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Six Big Reasons Gun Owners Should Vote Like Rights Are At Stake

Updated Oct 10, 2012, 09:42am EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Think it’s alright to relax now? After all, didn’t a record number of people purchase firearms just before the 2008 presidential election anticipating a worst-case gun control scenario that never materialized? Whereas during his campaign Senator Barack Obama supported reintroducing the lapsed assault weapon ban, promised to eliminate an amendment requiring the FBI to destroy records of gun purchasers’ background checks and closing the so-called “gun show loophole”, he has not done any of these things. In fact, before the midterm elections he shelved a proposal to require gun dealers to report sales of semiautomatic rifles, and during his State of the Union address only weeks after the tragic Tucson shootings of Senator Gabrielle Giffords and others, made no mention of guns at all.

So why worry? Well, here are six big reasons:

One: An Ideological Disdain for Gun Rights; It Ain’t Gonna Change

For starters, it might serve to be reminded that our present White House oval office resident really doesn’t like the fact that Second Amendment protections are extended to private citizens, and he has actively worked to eliminate them in the past. From 1994 until 2002 he served along with Bill Ayres and his current senior advisor Valery Jarrett on the 10-member board of the radically anti-gun Joyce Foundation in Chicago. Between 1998 and 2001 the organization contributed $18,326,183 in grants to anti-Second Amendment causes.

Later as an Illinois state senator, Barack Obama was an aggressive advocate for expanding gun control laws. He even voted four times against legislation giving gun owners an affirmative defense when they use firearms to defend themselves and their families against home invaders and burglars.

More recently in a move unprecedented in American history, President Obama quietly banned re-importation and sale of 850,000 collectible antique U.S.-manufactured M1 Garand and Carbine rifles that were left in South Korea following the Korean War. Developed in the 1930’s, the venerable M1 Garand carried the U.S. through World War II, seeing action in every major battle.

Vice President Joe Biden is a long time gun-control supporter. He was a major architect of Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 which included major curbs on assault weapons, not only barring the manufacturing of 19 different brands of firearms, but also outlawing the possession of newly manufactured high-capacity magazines.  That law expired in 2004, and so far, efforts at re-introduction have failed. The National Rifle Association has given him an “F” on gun rights. Biden also voted against a law that prohibits lawsuits designed to bankrupt law-abiding firearm manufacturers.

Obama administration Secretary of State Hillary Clinton isn’t generally known as a gun rights enthusiast either. Although professing to support the Second Amendment during her presidential election bid, she has been a long-time activist for federal firearms licensing and registration, and a vigorous opponent of state Right-to-Carry laws. As a New York senator, Clinton also ranked among the NRA’s worst “F”-rated gun banners…one who voted to support the sort of gunpoint disarmament that marked New Orleans’ rogue police actions against law-abiding gun owners in the anarchistic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Obama’s beleaguered Attorney General Eric Holder joined a “friend of the court” brief in District of Columbia v. Heller case contending that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right to arms.  The court narrowly decided in a 5-4 vote that the Second Amendment does protect this fundamental right. Testifying before Congress on February 2, Holder confirmed that the Obama administration “…has consistently favored the reinstitution of the assault weapons ban.”

Two: Fast and Furious; A Public Assault on Private Gun Sales

There can no longer be any lingering doubt that the Department of Justice’s Fast and Furious program had much to do with advancing public support for restricting private gun sales. Tony Coulson who formerly headed the Drug Enforcement Agency’s Tucson office at the time has claimed that ATF knew that what has come to be called the “90% myth” (representing that 90% of guns seized in Mexico came from the U.S.) was regarded agency-wide as a joke.

The president, Hillary Clinton and others had been pushing that story to justify an April 25 Justice Department announcement that it was making 8,500 gun stores in Arizona, California, Texas and New Mexico  report individual purchases of multiple rifles of larger than .22 caliber because such firearms are “frequently recovered at violent crime scenes near the Southwest border.”  Using this as a precedent, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Explosives (BATFE) established a new requirement forcing gun dealers in the four border states to register sales of more than one semi-automatic rifle to any law-abiding American within five business days.

Attorney General Holder and President Obama have repeatedly disavowed any knowledge of the ATF actions. Holder told the House Judiciary Committee last May that he had first been informed about the operation “in the last few weeks”.  Then at a July 29 press conference, President Obama told reporters, “As you know, my attorney general has made clear he certainly would not have ordered gun-running to pass through Mexico.”  However, a video shows former Deputy Attorney General David Ogden telling reporters at a DOJ briefing of steps to expand Gunrunner “as part of the administration’s comprehensive plan” and as the “President has directed us.”

Arizona Republican Representative Ben Quale has accused Holder of giving him false testimony under oath during House testimony. He said in a telephone interview with the Daily Caller, “I saw that Holder is basically doing a victory dance and that he thinks this [Inspector General) report exonerates him and that there was no dishonesty with Congress…that’s just a blatant lie. I mean, he lied to me…to my face…during questioning, saying that they had reviewed the wiretap applications after the fact and claiming that there was no reference to gunwalking, which is blatantly false.”

Three: Anti-gun Appointments; Circumventing Congressional Oversight

A Houston firearms shop owner who prefers not to be named told me that a U.S. president can exert strong gun-control influence by simply dictating new instructions to the BAFTE which are then imposed as “directives” upon Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) merchants. FFL-holders are subjected to periodic audits, and those who receive too many write-ups for “willful” non-compliance can be regulated out of business. Incidentally, this process was not sanctioned as part of the 1968 Gun Control Act that Congress passed after Bobby Kennedy was assassinated.

