// ==UserScript== // @name GoodTwitter 2 - Electric Boogaloo // @version // @description A try to make Twitter look good again. // @author schwarzkatz // @license MIT // @match https://twitter.com/* // @match https://mobile.twitter.com/* // @exclude https://twitter.com/i/cards/* // @exclude https://twitter.com/i/release_notes // @exclude https://twitter.com/*/privacy // @exclude https://twitter.com/*/tos // @exclude https://twitter.com/account/access // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_info // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @connect api.twitter.com // @resource css https://github.com/Bl4Cc4t/GoodTwitter2/raw/master/twitter.gt2eb.style.css // @resource emojiRegex https://github.com/Bl4Cc4t/GoodTwitter2/raw/master/data/emoji-regex.txt // @resource pickrCss https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@simonwep/pickr/dist/themes/classic.min.css // @require https://github.com/Bl4Cc4t/GoodTwitter2/raw/master/twitter.gt2eb.i18n.js // @require https://github.com/Bl4Cc4t/GoodTwitter2/raw/master/twitter.gt2eb.polyfills.js // @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.min.js // @require https://gist.github.com/raw/2625891/waitForKeyElements.js // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@simonwep/pickr/dist/pickr.es5.min.js // @updateURL https://github.com/Bl4Cc4t/GoodTwitter2/raw/master/twitter.gt2eb.user.js // @downloadURL https://github.com/Bl4Cc4t/GoodTwitter2/raw/master/twitter.gt2eb.user.js // ==/UserScript== (function($, waitForKeyElements) { "use strict" // do not execute on these pages if (getPath().match(/^login(\?.*)?$/) || (!isLoggedIn() && getPath().match(/^(\?.*)?$/))) { return } // redirect for mobile urls if (window.location.host == "mobile.twitter.com") { if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").mobileRedirect) { window.location.href = window.location.href.replace("//mobile.twitter.com", "//twitter.com") } else return } // ########################### // # convenience functions # // ########################### // seperate number with commas Number.prototype.humanize = function() { let t = this.toString().split("") let out = "" let c = 1 for (let i=t.length-1; i>=0; i--) { out = `${t[i]}${out}` if (c++ % 3 == 0 && i-1 >= 0) { out = `,${out}` } } return out } // shorter version: 1.4M, 23.4K, etc Number.prototype.humanizeShort = function() { let t = this.toString() if (this >= 1000000) { t = t.slice(0, -5) return `${t.slice(0, -1)}${t.slice(-1) != 0 ? `.${t.slice(-1)}` : ""}M` } else if (this >= 10000) { t = t.slice(0, -2) return `${t.slice(0, -1)}${t.slice(-1) != 0 ? `.${t.slice(-1)}` : ""}K` } else return this.humanize() } // get kebab case (thisIsAString -> this-is-a-string) String.prototype.toKebab = function() { let arr = this.toString().split("") return arr.map((e, i) => { let add_dash = i > 0 && ((!isNaN(e) && isNaN(arr[i-1])) || (isNaN(e) && !isNaN(arr[i-1])) || (isNaN(e) && e == e.toUpperCase())) return `${add_dash ? "-" : ""}${e.toLowerCase()}` }).join("") } String.prototype.replaceAt = function(index, length, text) { return `${this.toString().slice(0, index)}${text}${this.toString().slice(index + length)}` } String.prototype.insertAt = function(index, text) { return this.toString().replaceAt(index, 0, text) } const defaultAvatarUrl = "https://abs.twimg.com/sticky/default_profile_images/default_profile.png" const emojiRegexp = new RegExp(`(${GM_getResourceText("emojiRegex")})`, "gu") // get account information let info = null function getInfo() { if (info) return info let user = null try { for (let e of Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("#react-root ~ script"))) { if (e.textContent.includes("__INITIAL_STATE__")) { let match = e.textContent.match(/__INITIAL_STATE__=(\{.*?\});window/) if (match) { let initialState = JSON.parse(match[1]) user = Object.values(initialState?.entities?.users?.entities)[0] ?? null } break } } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } if (user) { info = { bannerUrl: user.profile_banner_url, avatarUrl: user.profile_image_url_https, screenName: user.screen_name, name: user.name, id: user.id_str, stats: { tweets: user.statuses_count, followers: user.followers_count, following: user.friends_count } } console.log("user info", info) } else { console.error("match of __INITIAL_STATE__ unsuccessful, falling back to default values") info = { bannerUrl: "", avatarUrl: defaultAvatarUrl, screenName: "youarenotloggedin", name: "Anonymous", id: "0", stats: { tweets: 0, followers: 0, following: 0 } } } return info } // get current display language function getLang() { return $("html").attr("lang").trim() } // check if the user is logged in function isLoggedIn() { return document.cookie.match(/twid=u/) } // get localized version of a string. // defaults to english version. function getLocStr(key) { let lang = getLang() lang = Object.keys(i18n).includes(lang) ? lang : "en" return i18n[Object.keys(i18n[lang]).includes(key) ? lang : "en"][key] } // current path function getPath() { return window.location.href.replace(/.*?twitter\.com\//, "") } // svg convenience function getSvg(key) { let svgs = { lightning: ``, caret: ``, tick: ``, moon: ``, x: ``, google: ``, arrow: ``, location: ``, url: ``, calendar: ``, balloon: ``, } return ` ${svgs[key]} ` } // request headers function getRequestHeaders(additionalHeaders) { // found in https://abs.twimg.com/responsive-web/web/main.5c0baa34.js let publicBearer = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANRILgAAAAAAnNwIzUejRCOuH5E6I8xnZz4puTs%3D1Zv7ttfk8LF81IUq16cHjhLTvJu4FA33AGWWjCpTnA" let csrf = window.document.cookie.match(/ct0=([^;]+)(;|$)/)[1] let out = { authorization: `Bearer ${publicBearer}`, origin: "https://twitter.com", referer: window.location.href, "x-twitter-client-language": getLang(), "x-csrf-token": csrf, "x-twitter-active-user": "yes", // "x-twitter-auth-type": "OAuth2Session" } Object.assign(out, additionalHeaders) return out } function getRequestURL(base, param) { let out = base for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(param)) { if (typeof val === "object") val = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(val)) out += `&${key}=${val}` } return `${out.replace("&", "?")