Page last updated at 10:55 GMT, Wednesday, 7 October 2009 11:55 UK

Q&A: Phishing for your precious data

Online banking screenshot (PA)
About a third of phishing targets banking and financial institutions

"Phishing" - an increasingly diverse and sophisticated suite of methods to trick people into parting with their precious personal data - is at a two-year high.

Here the BBC takes a look at the phenomenon and how to protect yourself.

What is phishing?

Phishing is a broad term for any effort to gain personal data, directly from the user - login details, passwords, bank account details, etc. - by tricking them into entering it into a website or email.

It is a form of "social engineering", where the real power lies in the manipulation of behaviour, rather than technological prowess. As such, careful consumers can often avoid falling into the phishing trap.

How does it work?

Most often, a phishing attempt will direct a user to a "spoof" website, designed to look like a user's legitimate banking site, payment service, or social network site.

This may be by sending an email purporting to be from a legitimate site, linking to a spoof site.

Although they are not strictly a phishing measure, past attacks may have relied on key-logging computer code, which simply stores each and every keystroke on your keyboard.

Such software can be hidden within an e-mail attachment, be downloaded from a "spoof" website, or masquerade as another kind of program.

An old standby for malware in general being brought into the phishing tackle box is pop-up advertising that offers updated system performance or anti-virus software. Instead, users may be installing a key-logger that reports back with any passwords or details entered thereafter.

What is the scale of the problem?

Facebook login page (AP)
Social networks are a growing target for phishermen

While credit card fraud this year is decreasing nearly across the board, online banking fraud is conspicuously on the rise, up 55% on the same time last year, according to industry body Financial Fraud Action UK. Phishing is likely to contribute greatly to this rise.

According to security firm MarkMonitor, the level of phishing so far this year has matched a peak that came about in 2007 as a result of the use of networks of infected computers to carry out phishing expeditions.

MarkMonitor's report suggests that the traditional phishermen's targets for high-value information - banking websites - have taken a backseat to payment websites such as PayPal. Since such payment websites work by linking a user to his or her bank account, they can act as a proxy to gain the same information.

Payment sites account for about half of all phishing attempts, while traditional banking websites have slipped to about a third.

Social networking sites are also seen as a breeding ground on the rise for phishing; attacks against social network brands are at an all-time high, with three times as many occurrences than the previous peak at about the same time last year.

How do I avoid being phished?

First and foremost, having up-to-date anti-virus and anti-spyware programs is the best first line of defence. Some security software suites such as that from AVG provide a constantly updated list of unsafe websites, warning before you even visit them.

Also, always remember that your bank and most reputable third-party payment services will never ask you for your password; were they legitimate, they would already have that information.

Make sure you have good anti-virus software which regularly scans for spyware
Make sure you use a firewall, spam filter and security software that keeps an eye on you while you browse the web
Avoid keeping passwords stored on your computer and disclosing them to anybody
If you are accessing banking details from a computer that is used by other people, ensure you do not click on "save" password, as another user could gain access
Check your bank statements and receipts carefully to ensure there are no fraudulent transactions

More difficult are the phishing attempts that direct users to spoof sites that can be difficult to distinguish from the real thing.

As always, be wary of the source of emails and the web destinations they may attempt to send you to. While the name tagged to an email sender might suggest "NatWest Bank", a nonsensical email address or one clearly outside the country should raise suspicion.

Attachments to e-mails remain a particularly easy place to store malicious code of all sorts, so be sure of an attachment's provenance before you open or save it.

Though it is relatively easy to mock up a website, it is much more difficult to mask exactly where that website sits in cyberspace.

For users, it is always worth checking the URL of the site where they are being directed; in most browsers, it suffices to hover over a link and look in the browser's lower-left hand corner.

Just like the source of a potentially phishy email, the URL that you are being sent to may be easily spotted as a fake. One typical approach is to transpose a couple of letters within a URL, so that a quick glance wouldn't pick it up:

It's worth knowing what your trusted sites' URLs look like and keep an eye out for any changes to the site as you conduct your business.

And be careful with any site asking you to install a program, no matter how beneficial it may seem - if it seems too good to be free, there might be something phishy about it.

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