BATFE has assumed broad discretion in determining special features of firearms that can be imported or sold which far exceed stringent restrictions established by existing federal laws. For example, using the unconstitutional and oft-abused “sporting purposes” test as justification.

BATFE has recently concocted a list of ten popular shotgun features and determined that “shotguns containing any of these features are not particularly suitable for nor readily adaptable to generally recognized sporting purposes.” They therefore determined that guns with any of these features will be prohibited from importation.

As noted by the NRA’s Institute for Legal Action (ILA), “In determining [what is] ‘generally recognized,’ BATFE treats hunting as a single widely practiced sport, while breaking the shooting sports into bite-size categories small enough to ban the equipment the agency finds objectionable.”  They argue that “The agency pays lip-service to Second Amendment rights, citing a central piece of the Heller decision, but then states with no further explanation, ‘concerns about the constitutionality of [the sporting purposes test] or ATF application of this statute are without legal basis.’ But even a casual reading of the Heller decision proves such concerns do have basis. Rather than duck hunting, Justice Scalia found self-defense to be ‘the central component of the right itself.’”

The same administration that appointed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder to their high positions will certainly continue to select other officials with similar perspectives. Consider, for example, precedents established with Obama’s choice of Andrew Traver who has worked to terminate civilian ownership of so-called “assault rifles” (a prejudicially meaningless gun term) to head the BATFE. He collaborated with Chicago NBC TV in a story that was supposedly about semi-automatic “assault weapons” (one trigger pull, one single “bang”)…but which disingenuously showed highly regulated fully automatic machine guns being fired.

Four:  Supreme Risk; Courting Disaster

The scariest appointment consequences by far involve the federal judiciary, most particularly those which will influence future Supreme Court interpretations of constitutional protections recognized by the Second Amendment.  Imagine more justices in the philosophical mold of the president’s most recent addition, Elana Kagan, a gun-unfriendly attorney who participated in writing the 1998 Clinton White House executive order banning imports of 58 types of “semiautomatic assault rifles”.

Then there’s Sonia Sotomayor, an Obama nominee who joined Justice Stephen Breyer’s dissenting opinion in the narrow 5-4 McDonald v. City of Chicago decision which clarified that Second Amendment rights apply to states.

An Obama reelection presents an extreme risk of replacing at least one of five Supreme Court justices who have vindicated Second Amendment protections in the precarious Heller and McDonald decisions. If this were to happen, our right to bear arms might become a lost historical memory for future oppressed generations to read about.

Five: Gun Control Expansion Under the Radar; Stealthy Strategies

On the 30th anniversary of the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, Jim Brady who sustained a debilitating head wound in the incident and his Wife Sarah met with White House press secretary Jay Carney to push for a ban on “large magazines”. According to Sarah Brady, the president dropped by and brought up the issue of gun control “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda”. She reported: I just want you to know that we are working on it. We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

As reported by the Washington Post, Sarah Brady said Obama discussed how records get into the system, and what can be done about firearms dealers. Both she and her husband left the meeting with absolute confidence that the president was committed to regulation.

What stealth options might the president have in his gun control arsenal? Among many possibilities including applications of executive powers and various law enforcement agency directives, consider use of the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, or “Small Arms Treaty” as it’s typically referred to in the U.S.  Spearheaded by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Obama Administration has reversed G.W. Bush administration opposition to the plan. Although it has been delayed and U.S. participation will require approval by two-thirds of our Senate, a Democrat election sweep could bring that about.

What sort of weapon exports are we talking about here? For a clue, look at the U.N. Plaza where you will find a statue of a .357 Colt Python revolver with a knot tied in its barrel. Even Canada’s government, which typically embraces disarmament agendas, petitioned for a hunting rifle exemption which Mexico immediately objected to. So where does that leave guns intended for personal defense?

Even if the treaty doesn’t explicitly restrict private gun ownership, former U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton warned that it would open a back door for the Obama administration to force through gun control regulations: “After the treaty is approved and comes into force, you will find out it has this implication or that implication and it requires Congress to adopt some measure that restricts ownership of firearms.” Bolton went on to say “the [Obama] administration knows it cannot obtain this kind of legislation purely in a domestic context…They will use an international agreement as an excuse to get domestically what they couldn’t otherwise.”

Six: “Nothing to Lose” Future Agenda; No More Mr. Nice Guy

Right now, at least through the 2012 election campaign season, Democrats have little desire to put gun control back on the stage as part of their political agenda. There are many far more pressing issues requiring urgent attention, including the lagging U.S. economy and job market. Still, the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence continues to wage war on several fronts, most particularly attacking the constitutionally-sanctioned Second Amendment right of law-abiding citizens to carry guns for protection outside their homes, a right the vast majority of state governments acknowledge.  According to their director of legal action, Jonathan Lowy, “this battle is far from over.”

Gun owners might be well-advised to remember another off-the-record conversation in Seoul, Korea…one where our president assured Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”  He continued: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense…this can be solved, but it’s important to give me space.”

Medvedev told the president he got the “…message about space. Space for you… I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”

It might also be well to remember that our current president doesn’t necessarily feel bound by Congressional decisions…such as when they placed a provision in the $1 trillion omnibus spending bill for 2012 designed to bar the National Institute of Health from using any of its $30.7 billion taxpayer funds to “advocate or promote gun control.” Upon signing the bill into law, President Obama told them what he thought about their authority, stating: “I have advised Congress that I will not construe these provisions as preventing me from fulfilling my constitutional responsibility to recommend to the Congress’s consideration such measures as I shall judge necessary and expedient.”

So, at least this one instance, it might be a good idea to follow his example. Carefully judge what is most necessary and expedient to protect your gun rights when you cast your November ballot.