}` } // request a tweet function requestTweet(id, cb) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: getRequestURL("https://twitter.com/i/api/1.1/statuses/show.json", { id, tweet_mode: "extended", trim_user: true, include_cards: 1 }), headers: getRequestHeaders(), onload: function(res) { if (res.status == "200") { cb(JSON.parse(res.response)) } else { console.warn(res) } } }) } // request tweet with content warnings // the results from this api sometimes are missing the url entities, hence the new function. function requestTweetCW(id, cb) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: getRequestURL("https://twitter.com/i/api/graphql/bRL1YYMraLIBpo1PGLeFcw/TweetDetail", { variables: { focalTweetId: id, includePromotedContent: false, withBirdwatchNotes: false, withDownvotePerspective: false, withReactionsMetadata: false, withReactionsPerspective: false, withSuperFollowsTweetFields: false, withSuperFollowsUserFields: false, withVoice: false } }), headers: getRequestHeaders(), onload: function(res) { if (res.status == "200") { cb( JSON.parse(res.response) .data.threaded_conversation_with_injections.instructions .find(e => e.type == "TimelineAddEntries").entries .find(e => e.entryId.startsWith("tweet-")) .content.itemContent.tweet_results.result.legacy ) } else { console.warn(res) } } }) } function requestUser(screenName, cb) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: getRequestURL(`https://twitter.com/i/api/graphql/jMaTS-_Ea8vh9rpKggJbCQ/UserByScreenName`, { variables: { screen_name: screenName, withHighlightedLabel: true } }), headers: getRequestHeaders(), onload: function(res) { if (res.status == "200") { cb(JSON.parse(res.response)) } else { console.warn(res) } } }) } function blockUser(user_id, block, cb) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: getRequestURL(`https://api.twitter.com/1.1/blocks/${block ? "create" : "destroy"}.json`, { user_id, skip_status: true }), headers: getRequestHeaders(), onload: function(res) { if (res.status == "200") { cb() } else { console.warn(res) } } }) } // adds links from an entities object to a text String.prototype.populateWithEntities = function(entities) { let text = this.toString() let out = text let toReplace = [] // urls if (entities.urls) { for (let url of entities.urls) { toReplace.push({ [url.indices[0]]: `${url.display_url} ` }) } } // users if (entities.user_mentions) { for (let user of entities.user_mentions) { let x = text.slice(user.indices[0], user.indices[0]+1) == "@" ? 0 : 1 toReplace.push({ [user.indices[0]+x]: ``, [user.indices[1]+x]: ` ` }) } } // hashtags if (entities.hashtags) { for (let hashtag of entities.hashtags) { let x = text.slice(hashtag.indices[0], hashtag.indices[0]+1) == "#" ? 0 : 1 toReplace.push({ [hashtag.indices[0]+x]: ``, [hashtag.indices[1]+x]: ` ` }) } } // change indices if emoji(s) appear before the entity // reason: multiple > 0xFFFF codepoint emojis are counted wrong: all but the first emoji have their length reduced by 1. // also, if any emoji > 0xFFFF precedes a url, the indices of the url are misaligned by -1. let match let counter = 0 while ((match = emojiRegexp.exec(text)) != null) { let e = match[1] if (e.codePointAt(0) < 0xFFFF) continue counter++ for (let i in toReplace) { let tmp = Object.entries(toReplace[i]) // skip if not url and first element if (tmp[0][1] != ` 0xFFFF) i++ } // remove fe0f from non joined emojis if (uni.length > 1 && uni[1].match(/^FE0F$/i)) uni.pop() // replace with image // https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f647.svg // https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f647-200d-2640-fe0f.svg let img = `${e}` out = out.replaceAt(match.index + offset, e.length, img) offset += img.length - e.length } return out } // ################### // # GT2 settings # // ################### // custom options and their default values const opt_gt2 = { // timeline forceLatest: false, biggerPreviews: false, // tweets hideTranslateTweetButton: false, tweetIconsPullLeft: false, hidePromoteTweetButton: false, showMediaWithContentWarnings: false, showMediaWithContentWarningsSel: 7, hideTweetAnalytics: false, // sidebars stickySidebars: true, smallSidebars: false, hideTrends: false, leftTrends: true, show5Trends: false, // profile legacyProfile: false, squareAvatars: false, disableHexagonAvatars: false, enableQuickBlock: false, leftMedia: false, profileMediaRedirect: false, // global look hideFollowSuggestions: false, hideFollowSuggestionsSel: 7, hideFollowSuggestionsLocSel: 3, fontOverride: false, fontOverrideValue: "Arial", colorOverride: false, colorOverrideValue: "85, 102, 68", hideMessageBox: true, rosettaIcons: false, favoriteLikes: false, birdIcon: true, // other updateNotifications: true, expandTcoShortlinks: true, mobileRedirect: true, } // set default options if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2") == undefined) GM_setValue("opt_gt2", opt_gt2) // add previously non existant options if (JSON.stringify(Object.keys(GM_getValue("opt_gt2"))) != JSON.stringify(Object.keys(opt_gt2))) { let old = GM_getValue("opt_gt2") // remove default options that are modified for (let k of Object.keys(opt_gt2)) { if (Object.keys(old).includes(k)) delete opt_gt2[k] } // remove old options for (let k of Object.keys(old)) { if (Object.keys(opt_gt2).includes(k)) delete old[k] } Object.assign(old, opt_gt2) GM_setValue("opt_gt2", old) } // toggle opt_gt2 value function toggleGt2Opt(key) { let x = GM_getValue("opt_gt2") x[key] = !x[key] GM_setValue("opt_gt2", x) } // insert the menu item function addSettingsToggle() { if (!$(".gt2-toggle-settings").length) { $(`main section[aria-labelledby=root-header] div[role=tablist], main > div > div > div > div:last-child > div[role=tablist], main div[data-testid=loggedOutPrivacySection]`).append(`
GoodTwitter2 ${getSvg("caret")}
`) } } // toggle settings display $("body").on("click", ".gt2-toggle-settings", function(event) { event.preventDefault() window.history.pushState({}, "", $(this).attr("href")) addSettings() changeSettingsTitle() }) // disable settings display again when clicking on another menu item $("body").on("click", `main section[aria-labelledby=root-header] div[role=tablist] a:not(.gt2-toggle-settings), main section[aria-labelledby=root-header] div[data-testid=loggedOutPrivacySection] a:not(.gt2-toggle-settings)`, () => { $(".gt2-settings-header, .gt2-settings").remove() }) // get html for a gt2 toggle (checkbox) function getSettingTogglePart(name, additionalHTML="") { let d = `${name}Desc` return `
${additionalHTML} ${getLocStr(d) ? `${getLocStr(d)}` : ""}
` } // add the settings to the display (does not yet work on screens smaller than 1050px) function addSettings() { if (!$(".gt2-settings").length) { let elem = `
GoodTwitter2 v${GM_info.script.version}
${getSettingTogglePart("forceLatest")} ${getSettingTogglePart("biggerPreviews")}
${getSettingTogglePart("hideTranslateTweetButton")} ${getSettingTogglePart("tweetIconsPullLeft")} ${getSettingTogglePart("hidePromoteTweetButton")} ${getSettingTogglePart("showMediaWithContentWarnings", `
${["Nudity", "Violence", "SensitiveContent"].map((e, i) => { let x = Math.pow(2, i) return `
` }).join("")}
`)} ${getSettingTogglePart("hideTweetAnalytics")}
