Connie Mason Michaelis: What is the 'purpose plummet' and how can it affect your life as you age?

By Connie Mason Michaelis
Special to The Capital-Journal
Connie Mason Michaelis

A friend and I were having a conversation about aging in which he used the expression purpose plummet.

The interesting thing about my friend, who is a 30-some-year-old, is that he has an exceptional understanding of the aging population. I call him an old soul. It is unusual that a millennial would understand aging issues or even care. But his use of the concept of purpose plummet was brilliant.

So many contemporary books and articles have been written about finding your life purpose. "The Purpose Driven Life," by Rick Warren, has sold 50 million copies in more than 85 languages since its debut in 2002. I guess knowing your purpose touches lots of people today.

Consider that a century ago, talking about purpose was left to philosophers and academics. Life was a three-stage operation — childhood, adulthood, old age. Since the average life expectancy was under 50 years, there was not much time to contemplate purpose; it was growing up, working and dying. Purpose might have looked more like survival.

On the other hand, we live in a time when we have an additional 30 years to live; having continued purpose becomes crucial.

After raising a family or retiring from a career, life can seem empty and hollow. There is no longer a focus that occupies daily life; thus, the purpose plummet. Purpose is so much more than being busy; it has to do with feeling needed and valuable. It involves continued exploration of your gifts and serving others with those gifts and talents.

The aging process can cause an inward focus, spending all our time staying healthy, staving off illness and deterioration. In the meantime, our mental health suffers from a lack of direction and stimulation.

Serving others is what gives life meaning. It is imperative that we continue to find ways to serve the world. These extra years that we’ve been given should be used to make the world a better place.

Rather than thinking of growing old as an end, we need to see it as the beginning of new ways of making a difference. The great news is that living a life of purposeful engagement keeps us healthier and happier.

As Betty White, the 98-year-old comedian, says, “Old age is not a surprise; we knew it was coming — make the most of it.”

Find Connie’s new book, “Daily Cures: Wisdom for Healthy Aging,” at www.justnowoldenough.com.