Saturday’s Latest: Mod Ice Cream and the latest from the Etsy Virtual Bridal Show Team

On this week’s Saturday’s Latest, we take a peek at Mod Ice Cream, which makes some very cool and super fun earrings perfect for a bride or as bridesmaid gifts to coordinate with your sleek color filled fete.

“So you are probably wondering where I got this name? Well after I made a few of these lil’ beauties and put a pair I made for myself in my ears, I realized they looked like the greatest treat ever created, ICE CREAM of course! So they are modern scoops of ice cream to decorate your cute ears!”

“I got started about 3 years ago making wire wrap earrings, and beaded earrings, but nothing was selling and I was overwhelmed with setting a price range. One day I was dilly dallying in one of my Graphic Design classes ( I believe it was Typography ) and I had a bunch of prismacolor pencils and started drawing lil circles all over the place…I loved the look and thought they looked like confetti! So a few classes later I was dilly dallying again and started cutting them out with exacto knives and realized they looked like those fun stick on earrings we all had when we were like 5! I started researching materials that I could use to create earrings (again while in class, I am a horrible student), I came across resin and started my trial and error process. The earrings come in two different materials: first is a prisma color pencil/ marker that I color on sturdy sketch paper and then cut out with crafting punches, which allows me to keep the prices in a low $5 price range. Second I now work with clay and higher end materials to create a much better earring and yet still a fun low price, around $7! I hate over priced earrings, so I would never have it in me to sell them at a high price! I am currently working on a larger size and hope to get these up SOON! I love creating fun colorful works of art that you can wear in any situation, and that make an awesome gift for a great pal! Being on Etsy has allowed me to mail packages of creative love all over the world, and virtually meet some amazing people, not to mention I find it as one heck of a relaxing therapy.”

Here is this week’s roundup of the latest creations and finds from the Etsy Virtual Bridal Show Team:

‘Saturday’s Latest from the Etsy Virtual Bridal Show Team Week of 8/11/12’ by ravengrrl

Hot Pink Flower with pearl B…


Large Organza Flower Brooch,…


knitted bridal shawl in bamb…


Popcorn seasoning – flavored…


Cocktail rim sugar – Chocola…


Beautiful Monokini -One of a…


Organza camellia weddings ha…


Black and white flower headb…


Free Shipping -Flowers and D…


Table Number Luminaries – Bl…


Air Plant, Tillandsia Sputni…


Henna Candle, Perfect weddin…


Multicolored Seersucker Mini…


White Swarovski Pearl Dragon…




In Bloom, Lace Dress, Lavend…


Treasury tool supported by the dog house

One response to “Saturday’s Latest: Mod Ice Cream and the latest from the Etsy Virtual Bridal Show Team

  1. Pingback: It's The Bride In Me – Saturday's Latest: Mod Ice Cream and the latest from the Etsy Virtual …

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