${getSettingTogglePart("stickySidebars")} ${getSettingTogglePart("smallSidebars")} ${getSettingTogglePart("hideTrends")} ${getSettingTogglePart("leftTrends")} ${getSettingTogglePart("show5Trends")}
${getSettingTogglePart("legacyProfile")} ${getSettingTogglePart("squareAvatars")} ${getSettingTogglePart("disableHexagonAvatars")} ${getSettingTogglePart("enableQuickBlock")} ${getSettingTogglePart("leftMedia")} ${getSettingTogglePart("profileMediaRedirect")}
${getSettingTogglePart("hideFollowSuggestions", `
${getLocStr("hideFollowSuggestionsBox").replace("$type$", `
${["topics", "users", "navLists"].map((e, i) => { let x = Math.pow(2, i) return `
`).replace("$location$", `
${["Timeline", "Sidebars"].map((e, i) => { let x = Math.pow(2, i) return `
`)} ${getSettingTogglePart("fontOverride", `
`)} ${getSettingTogglePart("colorOverride", `
`)} ${getSettingTogglePart("hideMessageBox")} ${getSettingTogglePart("rosettaIcons")} ${getSettingTogglePart("favoriteLikes")} ${getSettingTogglePart("birdIcon")}
${getSettingTogglePart("updateNotifications")} ${getSettingTogglePart("expandTcoShortlinks")} ${getSettingTogglePart("mobileRedirect")}
` let $s = $("main section[aria-labelledby=detail-header]") if ($s.length) { $s.prepend(elem) } else { $("main > div > div > div").append(`
`) } // add color pickr Pickr.create({ el: ".gt2-pickr", theme: "classic", lockOpacity: true, useAsButton: true, appClass: "gt2-color-override-pickr", inline: true, default: `rgb(${GM_getValue("opt_gt2").colorOverrideValue})`, components: { preview: true, hue: true, interaction: { hex: true, rgba: true, hsla: true, hsva: true, cmyk: true, input: true } } }) .on("change", e => { let val = e.toRGBA().toString(0).slice(5, -4) GM_setValue("opt_gt2", Object.assign(GM_getValue("opt_gt2"), { colorOverrideValue: val})) document.documentElement.style.setProperty("--color-override", val) }) disableTogglesIfNeeded() } } // change the title to display GoodTwitter2 function changeSettingsTitle() { let t = $("title").html() $("title").html(`${t.startsWith("(") ? `${t.split(" ")[0]} ` : ""}GoodTwitter2 / Twitter`) } // handler for the toggles $("body").on("click", ".gt2-setting-toggle:not(.gt2-disabled)", function() { $(this).toggleClass("gt2-active") if ($(this).is("[data-setting-name]")) { let name = $(this).attr("data-setting-name").trim() toggleGt2Opt(name) $("body").toggleClass(`gt2-opt-${name.toKebab()}`) } // handle selector settings (hideFollowSuggestions, showMediaWithContentWarnings) if ($(this).is("[data-sel]")) { let sName = $(this).closest("[data-setting-name]").attr("data-setting-name") let opt = GM_getValue("opt_gt2") GM_setValue("opt_gt2", Object.assign(opt, { [sName]: opt[sName] ^ parseInt($(this).attr("data-sel")) })) } disableTogglesIfNeeded() }) // handler for inputs $("body").on("keyup", ".gt2-setting-input input", function() { let name = $(this).parent().attr("data-setting-name").trim() let val = $(this).val().trim() GM_setValue("opt_gt2", Object.assign(GM_getValue("opt_gt2"), { [name]: val})) document.documentElement.style.setProperty(`--${name.replace("Value", "").toKebab()}`, val) }) function disableTogglesIfNeeded() { // other trend related toggles are not needed when the trends are disabled $("div[data-setting-name=leftTrends], div[data-setting-name=show5Trends]") [GM_getValue("opt_gt2").hideTrends ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("gt2-disabled") // hide font input if fontOverride is disabled $("[data-setting-name=fontOverrideValue]") [GM_getValue("opt_gt2").fontOverride ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("gt2-hidden") // hide color input if colorOverride is disabled $(".gt2-color-override-pickr") [GM_getValue("opt_gt2").colorOverride ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("gt2-hidden") // hide follow suggestions $("[data-setting-name=hideFollowSuggestionsBox]") [GM_getValue("opt_gt2").hideFollowSuggestions ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("gt2-hidden") // showMediaWithContentWarnings $("[data-setting-name=showMediaWithContentWarningsBox]") [GM_getValue("opt_gt2").showMediaWithContentWarnings ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("gt2-hidden") } // click on the back button $("body").on("click", ".gt2-settings-back", () => window.history.back()) // ####################### // # various functions # // ####################### // add navbar function addNavbar() { waitForKeyElements(`nav > a[href="/home"]`, () => { if ($(".gt2-nav").length) return $("main").before(`
`) // home, notifications, messages for (let type of [ "Home", "Notifications", "Messages", window.innerWidth < 1005 ? "Explore" : null ]) { if (!type) continue let origElemSel = `nav > a[href^="/${type.toLowerCase()}"]:not([data-testid=AppTabBar_Profile_Link]):not([href$="/lists"])` let $e = document.querySelector(origElemSel) if (!$e) continue document.querySelector(".gt2-nav-left").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", $e.outerHTML) document.querySelectorAll(`.gt2-nav-left [data-testid]`) .forEach(e => { e.addEventListener("click", event => { if (!event.ctrlKey) { event.preventDefault() let testid = event.target.closest("[data-testid]").dataset.testid document.querySelector(`nav [data-testid=${testid}]`).click() } }) }) watchForChanges(origElemSel, e => { let navbarElem = document.querySelector(`.gt2-nav-left [data-testid=${e.dataset.testid}]`) if (!navbarElem) return navbarElem.innerHTML = e.innerHTML navbarElem.firstElementChild.setAttribute("data-gt2-color-override-ignore", "") navbarElem.firstElementChild.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `
`) }) // $e.appendTo(".gt2-nav-left") $(`.gt2-nav a[href^="/${type.toLowerCase()}"] > div`) .append(`
`) .attr("data-gt2-color-override-ignore", "") } // highlight current location $(`.gt2-nav a[href^='/${getPath().split("/")[0]}']`).addClass("active") // twitter logo $("h1 a[href='/home'] svg") .appendTo(".gt2-nav-center a") }) } function watchForChanges(selector, callback) { waitForKeyElements(selector, $element => { let element = $element[0] if (element) { new MutationObserver(mut => { mut.forEach(() => callback(element)) }).observe(element, { attributes: true, subtree: true, childList: true }) } }) } // add navbar function addNavbarLoggedOut() { waitForKeyElements("nav > a[data-testid=AppTabBar_Explore_Link]", () => { if ($(".gt2-nav").length) return $("body").prepend(`
`) // explore and settings $(`nav > a[data-testid=AppTabBar_Explore_Link], nav > a[href="/settings"]`) .appendTo(".gt2-nav-left") $(`.gt2-nav a[data-testid=AppTabBar_Explore_Link] > div`) .append(`
`) $(`.gt2-nav a[href="/settings"] > div`) .append(`
${$(`.gt2-nav a[href="/settings"]`).attr("aria-label")}
