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How To Become Super Successful: Keep It Simple

This article is more than 5 years old.

It is estimated that adults make up to 35,000 decisions daily. Decision fatigue refers to the psychological concept that we have a limited number of mental resources, and using them to make irrelevant decisions can affect productivity.  If you manage a business or even a side hustle, chances are you could greatly benefit from having to make fewer decisions daily.

Don't start your morning by stressing over what to wear, or agonizing about what to eat for dinner tonight. There are far more important things to spend your time and mental energy on, and there is an easier way. The secret is to put as many things on autopilot as possible. Don't worry so much about the small details, and instead save your energy for the big decisions you have to make each day. We are creatures of habit and when it comes to success, repetition is key here.

Here are three areas you can put on autopilot to save you brainpower:

1. Getting Ready In The Morning: There's a number of successful people that swore by wearing the same thing every single day. Steve Jobs was known for wearing a black shirt, jeans and sneakers every day. Albert Einstein, Mark Zuckerberg, and Barack Obama, are among countless other successful people who understand that time shouldn't be wasted on mundane decisions like choosing what to wear in the morning.

How to do it: It's simple! Minimize your wardrobe and create a few variations that you feel comfortable in. By doing this, you're setting yourself up for a smooth, easy-going morning. If you're not ready to make such a hefty change quite yet, you can still simplify your decision-making by limiting your options.

2. Your Meal Plan: Eat the same thing everyday. I’ve eaten the same breakfast for 20 years, and it saves me tons of time. It also ensures I get all of my desired nutrients without having to think about it. 

How to do it: Find your go-to breakfast and stick with it. Cook simple meals with limited ingredients and rotate between them for lunches and dinners. Eat at the same time every day, and save the more extravagant meals for special occasions. Check out these brain boosting foods to incorporate into your meals, and if you want to save even more time, try meal prepping your simple dishes on Sundays!

3. Your Workout: Regular exercise has extraordinary benefits for our bodies and minds! When you expend energy through exercise, you actually produce more of it, thus increasing energy levels all around. The release of endorphins is a guaranteed mood booster, and working out even improves brain health, memory, and reduces the risk of disease.

How to do it: Create a habit! Make exercise a priority and schedule it into your daily routine. This takes the stress out of trying to fit it into your busy day that's ahead, and guarantees that you stay active. Even if you only have 15 minutes a day to dedicate to exercise, make it count! The best part is that it can be done anytime, anywhere.

Exhausting your energy on irrelevant decisions isn't beneficial for anyone. Steer clear of mental exhaustion, and focus your decision-making on things that take precedence!

What other areas of our lives could be put on autopilot? Share your ideas below so we can learn even more ways to focus our mental energy!