Being a nurse : A personal guide from graduation to revalidation

Author: Lauren Philpott. Pages: 186 Size: 1.94 MB Format: EPUB Publisher: Lantern Publishing
Published: 30 June, 2018
eISBN-13: 9781908625540

Being a Nurse will help both student nurses and newly qualified nurses in their progression from graduation to revalidation. Packed full of personal accounts, hints and tips, the book provides advice to new starters on dealing with the challenges of being a nurse. It covers important topics such as first-day nerves, the value of teamwork, how to avoid burnout, coping with a bad day and how to know when you’re ready to progress. The author takes a jargon-free, supportive approach that aims to help you develop your confidence as a nurse so that you in turn can offer the best care for your patients.