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Apple Leak Reveals Massive iPhone 7 Cancellation

Updated Aug 22, 2016, 05:43pm EDT
This article is more than 7 years old.

We know a lot about the iPhone 7. But just weeks from its release date, it appears Apple has decided to cancel the most powerful, potentially largest and (inevitably) most expensive iPhone the company has ever created…

How so? Because according to the usually reliable Mac Otakara: the ‘iPhone 7 Pro’ is no more.

In a new report the Japanese site explains that Apple decided there is no need to add a new top of the range model above the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. While it will use the ‘iPhone 7’ moniker for the range to avoid customer confusion, after toying with new branding given the range still uses the core iPhone 6 design launched in 2014.

So why is there no flagship iPhone 7 Pro model?

MacRumors fills in the details explaining that the iPhone 7 Pro was a backup model when Apple was unsure it would be able to produce its new dual lens camera in sufficient quantities for the iPhone 7 Plus. This would have seen the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus share the same single lens camera while the iPhone 7 Pro sat above them in limited quantities with the upgraded optics.

Now Apple believes manufacturing constraints around the dual lens camera have been resolved so it can be fitted into every iPhone 7 Plus and there is no need to expand the range. Such a scenario would also explain why we have repeatedly seen photos of three iPhone 7 models.

Interestingly it also demonstrates how keen Apple is to get its dual lens camera onto the market in 2016. This is understandable given rivals including LG and Huawei have already released smartphones with this technology, while it is widely accepted Samsung has stolen the coveted best smartphone camera status away from Apple in recent years with the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S7.

So is one less iPhone 7 model a good thing? I’d argue both yes and no.

On the positive side, having just two iPhone models does keep the range simple and using the ‘iPhone 7’ brand rather than a new iPhone 6 derivative (iPhone 6SE was rumoured) is likely to sound more exciting to potential buyers.

But there are negatives too. For starters the iPhone 7 Pro appeared to be a true no compromise model which also packed a Smart Connector (something seemingly missing from the iPhone 7 Plus) and leaks had suggested a huge 5.8-inch display and OLED panel. All significant differentiators.

So ultimately Apple’s move seems both logical yet a little disappointing to anyone hoping the company would shake things up a bit more. As it stands, the real iPhone revolution starts in 2017.


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