Transmission Tips from AAMCO

One of many ways that an AAMCO certified technician can diagnose a lot of transmission problems is by looking at the level and quality of your transmission fluid. Here are some tips from the pros at AAMCO you can perform by looking at your car's transmission fluid in your own garage or driveway.

If you see low fluid levels, you may have a leak. See your local AAMCO dealer for our Transmission Vehicle Courtesy Check and identify any small leak before it becomes a big headache.

The color and condition of your transmission fluid can quickly help you identify if you may have a transmission problem:

Normal fluid is reddish-brown and translucent, with no particular odor
Contaminated fluid has water or particles in the fluid.
Burnt fluid may indicate damage from overheating.
Varnished fluid may have been overheated repeatedly.

If you notice burnt, varnished or see particles in your transmission fluid, bring your car into AAMCO immediately so we can diagnose your transmission problem so you don't break down or before it requires a more costly repair.

Click here for automotive tips 


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