Handling the Aftermath of an ATV Accident

atv accidentAll-terrain vehicles, often referred to as quads, are extremely popular for recreational use across Utah. While it is not uncommon for users to have hours of fun by safely and responsibly operating these vehicles, there are times when serious accident events do occur leaving victims with debilitating injuries and worse. It is therefore important for ATV enthusiasts to gain an understanding of how to proceed following such an event and how to pursue fair compensation from those responsible.

ATVs sometimes weigh more than 500 pounds and can reach speeds of up to 60 miles an hour. Thus, it is not surprising that ATV accidents are capable of producing profound harm for drivers, passengers and others in the vicinity. There are numerous reasons why an ATV accident may occur, including:

  • improperly maintained trails
  • failure to heed rules and regulations regarding ATV use
  • engaging in dangerous stunts or maneuvers
  • mechanical failures due to defective equipment
  • defective manufacture or design of helmet
  • absence of appropriate supervision of minors

The types of injuries frequently sustained in an ATV accident include things such as spinal cord damage, traumatic brain injury, bone fractures, disfigurement, nerve damage, crush injuries and harm to internal organs. In extreme cases, death can also result, leaving entire families wondering where to turn. Medical bills, lost wages and other categories of loss can bring victims to the brink of ruin and can leave them with lasting disabilities and an inability to earn a living.

When a serious ATV crash happens and significant losses are sustained, an experienced personal injury attorney can help victims pinpoint all parties potentially sharing in responsibility. Whether an accident is the result of negligent operation by another ATV driver, faulty repair or maintenance work performed on the vehicle, defective equipment or some other cause, it is important that victims pursue compensation from all possible defendants.

Those who have been involved in an ATV collision or injury event need to know that significant monetary compensation may be available in their case. Recovery may include payment for medical bills and hospitalization costs, physical and psychological rehabilitation expenses, lost wages, reduction in earning capacity, physical pain, emotional distress, lost financial support for dependents and more. As is always the case, however, the time to seek justice is strictly limited, so the sooner the help of an injury advocate with Howard, Lewis & Petersen is obtained, the better.