`) // highlight current location $(`.gt2-nav a[href^='/${getPath().split("/")[0]}']`).addClass("active") // twitter logo $("header h1 a[href='/'] svg") .appendTo(".gt2-nav-center a") }) } // add search function addSearch() { let search = "div[data-testid=sidebarColumn] > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1)" waitForKeyElements(`${search} input[data-testid=SearchBox_Search_Input]`, () => { // remove if added previously $(".gt2-search").empty() // add search $(search) .prependTo(".gt2-search") $("body").addClass("gt2-search-added") }) } // add element to sidebar function addToSidebar(elements) { let w = window.innerWidth let insertAt = ".gt2-left-sidebar" // insert into the right sidebar if ((!GM_getValue("opt_gt2").smallSidebars && w <= 1350) || ( GM_getValue("opt_gt2").smallSidebars && w <= 1230)) { insertAt = "div[data-testid=sidebarColumn] > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div" } elements.unshift(`
`) waitForKeyElements(insertAt, () => { if (!$(insertAt).find(".gt2-legacy-profile-info").length) { for (let elem of elements.slice().reverse()) { if (insertAt.startsWith(".gt2")) { $(insertAt).prepend(elem) } else { $(`${insertAt} > div:empty:not(.gt2-legacy-profile-info)`).after(elem) } } } if ($(".gt2-dashboard-profile").length > 1) { $(".gt2-dashboard-profile").last().remove() } }) } // profile view left sidebar function getDashboardProfile() { let i = getInfo() // console.log(`userInformation:\n${JSON.stringify(i, null, 2)}`) let href = isLoggedIn() ? "href" : "data-href" return `
${getSvg(isLoggedIn() ? "caret" : "moon")}
` } // gt2 update notice function getUpdateNotice() { let v = GM_info.script.version return `
GoodTwitter 2
${getSvg("tick")} ${getLocStr("updatedInfo").replace("$version$", `v${v}`)}
` } // recreate the legacy profile layout function rebuildLegacyProfile() { let currentScreenName = getPath().match(/^intent\/(user|follow)/) ? getPath().match(/screen_name=(\w+)/)[1] : getPath().split("/")[0].split("?")[0].split("#")[0] console.log(`rebuild: ${currentScreenName}`) let profileSel = "div[data-testid=primaryColumn] > div > div:nth-last-child(1) > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2)" waitForKeyElements([ `a[href="/${currentScreenName}/photo" i] img`, `a[href="/${currentScreenName}/nft" i] img`, `${profileSel} [data-testid=UserDescription] [href="https://support.twitter.com/articles/20169222"]`, // withheld in country `${profileSel} [data-testid=UserDescription] [href="https://support.twitter.com/articles/20169199"]` // temporarily unavailable (Media Policy Violation) ].join(", "), (e) => { // remove previously added profile if ($(".gt2-legacy-profile-nav").length) { $(".gt2-legacy-profile-banner, .gt2-legacy-profile-nav").remove() $(".gt2-legacy-profile-info").empty() } // profile information const i = { banner: () => $("a[href$='/header_photo'] img"), avatar: () => $(profileSel).find("a[href$='/photo'] img, a[href$='/nft'] img").first(), screenName: () => $(profileSel).find("> [data-testid=UserName] > div:nth-child(1) > div [dir] > span:contains(@):not(:has(> *))").text().slice(1), followsYou: () => $(profileSel).find("> [data-testid=UserName] > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2)"), name: () => $(profileSel).find("> [data-testid=UserName] > div:nth-child(1) > div > div:nth-child(1) > div"), automated: () => $(profileSel).find("> [data-testid=UserName] > div:nth-child(2)"), joinDateHTML: () => $(profileSel).find("div[data-testid=UserProfileHeader_Items] > span:last-child").html(), followingRnd: () => $(profileSel).find(`a[href$="/following"] > span:first-child, > div:not(:first-child) div:nth-child(1) > [role=button]:first-child:last-child > span:first-child`).first().text().trim(), followersRnd: () => $(profileSel).find(`a[href$="/followers"] > span:first-child, > div:not(:first-child) div:nth-child(2) > [role=button]:first-child:last-child > span:first-child`).first().text().trim(), // booleans hasOnlyScreenName: () => $(profileSel).find("> [data-testid=UserName] > div:nth-child(1) > div > div").length == 1, avatarIsHex: () => $(profileSel).find("a[href$='/nft']").length > 0, // sidebar elements description: () => $(profileSel).find("div[data-testid=UserDescription]"), items: () => $(profileSel).find("div[data-testid=UserProfileHeader_Items]"), fyk: () => $(profileSel).find("> div:last-child:not(:nth-child(2)) > div:last-child:first-child") } if (!$(".gt2-legacy-profile-banner").length) { $("header").before(`
${i.banner().length ? `` : ""}
${i.hasOnlyScreenName() ? "" : `
`} ${i.followsYou().length ? i.followsYou().prop("outerHTML") : ""}
${i.followingRnd() || 0}
${i.followersRnd() || 0}
`) } // add like and tweet count requestUser(i.screenName(), res => { let profileData = res.data.user let pleg = profileData.legacy // profile id waitForKeyElements(".gt2-legacy-profile-info > :first", e => $(e).parent().attr("data-profile-id", profileData.rest_id)) // change stats for (let tmp of [ [i.screenName(), "statuses_count"], ["following", "friends_count"], ["followers", "followers_count"], ["likes", "favourites_count"] ]) { $(`.gt2-legacy-profile-nav-center a[href$="/${tmp[0]}"]`) .attr("title", pleg[tmp[1]].humanize()) .find("div:nth-child(2)").html(pleg[tmp[1]].humanizeShort()) } // expand t.co links if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").expandTcoShortlinks) { let urls = pleg.entities.description.urls.concat(pleg.entities.url ? pleg.entities.url.urls : []) $(`.gt2-legacy-profile-info a[href^="https://t.co"]`).each(function() { $(this).attr("href", urls.find(e => e.url == $(this).attr("href").split("?")[0]).expanded_url) }) } }) // sidebar profile information waitForKeyElements(`[href="/${ getPath().match(/^intent\/(user|follow)/) ? getPath().match(/screen_name=(\w+)/)[1] : getPath().split("/")[0].split("?")[0].split("#")[0] }/following" i]`, () => { $(".gt2-legacy-profile-info").data("alreadyFound", false) waitForKeyElements(".gt2-legacy-profile-info", () => { if (!$(".gt2-legacy-profile-info .gt2-legacy-profile-screen-name").length) { $(".gt2-legacy-profile-info").append(`
${i.hasOnlyScreenName() ? "" : `
`} ${i.followsYou().length ? i.followsYou().prop("outerHTML") : ""}
${i.automated().length ? `
` : ""} ${i.description().length ? `
` : ""}
${i.items().length ? i.items().html() : ""}
${i.fyk().length ? `
