extremely sketchy and incredibly graphic.

I recently joined NYC Sketchnoters Group, and tonight is our second meeting. Sketchnoting is all about using usual visual images —  drawings, symbols, shapes, icons, color, etc. — to record ideas and convey meanings.  For visual thinkers, it’s a great companion piece to traditional chicken scratch note-taking.  Visuals for Change founder Amanda Lyons helms the group, and for a mere 10 bucks, you get yourself an evening of shame-free sketchnoting and infotaining interactive exercises.

Above is my sketch from an activity in which Amanda gave us a couple of minutes to illustrate of a concept of our choice.  What I was going for was how, even in the most volatile arguments, there are often common, overlapping interests below the surface positions. This is a core concept of our work at New York Peace Institute, and of mediation in general.

Click here to learn more about Graphic Facilitation…


3 thoughts on “extremely sketchy and incredibly graphic.

  1. Although I, like many academics, am graphically challenged (Gaylord Wilkinson, who taught my required high school art course demonstrated compassion or pity by awarding a barely passing D grade to my jumbled scribble of lines and allowing me to graduate), I truly appreciate Brad’s visual additions to his many trainings and presentations that I have observed and benefitted from. The drawings are not only amusing and eye-catching, but they are almost always imaginatively related to the pedagogical message and topic. You can see a sample of Brad’s drawing in Jeff Thompson’s photo at https://thehecklist.wordpress.com/2011/08/16/drawing-out-ideas-literally/

  2. Thanks so much for the shout out! I’m always impressed by the power of simple but colorful visuals in meetings, workshops and at other events! They have an amazing way of helping people connect to the content, as well as engaging our brains in ‘fuller’ ways!

    Thanks for sharing your experience & drawing Brad! You captured it well!

  3. Thank you so much Brad for all the great links you leave online for others to learn from and all your work for peaceful gain on earth… and I will continue to learn from you no doubt.

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