Keri's Wellness Wednesday: Lunch box hacks

Keri's Wellness Wednesday: Lunch box hacks

Keri Miller has found the time to put together some clever ways to make lunch box packing easier.

School has started and the excitement of day 1 has quickly worn off and the thought of pre-packed lunches is giving you early grey hairs, but, I'm here to the rescue with these cool and creative lunch box hacks your kids will love.


To begin with, your child is more likely to come home with a full tummy and an empty lunchbox if you get creative. Choose a lunch box that is bright, with characters that appeal to your child.

Surprise your child, while saving paper, by writing him/her a special love note on the peel of a banana.

This is my favourite, pre-slice an apple then put it back together with an elastic band. Easy to eat and still fresh. It’s brilliant.

Anything your child likes, they just seem to like more when it’s on a stick! Let your child help you make skewers for their lunchbox the night before with their favourite fruits, cheeses, and if meat is in their diet add some of his/her favourite meat. !

평강 나이트를 위한 핑거푸드 #rainbowfruit #skeweredfruit #skewer #rainbow #fruit #no-filter

A photo posted by Dahye Oh (@dahye_helenoh) on

Using cookie cutters on a sandwich makes it more fun to eat and look at (remember, visuals are key), and it also eliminates the crust for picky eaters.

Why do sandwiches taste better when they're cut into little shapes?

A photo posted by Lael Elisabethe (@lalabaluga) on

Go on then, get creative!

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