` : ""} `) document.querySelector(".gt2-legacy-profile-info .gt2-legacy-profile-name") .insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", i.name()[0].innerHTML) document.querySelector(`.gt2-legacy-profile-info .gt2-legacy-profile-name [data-testid=icon-verified]`) ?.parentElement?.addEventListener("click", e => { document.querySelector(`${profileSel} [data-testid=icon-verified]`) ?.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click", {bubbles: true})) // calculate position of the box waitForKeyElements(`#layers > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div:nth-child(2)`, $floatingBox => { let floatingBox = $floatingBox[0] let boxBcr = floatingBox.getBoundingClientRect() let buttonBcr = e.target.getBoundingClientRect() const pad = 20 let left = Math.max(pad, (buttonBcr.left + buttonBcr.width / 2 - boxBcr.width / 2)) let leftMax = innerWidth - pad let topBoxBelow = buttonBcr.bottom + 10 let topBoxAbove = Math.max(pad, buttonBcr.top - 10 - boxBcr.height) let topBoxBelowMax = innerHeight - pad document.querySelector(".gt2-style-verification")?.remove() document.head.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", ` `) }) }) GM_setValue("hasRun_InsertFYK", false) waitForKeyElements(`a[href$="/followers_you_follow"] div[style*=background-image] + img`, e => { if (!GM_getValue("hasRun_InsertFYK")) { $(".gt2-legacy-profile-fyk").html($(e).parents(`a[href$="/followers_you_follow"]`).prop("outerHTML")) GM_setValue("hasRun_InsertFYK", true) } }) } }) }) // buttons if (!$(".gt2-legacy-profile-nav-right > div").length) { $(profileSel).find("> div:nth-child(1) > div:last-child").detach().appendTo(".gt2-legacy-profile-nav-right") } }) // profile suspended / not found waitForKeyElements([ `body:not([data-gt2-path^="messages"]) [data-testid=empty_state_body_text] > *:not(a):first-child:last-child`, // not found `[data-testid=emptyState] [href="https://help.twitter.com/rules-and-policies/twitter-rules"]` // suspended ].join(", "), () => { let $tmp = $(profileSel).find("> div:nth-child(2) > div > div") let i = { screenName: () => $tmp.find("> div:nth-last-child(1)").text().trim().slice(1), nameHTML: () => $tmp.find("> div").length > 1 ? $tmp.find("> div:nth-child(1)").html() : null } $("body").addClass("gt2-profile-not-found") $("header").before(`
${i.nameHTML() ? i.nameHTML() : `@${i.screenName()}`} ${i.nameHTML() ? ` ` : ""}
`) waitForKeyElements(".gt2-legacy-profile-info", () => { $(".gt2-legacy-profile-info").append(` ${i.nameHTML() ? i.nameHTML() : `@${i.screenName()}`} ${i.nameHTML() ? `
` : ""} `) }) }) } // force latest tweets view. function forceLatest() { waitForKeyElements(`body:not([data-switched-to-latest]) [data-testid=ScrollSnap-List] > div:nth-child(2) > [href="/home"][aria-selected=false]`, e => { e[0].click() document.body.setAttribute("data-switched-to-latest", "") }) } // handle trends (hide, move, wrap) function handleTrends() { let w = window.innerWidth let trends = `section:not(.gt2-trends-handled) div[data-testid=trend]:not(.gt2-trend-wrapped), section[aria-labelledby^=accessible-list]:not(.gt2-trends-handled) a[href="/explore/tabs/for-you"] > div > span:not(.gt2-trend-wrapped)` waitForKeyElements(trends, e => { // actions for the whole container if (!$(trends).parents("section").hasClass("gt2-trends-handled") && $(trends).parents("div[data-testid=sidebarColumn]").length ) { // hide trends if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").hideTrends) { $(trends).parents("section").parent().parent().remove() return } // move trends if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").leftTrends && ((!GM_getValue("opt_gt2").smallSidebars && w > 1350) || (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").smallSidebars && w > 1230))) { if ($(".gt2-trends").length) $(".gt2-trends").remove() $(trends).parents("section").parent().parent() .detach().addClass("gt2-trends") .appendTo(".gt2-left-sidebar") } $(trends).parents("section").addClass("gt2-trends-handled") } // wrap trends in anchors $(e).each(function() { let $toWrap = $(this).find("> div > div:nth-child(2) > span [dir]") if ($toWrap.length) { $(this).addClass("gt2-trend-wrapped") let txt = $toWrap.text() let query = encodeURIComponent($toWrap.text().replace(/%/g, "%25")) .replace(/'/g, "%27") .replace(/(^\"|\"$)/g, "") $toWrap.html(`${txt}`) } }) }) } function getFollowersYouKnowHTML(screenName, profileID, callback) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: getRequestURL("https://twitter.com/i/api/1.1/friends/following/list.json", { include_profile_interstitial_type: 1, include_blocking: 1, include_blocked_by: 1, include_followed_by: 1, include_want_retweets: 1, include_mute_edge: 1, include_can_dm: 1, include_can_media_tag: 1, skip_status: 1, cursor: -1, user_id: profileID, count: 3, with_total_count: true }), headers: getRequestHeaders(), onload: res => { if (res.status == 200) { // followers you know let fyk = JSON.parse(res.response) let fykText if (fyk.total_count < 4) { fykText = getLocStr(`followedBy${fyk.total_count}`) .replace("$p1$", fyk.users.length > 0 ? fyk.users[0].name : "") .replace("$p2$", fyk.users.length > 1 ? fyk.users[1].name : "") .replace("$p3$", fyk.users.length > 2 ? fyk.users[2].name : "") } else { fykText = getLocStr("followedBy4Plus") .replace("$p1$", fyk.users[0].name) .replace("$p2$", fyk.users[1].name) .replace("$nr$", fyk.total_count - 2) } let fykImg = "" for (let u of fyk.users) { fykImg += `${u.name}` } callback(` ${fykImg} ${fykText.replaceEmojis()} `) } else if (res.status == 401) { callback("") } } }) } // display standard information for blocked profile function displayBlockedProfileData() { let screenName = getPath().split("/")[0].split("?")[0].split("#")[0] $("body").addClass("gt2-page-profile-youre-blocked") requestUser(screenName, res => { let profileData = res.data.user // get “x persons you follow follow this account” stuff getFollowersYouKnowHTML(screenName, profileData.rest_id, fykHTML => { let pleg = profileData.legacy // join date let joinDate = new Date(pleg.created_at) let p = { description: pleg.description .populateWithEntities(pleg.entities.description) .replaceEmojis(), location: pleg.location != "" ? `
${getSvg("location")} ${pleg.location.replaceEmojis()}
` : null, url: pleg.url ? ` ${getSvg("url")} ${pleg.entities.url.urls[0].display_url} ` : null, joinDate: `
${getSvg("calendar")} ${ getLocStr("joinDate") .replace("$date$", joinDate.toLocaleDateString(getLang(), { month: "long", year: "numeric" })) }
`, birthday: profileData.legacy_extended_profile && profileData.legacy_extended_profile.birthdate ? (() => { let bd = profileData.legacy_extended_profile.birthdate let bdText let date = new Date(Date.UTC(bd.year || 1970, bd.month || 1, bd.day || 1)) if (bd.year && !bd.month && !bd.day) { bdText = getLocStr("bornYear").replace("$year$", date.toLocaleDateString(getLang(), { year: "numeric"})) } else { let opt = {} if (bd.year) opt.year = "numeric" if (bd.month) opt.month = "long" if (bd.day) opt.day = "numeric" bdText = getLocStr("bornDate").replace("$date$", date.toLocaleDateString(getLang(), opt)) } return `
${getSvg("balloon")} ${bdText}
` })() : null } // description: add links for mentioned users for (let m of p.description.match(/(@[0-9A-Za-z_]+)/g) || []) { p.description = p.description.replace(m, `${m}`) } // add profile info $("a[href$='/header_photo'] + div > div:nth-child(2)").after(`
