A Time to Remember. A Time to Prepare




For more information contact:                Tod Pritchard                            Lori Getter

                                                            Office (608) 242-3324                (608) 242-3239

                                                            Cell (608) 219-4008                    (608) 516-0293


For Immediate Release

September 9, 2016


A Time to Remember. A Time to Prepare

Wisconsin remembers the victims, survivors, and heroes of 9/11


(MADISON) – Do you remember where you were on 9/11? This September 11 marks the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States.   As we observe 9/11 and remember those lost and the destruction that was caused, it is also an opportunity for us to take action to develop our own emergency plans to ensure we are ready for the next disaster.


That’s why Governor Walker has declared September as Preparedness Month. Emergencies come in many forms -- from house fires to tornadoes to winter storms. We cannot control how, when, or where they occur, but we can be ready before disasters strike. Consider following these steps to be ready for the unexpected:

  • Develop an emergency plan and discuss it with your family. Make sure everyone know where to go, what to do and who to call during an emergency.
  • Have an emergency weather radio with back up batteries to alert your family about severe weather or other emergencies.
  • Put together a disaster kit for your home with three days’ worth of supplies such as food and water.
  • Place an emergency kit in each vehicle with supplies such as food, water, blankets, flashlight, and battery cables. If you should become stranded in your vehicle during a winter storm, these items could help save your life.
  • Consider taking first aid or CPR classes


“Preparedness Month was founded after 9/11 to encourage families, businesses, and communities to be prepared for emergencies,” said Major General Don Dunbar, Adjutant General and Wisconsin’s Homeland Security Advisor. “We all have a shared responsibility to be prepared. Take the time now to talk with your family, friends and neighbors to make sure you have a plan and are ready for an emergency.”


This September, ReadyWisconsin will highlight easy and inexpensive ways for you and your family to prepare for emergency situations. You can visit http://readywisconsin.wi.gov for more information. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.



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