raised concerns that there could be a future trend to submit applications to add extra storeys to approved schemes. Although supporting this application, he discouraged similar applications in the future for the remainder of the site.


    It was MOVED by Councillor Wilcox, SECONDED by Councillor Simpson, and

    RESOLVED, unanimously, by 6 votes.


    1.    To grant conditional planning permission subject to the completion of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) containing the planning  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Flats 24 To 66 Fenwick Place (Larkhall) 20/02374/RG3 pdf icon PDF 4 MB

    Officers Recommendations:


    1.    Resolve to grant conditional planning permission including a Grampian condition requiring the completion of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) containing the planning obligations listed in this report.


    2.    Agree to delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Transport and Sustainability to:


    a.    Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes.


    3.    In the event that the committee resolves to refuse planning permission and there is a subsequent appeal, delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning, Transport and Sustainability, having regard to the heads of terms set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes, to negotiate and complete a document containing obligations pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in order to meet the requirement of the Planning Inspector.


    Additional documents:


    Case No. 20/02374/RG3 (agenda item five, page 187 of the agenda pack, page 23 of the addendum and page nine of the second addendum).


    The Planning Officer gave a presentation which included a summary of the report and subsequent addenda that had been published on Friday 20 November 2020 and the day of the meeting. Members were advised of the key material planning issues for consideration which included the demolition of the existing building and construction of two buildings comprising of 27 residential units (11 affordable units), 51 cycling parking spaces, two blue badge parking spaces, refuse storage and landscaping and amenity space. A financial contribution would be secured to compensate for the loss of the existing on-site trees and an employment and skills contribution of £9,750 would also be secured.


    The applicant, agent and architect then provided the following information in support of the application:

    ·         There were no objections from statutory consultees.

    ·         The scheme would provide 50% affordable housing by habitable room.

    ·         There would be a new communal garden, which would include children’s playspace and additional landscaping improvement work provided to the adjacent site within the wider Fenwick Estate.

    ·         The scheme would be a car free development, would provide three years’ car club membership and electric car charging points for the disabled parking bays.

    ·         The sustainable design would achieve a 74.6% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.

    ·         The proposed dwellings would be dual aspect in order to maximise the daylight in the living spaces.


    Officers then provided the following information in response to questions from Members:

    ·         The “third-party” referred in page 193 of the agenda was Homes for Lambeth who were a separate legal entity to the Council.

    ·         Members were shown where the proposed blue badge parking spaces would be in relation to the proposed dwellings.

    ·         The proposed buildings would be similar in height to neighbouring buildings but it would be a contemporary design, which was considered to be an appropriate response to the local context.

    ·         There was no master plan for the wider Fenwick estate. The scheme was part of the Homes for Lambeth small sites programme contained within the Homes for Lambeth Business Plan 2020-2023, which was published in March 2020. The scheme would need to be considered on its own merits.


    The Committee considered points raised by speakers and information provided by officers in conjunction with the report before making the following observations:

    ·         Although there was a loss in the amount of affordable housing units, the Member was content to have a scheme with larger units including family sized dwellings.


    It was MOVED by Councillor Wilcox, SECONDED by Councillor Simpson, and

    RESOLVED, by five votes for to one against


    1.    To grant conditional planning permission including a Grampian condition requiring the completion of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) containing the planning obligations listed in the report.

    2.    To delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Transport and Sustainability to:

    a.       Finalise the recommended conditions as set  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.