${p.location ? p.location : ""} ${p.url ? p.url : ""} ${p.birthday ? p.birthday : ""} ${p.joinDate}
`) // add followers/following count if (!$(`.gt2-blocked-profile-items + div [href$="/following"]`).length) { $(".gt2-blocked-profile-items").after(`
${pleg.friends_count.humanizeShort()} ${getLocStr("statsFollowing")} ${pleg.followers_count.humanizeShort()} ${getLocStr("statsFollowers")}
`) } // followersYouKnow $(".gt2-blocked-profile-items + div").after(fykHTML) // add legacy sidebar profile information waitForKeyElements(".gt2-legacy-profile-name", () => { if (!$(".gt2-legacy-profile-info .gt2-legacy-profile-fyk").length) { $(".gt2-legacy-profile-info .gt2-legacy-profile-items").append(` ${p.description ? `
` : ""} ${p.location ? `
` : ""} ${p.url ? `
` : ""} ${p.birthday ? `
` : ""}
`) } }) // profile id waitForKeyElements(".gt2-legacy-profile-info > :first", e => $(e).parent().attr("data-profile-id", profileData.rest_id)) }) }) } // ################################## // # translate tweets in timelime # // ################################## // add translate button if (!GM_getValue("opt_gt2").hideTranslateTweetButton) { waitForKeyElements(`[data-testid=tweet] [lang], [data-testid=tweet] + div > div:nth-child(2) [role=link] [lang]`, function(e) { let $e = $(e) if ($e.siblings().length) return let tweetLang = $e.attr("lang") let userLang = getLang() userLang = userLang == "en-GB" ? "en" : userLang if (tweetLang != userLang && tweetLang != "und") { $e.first().after(`
`) } }) } // translate a tweet or LPL bio $("body")[0].addEventListener("click", function(event) { if (!$(event.target).is(".gt2-translate-tweet, .gt2-legacy-profile-info [data-testid=UserDescription] + [role=button] span")) return event.preventDefault() console.log("translating tweet"); let target = $(event.target).is(".gt2-translate-tweet") ? event.target : $(event.target).parents("[role=button]")[0] // already translated if ($(target).parent().find(".gt2-translated-tweet").length) { $(target).addClass("gt2-hidden") $(target).parent().find(".gt2-translated-tweet, .gt2-translated-tweet-info").removeClass("gt2-hidden") return } let id = $(target).parents("article[data-testid=tweet]").length ? $(target).parents("article[data-testid=tweet]") .find(`> div > div > div > div > div > div:nth-child(1) a[href*='/status/'], div[data-testid=tweet] + div > div:nth-child(3) a[href*='/status/']`).attr("href").split("/")[3] : null // embedded tweet if ($(target).parents("[role=link]").parents("article[data-testid=tweet]").length) { requestTweet(id, res => translateTweet(target, res.quoted_status_id_str)) // normal tweet with embedded one } else if ($(target).parents("article[data-testid=tweet]").find("[role=link] [lang]").length) { requestTweet(id, res => translateTweet(target, id, res.quoted_status_id_str)) // normal tweet or bio } else { translateTweet(target, id) } }, true) function translateTweet(e, id, quoteId) { let isTweet = $(e).is(".gt2-translate-tweet") GM_setValue("tmp_translatedTweetInfo", getLocStr("translatedTweetInfo")) let url = `https://twitter.com/i/api/1.1/strato/column/None/${isTweet ? `tweetId=${id}` : `profileUserId=${$(".gt2-legacy-profile-info").data("profile-id")}`},destinationLanguage=None,translationSource=Some(Google),feature=None,timeout=None,onlyCached=None/translation/service/translate${isTweet ? "Tweet" : "Profile"}` GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url, headers: getRequestHeaders(isTweet ? { referer: `https://twitter.com/i/status/${id}` } : {}), onload: function(res) { if (res.status == "200") { let o = JSON.parse(res.response) if (!isTweet) o = o.profileTranslation console.log(o) let out = o.translation // handle entities in tweet if (o.entities) { // remove embedded url if applicable if (quoteId && o.entities.urls) { let tco = o.entities.urls.find(x => x.expanded_url.endsWith(quoteId)) if (tco) { out = out.replace(` ${tco.url}`, "") o.entities.urls = o.entities.urls.filter(x => !x.expanded_url.endsWith(quoteId)) } } out = out.populateWithEntities(o.entities) } $(e).addClass("gt2-hidden") $(e).after(`
${GM_getValue("tmp_translatedTweetInfo") .replace("$lang$", o.localizedSourceLanguage) .replace("$source$", ` ${getSvg("google")} `) }
`) } else { console.error("Error occurred while translating.") console.error(url) console.error(res) } } }) } // hide translation $("body")[0].addEventListener("click", function(event) { if (!$(event.target).is(".gt2-translated-tweet-info")) return event.preventDefault() $(event.target).parent().find(".gt2-translated-tweet, .gt2-translated-tweet-info").addClass("gt2-hidden") $(event.target).prevAll(".gt2-translate-tweet, [role=button]").removeClass("gt2-hidden") }, true) // ########################## // # misc event handlers # // ########################## // compose tweet button $("body").on("click", ".gt2-nav .gt2-compose", () => { $("header a[href='/compose/tweet'] > div").click() }) // add elements to navbar dropdow menu $("body").on("click", ".gt2-toggle-navbar-dropdown", () => { console.log("navbar toggled"); let i = getInfo() $("header nav > div[data-testid=AppTabBar_More_Menu]").click() let more = "div[role=menu][style^='max-height: calc'].r-ipm5af > div > div > div" waitForKeyElements(`${more} `, e => { if ($(more).find("a[href='/explore']").length) return // separator line let separatorHtml = e[0].querySelector("[role=separator]").parentElement.outerHTML e[0].insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", separatorHtml) // items from left menu to attach let toAttach = [ { sel: `a[href='/${i.screenName}']`, name: "Profile" }, { sel: `a[href$='/lists']`, name: "Lists" }, { sel: `a[href$='/bookmarks']`, name: "Bookmarks" }, { sel: `a[href$='/communities']`, name: "Communities" }, { sel: `a[href='/explore']`, name: "Explore" } ] for (let e of toAttach.reverse()) { if (!$("header nav").find(e.sel).length) continue let $tmp = $("header nav").find(e.sel).clone() $tmp.children().append(`${getLocStr(`nav${e.name}`)}`) $tmp.prependTo(more) } // expand sections document.querySelectorAll(`${more} [aria-expanded=false]`) .forEach(e => { e.click() e.nextElementSibling.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", separatorHtml) }) $(`Logout`).appendTo(more) }) }) // acc switcher dropdown $("body").on("click", ".gt2-toggle-acc-switcher-dropdown", function() { $("body").addClass("gt2-acc-switcher-active") $("div[data-testid=SideNav_AccountSwitcher_Button]").click() // change dropdown position $(".gt2-style-acc-switcher-dropdown").remove() let pos = $(".gt2-toggle-acc-switcher-dropdown")[0].getBoundingClientRect() $("html").prepend(` `) }) // remove class on next click $("body").on("click", `:not(.gt2-toggle-acc-switcher-dropdown):not(div[data-testid=SideNav_AccountSwitcher_Button])`, function(e) { if (e.target.closest(`[d^="M22.25 12c0-1.43-.88"]`)) return setTimeout(function () { if (!