Discover a roadmap for developing a people strategy that is tangibly and precisely aligned with your business strategy!

"Tens of thousands of dollars worth of consulting advice has been boiled down to a crisp, easy to read book. No more excuses. Read this book and make your company better!"  
~HR Leader, Financial Industry

"This book is amazing! It's so practical - not the usual boring theory. A very inspiring book for HR leaders (or soon to be) but also good for every business leader to understand."  
~President, Media & Communications Industry

"Christine has crisply and coherently shared the benefit of her experience in an easy read, which will hopefully mean many, many professionals who can benefit from the guidance will not only buy it but read it cover to cover." 
~SVP Human Resources, Marketing Industry

"Christine is gifted in simplifying complex business issues and offering fresh perspectives. With this book, she has demystified people strategy and created a powerful guide to support any HR leader to better position their team/ function to contribute more fully."  
~Leadership Expert and Executive Coach
Despite the many articles and books devoted to the topic of strategic Human Resources in the past decade, in 2013 it is clear that as a discipline, we have not yet arrived. There is still a big disconnect between the HR function and the strategic operations of the business. And in some cases, HR's bungled attempts to become more strategic have weakened rather than strengthened credibility.

A new conversation is needed. Imagine if your People Strategy was fully aligned with and driving the successful achievement of your business priorities. And not just those concerned with cost reduction. Imagine the power of fully aligning your people programs and processes - those that directly impact your most important assets - around innovation, time to market, disruptive growth, global expansion, and other priorities that give you a competitive advantage. That is the benefit a proper People Strategy can deliver.

This book is intended to help you banish fluffy HR and repair the disconnect between the business strategy and the activities of HR by laying out an approach to People Strategy development that delivers a competitive advantage. You will learn about the four saboteurs that impede well-intended People Strategy development initiatives, and discover a roadmap for developing a People Strategy that is tangibly and precisely aligned with the business strategy.

  • If you are a business leader who has a long and detailed HR plan, but deep down, you're not sure it's working, this book is for you.
  • If you are a board member who has seen a wonderfully crafted HR presentation that seemed to cover all the bases, but a year later, you can't point to business impact, this book is for you. 
  • And if you're an HR leader who has worked hard to create a strategic HR plan but it hasn't gotten traction in the organization, this book is for you.

Christine Pietschmann is an expert in personal and organizational transformation, with a focus on effective execution strategies for senior teams. Based on her experience with companies in all stages of growth, Christine believes that the best leadership programs appear elegantly simple, allowing them to be easily integrated into complex business environments. Christine’s ‘applied thought leadership’ approach blends insights from many disciplines (design thinking, technology development, human resources, program management, transpersonal psychology) into programs with exceptional real-world applicability.

Having founded a number of her own companies, Pietschmann brings significant business acumen and a finely tuned ability to gauge what will work to every endeavor. Her entrepreneurial bent is fortified by large-company experience leading significant change initiatives. Prior roles include responsibility for enterprise-wide HR strategy, leadership development, and culture change at Bell Canada and leading technology start-ups through all stages of growth, including financing, mergers and acquisitions.

Pietschmann now works primarily with senior-level clients to elicit breakthroughs in thinking and performance.