Hypnosis as a writers tool | Writing Forums
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Hypnosis as a writers tool (1 Viewer)

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Senior Member
As a clinicaly trained hypnotherapist, I often use self hypnosis to create trance allowing me to see feel and expierience elements of a story or character in a three dimensional format. I find this a usefull tool when I am stalled or looking for a unique feature or hidden aspect. my question has two elements how do other members over come similar situations. Have any other member ever used trance Meditation or hypnosis to improve or enhance their work?

Terry D

Retired Supervisor
As a clinicaly trained hypnotherapist, I often use self hypnosis to create trance allowing me to see feel and expierience elements of a story or character in a three dimensional format. I find this a usefull tool when I am stalled or looking for a unique feature or hidden aspect. my question has two elements how do other members over come similar situations. Have any other member ever used trance Meditation or hypnosis to improve or enhance their work?

I think most writers are trying to do just that when they have a writing 'ritual' they go through, or when we sequester ourselves in a comfortable environment surrounded by those things we find helpful, be it music, lighting, or anything else that help facilitate the process. You will also read about writers getting into a 'zone' when the words come fast and easy. I think that is the sort of state you are talking about even though most of us don't view it in that way. I'm sure most of us could benefit from a more structured approach.

Smoke a lot of weed
Drink tons of alcohol
Write under influence

Also some kind of trance, but different? :D

And end up writing junk.


Senior Member
I know a lot of music was written like that.
Most of the really popular ones. Also, your state of mind when high or drunk, may be completely different from others.
Just a new angle can come also when you are completely spacing off, when you write, you may not have written it very well.
But the ideas you came up with, are still there. No matter whether drunk or high or not, a good idea can stay a good idea.
When you look at it sober aftwards, you can always change how it was written.

If it doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it doesn't work for anyone.

He's asking how to change perception, idea generation and new perspectives. I think this is fine as a way to come up with new things.

Terry D

Retired Supervisor
Actually very little popular writing, or music is actually written under the influence of drugs. Yes musicians and writers have a reputation (well deserved) for using mind altering substances, but most of their actual work is done sober. The rest is largely myth.


Senior Member
I know a lot of music was written like that.
Most of the really popular ones. Also, your state of mind when high or drunk, may be completely different from others.
Just a new angle can come also when you are completely spacing off, when you write, you may not have written it very well.
But the ideas you came up with, are still there. No matter whether drunk or high or not, a good idea can stay a good idea.
When you look at it sober aftwards, you can always change how it was written.

If it doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it doesn't work for anyone.

He's asking how to change perception, idea generation and new perspectives. I think this is fine as a way to come up with new things.

Very well put in fact hypnosis is just an altered state of awareness created with a focus and purpose any substance induced state removes the structure and boundries giving very different outcomes. much recognition is given to artists who daub colour on canvas while rocking of their nuts. What about famous authors who deserve recognition whilst in a state of confusion or otherwise.


Senior Member
This is a really interesting concept. I find that I am often coming up with new ideas or realizations about my story ideas at the most inopportune moments - I start zoning out at work and then snap back to reality, back to work, no time or way to write down my ideas or thoughts. But then when I'm free to write for hours, I can't get the creative juices flowing. There's something about that spontaneous inspiration that is by definition, impossible to predict or control. When I've got ideas, I can't write them down; when I can write my ideas down, I've got none. I'd be interested in experimenting with methods of synchronizing inspiration with ability. :)


Senior Member
Anxiety, a mental maelstrom of negative thinking, hijacks my consciousness and straightjackets my creativity. A negative thought generates emotion. The emotion stimulates the thought. It's a vicious cycle. Meditation is the cure. I sit quietly, relaxing and following my breath until that subconscious whirlpool dissipates. I think clearly afterwords. My creativity becomes uninhibited. Because of meditation, I'm a better writer, and a better person.

Carly Berg

Senior Member
Interesting. I would love to know more about self-hypnosis and writing, or self-hypnosis in general. Do you know of a basic book on it?

I agree about setting up a writing ritual to get you in the zone. I definitely have one.

Another thing I do that might bring on the same state of mind is free writing. If I'm sitting there staring at a blank computer screen for too long, I write a couple pages of whatever comes to my mind, not bothering about complete sentences or coherence, just stream-of-consciousness. It doesn't take long before I find myself with a story starter. Also, fwiw, I do that with pen and paper. Not sure why but it seems to bring out a more personal side of me than typing on a keyboard does.
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