$("a[href='/i/flow/login']").length) { $("body").removeClass("gt2-acc-switcher-active") document.querySelector(".gt2-style-verification")?.remove() } }, 2000) }) // expand the “What’s happening?” tweet field (minimized by default) $("body").on("click", "div[data-testid=primaryColumn] > div > div:nth-child(2)", e => $(e.currentTarget).addClass("gt2-compose-large")) // loggedOut nightmode $("body").on("click", ".gt2-toggle-lo-nightmode", () => { let nm = document.cookie.match(/night_mode=1/) ? 0 : 1 // delete old cookie document.cookie = "night_mode=; Max-Age=0;" // create new cookie let d = new Date() d.setDate(d.getDate() + 500) document.cookie = `night_mode=${nm}; expires=${d.toUTCString()}; path=/; domain=.twitter.com` window.location.reload() }) // close sidebar notice $("body").on("click", ".gt2-sidebar-notice-close", function() { if ($(this).parents(".gt2-sidebar-notice").hasClass("gt2-update-notice")) { GM_setValue(`sb_notice_ack_update_${GM_info.script.version}`, true) } $(this).parents(".gt2-sidebar-notice").remove() }) // remove blocked profile stuff on unblock $("body").on("click", `div[data-testid=placementTracking] div[data-testid$="-unblock"]`, () => $("[class^=gt2-blocked-profile]").remove()) // [LPL] unusual activity button: make elements clickable again $(document).on("click", `.gt2-profile-not-found [data-testid=primaryColumn] > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div[role=button]`, () => $("body").removeClass("gt2-profile-not-found")) // expand t.co shortlinks (tweets) $(document).on("mouseover", `.gt2-opt-expand-tco-shortlinks div:not([data-testid=placementTracking]) > div > article[data-testid=tweet]:not(.gt2-tco-expanded), .gt2-opt-expand-tco-shortlinks.gt2-page-tweet [data-testid=primaryColumn] section > h1 + div > div > div:nth-child(1) article:not(.gt2-tco-expanded)`, function() { let $tweet = $(this) $tweet.addClass("gt2-tco-expanded") // exit if tweet has no links if (!$tweet.find(`a[href^="http://t.co"], a[href^="https://t.co"], [data-testid="card.wrapper"]`).length) return let id = !$tweet.find(`time`).length && $("body").is(".gt2-page-tweet") ? getPath().split("/")[2].split("?")[0].split("#")[0] : $tweet.find(`time`).parent().attr("href").split("/status/")[1] requestTweet(id, res => { $tweet.find(`a[href^="http://t.co"], a[href^="https://t.co"]`).each(function() { $(this).attr("href", res.entities.urls.find(e => e.url == $(this).attr("href").split("?")[0]).expanded_url) }) $tweet.find(`[data-testid="card.layoutSmall.media"] + *:not(a)`).each(function() { $(this).wrap(``) }) }) }) // expand t.co shortlinks (profile, not legacy) $(document).on("mouseover", `.gt2-opt-expand-tco-shortlinks.gt2-page-profile:not(.gt2-opt-legacy-profile) [data-testid=primaryColumn] > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div:nth-child(1):not(.gt2-tco-expanded), .gt2-opt-expand-tco-shortlinks [data-testid=UserCell]`, function() { let $profile = $(this) $profile.addClass("gt2-tco-expanded") // exit if profile has no links if (!$profile.find(`a[href^="http://t.co"], a[href^="https://t.co"]`).length) return let screenName = $profile.is("[data-testid=UserCell]") ? $profile.find("> div > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1) a").attr("href").slice(1) : getPath().split("/")[0].split("?")[0].split("#")[0] requestUser(screenName, res => { let ent = res.data.user.legacy.entities let urls = [] if (ent.description) urls.push(...ent.description.urls) if (ent.url) urls.push(...ent.url.urls) $profile.find(`a[href^="http://t.co"], a[href^="https://t.co"]`).each(function() { $(this).attr("href", urls.find(e => e.url == $(this).attr("href").split("?")[0].split("#")[0]).expanded_url) }) }) }) // block/unblock account on holding follow button for 3 seconds if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").enableQuickBlock) { let qbOffer $("body").on("mouseover", `[data-testid$="-follow"]:not([data-gt2-qb-state])`, e => { let $b = $(e.target).parents(`[data-testid$="-follow"]`) $b.attr("data-gt2-qb-state", "offer-pending") qbOffer = setTimeout(() => { $b.attr("data-gt2-qb-state", "offer") $b.find("> div > span").append(` ${getLocStr("qbBlock")} ${getLocStr("qbBlocked")} ${getLocStr("qbUnblock")} `) }, 3e3) }) $("body").on("click", `[data-testid$="-follow"][data-gt2-qb-state=offer]`, e => { e.stopImmediatePropagation() let $b = $(e.target).parents(`[data-testid$="-follow"]`) let user_id = $b.attr("data-testid").slice(0, -7) blockUser(user_id, true, () => { console.log(`quickblock: ${user_id}`) $b.attr("data-gt2-qb-state", "blocked") }) }) $("body").on("click", `[data-testid$="-follow"][data-gt2-qb-state=blocked]`, e => { e.stopImmediatePropagation() let $b = $(e.target).parents(`[data-testid$="-follow"]`) let user_id = $b.attr("data-testid").slice(0, -7) blockUser(user_id, false, () => { console.log(`quickunblock: ${user_id}`) $b.removeAttr("data-gt2-qb-state") $b.find("[class^=gt2-qb]").remove() }) }) $("body").on("mouseleave", `[data-testid$="-follow"][data-gt2-qb-state^=offer], [data-testid$="-unfollow"][data-gt2-qb-state^=offer]`, e => { let $b = $(e.target).parents(`[data-testid$="-follow"]`) $b.removeAttr("data-gt2-qb-state") $b.find("[class^=gt2-qb]").remove() clearTimeout(qbOffer) }) } // fix coloring on clicking the follow button $("body").on("click", `[data-testid$="-follow"]`, e => $(e.target).parents(`[data-testid$="-follow"]`).attr("data-gt2-just-clicked-follow", 1)) $("body").on("mouseleave", `[data-testid$="-unfollow"][data-gt2-just-clicked-follow]`, e => $(e.target).parents(`[data-testid$="-unfollow"]`).removeAttr("data-gt2-just-clicked-follow")) // [LPL] enlarge profile image when clicking on it $("body").on("click", ".gt2-legacy-profile-nav-avatar", () => $(`div[data-testid=primaryColumn] > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2)`).find(`a[href$="/photo"] img, a[href$="/nft"] img`).first().click()) // ######################## // # tweets # // ######################## waitForKeyElements(`[data-testid=tweet] [href^="/"][href*="/photo/1"] [data-testid=tweetPhoto], [data-testid=tweet] [data-testid=previewInterstitial]`, e => { // showMediaWithContentWarnings if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").showMediaWithContentWarnings && GM_getValue("opt_gt2").showMediaWithContentWarningsSel < 7) { let $tweet = $(e).closest("[data-testid=tweet]") if ($(e).closest("[aria-labelledby]").find("> div > div > div > div:nth-child(2)").length) { let id = $("body").is(".gt2-page-tweet") ? getPath().split("/")[2].split("?")[0].split("#")[0] : $tweet.find("time").parent().attr("href").split("/status/")[1] requestTweetCW(id, res => { let score = res.extended_entities.media.filter(e => e.hasOwnProperty("sensitive_media_warning")).map(m => { return ["adult_content", "graphic_violence", "other"].reduce((p, c, i) => { return p + (m.sensitive_media_warning[c] ? Math.pow(2, i) : 0) }, 0) }).reduce((p, c) => p | c) console.log(`cw id: ${id}, opt: ${GM_getValue("opt_gt2").showMediaWithContentWarningsSel} score: ${score}`) if ((score & GM_getValue("opt_gt2").showMediaWithContentWarningsSel) == score) { $tweet.attr("data-gt2-show-media", 1) } }) } } }) if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").hideTweetAnalytics) { waitForKeyElements(`[data-testid=tweet] [href$="/analytics"]`, e => e[0].parentElement.classList.add("gt2-hidden")) } // ######################## // # display settings # // ######################## // high contrast $("body").on("click", `[data-testid="accessibilityScreen"] > div:nth-child(3) label [aria-labelledby]`, function() { GM_setValue("opt_display_highContrast", !$(this).find("input").is("[checked]")) updateCSS() }) // user color waitForKeyElements(`body:not(.gt2-opt-color-override) [data-testid=SideNav_NewTweet_Button]`, e => { let userColor = $(e).css("background-color") if (userColor != GM_getValue("opt_display_userColor")) { GM_setValue("opt_display_userColor", userColor) updateCSS() } }) // background color new MutationObserver(mut => { mut.forEach(m => { let bgColor = m.target[m.attributeName]["background-color"] if (m.oldValue && bgColor != "") { GM_setValue("opt_display_bgColor", bgColor) updateCSS() } }) }).observe($("body")[0], { attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true, attributeFilter: ["style"] }) // font increment new MutationObserver(mut => { mut.forEach(m => { let fs = m.target[m.attributeName]["font-size"] let fsOld = m.oldValue?.match(/font-size: (\d+px);/) if (fsOld && fs != "" && fs != fsOld[1]) { GM_setValue("opt_display_fontSize", fs) updateCSS() } }) }).observe($("html")[0], { attributes: true, attributeOldValue: true, attributeFilter: ["style"] }) // minimize DMDrawer if hideMessageBox is set if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").hideMessageBox) { waitForKeyElements(`.gt2-opt-hide-message-box [data-testid=DMDrawer] path[d^="M12 19.344l-8.72"]`, e => { console.log("Minimized DMDrawer") $(e).parents("[role=button]").click() }) } // hide timeline follow suggestions if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").hideFollowSuggestions) { function hideTLFS($p) { if (!$p) return $p if ($p.prev().length) { $p = $p.prev() if ($p.find("article").length) return $p.addClass("gt2-hidden") } else { // if (window.scrollY < 500) return setTimeout(() => { $p = hideTLFS($p) }, 100) } return $p } // big follow boxes waitForKeyElements( ["topics/picker", "connect_people", "lists/suggested"] .filter((e, i) => (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").hideFollowSuggestionsSel & Math.pow(2, i)) == Math.pow(2, i)) .map(e => `[data-testid=primaryColumn] section [href^="/i/${e}"]`) .join(", "), e => { let $p = $(e).parents("[data-testid=cellInnerDiv]").addClass("gt2-hidden") if ($p.next().find("div > div:empty").length) $p.next().addClass("gt2-hidden") for (let i=0; i < 6; i++) { $p = hideTLFS($p) } }) } // do not colorOverride these elements (reply/like/retweet/share on tweets and verified badge) waitForKeyElements(`[data-testid=tweet] [role=group]`, e => $(e).find("[role=button] *").attr("data-gt2-color-override-ignore", "")) waitForKeyElements(`path[d^="M22.5 12.5c0-1.58-.875"]`, e => $(e).parents("svg").attr("data-gt2-color-override-ignore", "")) waitForKeyElements(`[data-gt2-path-modal="i/display"] div:nth-last-child(2) > div > [role=radiogroup], [data-gt2-path="settings/display"] div:nth-last-child(2) > div > [role=radiogroup]`, e => { let $e = $(e).parents("[aria-labelledby]") $e.find("[name*=COLOR_PICKER]").parents("label").parent().find("*").attr("data-gt2-color-override-ignore", "") $e.find("[dir]:nth-child(3) + div:not([dir]) > div > div > div[dir] + div *").attr("data-gt2-color-override-ignore", "") }) // do not add dividers to tweet inline threads waitForKeyElements(`[data-testid=cellInnerDiv] article, [data-testid=cellInnerDiv] a[href^="/i/status/"]`, e => $(e).parents(`[data-testid=cellInnerDiv]`).children().attr("data-gt2-divider-add-ignore", "")) // color notifications bell waitForKeyElements(`path[d^="M23.61.15c-.375"]`, e => $(e).parents("[role=button]").attr("data-gt2-bell-full-color", "")) waitForKeyElements(`path[d^="M23.24 3.26h-2.425V"]`, e => $(e).parents("[role=button]").removeAttr("data-gt2-bell-full-color", "")) // ################ // # Update CSS # // ################ // get scrollbar width (https://stackoverflow.com/q/8079187) function getScrollbarWidth() { if ($("html").is("[data-minimalscrollbar]")) { return 0 } let $t = $("
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"rgb(21, 32, 43)" : document.cookie.match(/night_mode=2/) ? "rgb(0, 0, 0)" : "rgb(255, 255, 255)" opt_display_highContrast = false opt_display_fontSize = "15px" opt_display_userColor = "rgb(29, 161, 242)" } // highContrast lightsOut if (opt_display_bgColor == "rgb(5, 5, 5)") opt_display_bgColor = "rgb(0, 0, 0)" // squareAvatars if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").disableHexagonAvatars) { waitForKeyElements("#hex-hw-shapeclip-clipconfig path", e => $(e).parent().html( GM_getValue("opt_gt2").squareAvatars ? `` : `` ).attr("transform", "scale(0.005 0.005)")) } // insert new stylesheet $("html").prepend(` ` ) } // add navbar if (!$("gt2-nav").length) { if (isLoggedIn()) { addNavbar() } else { addNavbarLoggedOut() } } } // ############## // # resizing # // ############## // things to do when resizing the window $(window).on("resize", () => { let w = window.innerWidth if ((!GM_getValue("opt_gt2").smallSidebars && w <= 1350) || ( GM_getValue("opt_gt2").smallSidebars && w <= 1230)) { // move dash profile to right sidebar $(".gt2-left-sidebar > *").each(function() { $(this).attr("data-gt2-detached-from-left-sidebar", 1) .detach().insertBefore("div[data-testid=sidebarColumn] > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > :last-child") }) } else { $("[data-gt2-detached-from-left-sidebar]").each(function() { $(this).removeAttr("data-gt2-detached-from-left-sidebar") .detach().appendTo(".gt2-left-sidebar") }) } }) // ############### // # scrolling # // ############### // things to do when scrolling ;(function() { let prev = window.pageYOffset let bannerHeight = (window.innerWidth - getScrollbarWidth()) / 3 - 15 $(window).on("scroll", () => { let curr = window.pageYOffset // prevent auto scroll to top on /search and /explore if (prev > 1500 && curr == 0 && getPath().match(/^(?:search\?|explore\/?$)/)) { window.scroll(0, prev) return } if (prev < curr) { $("body").addClass("gt2-scrolled-down") } else { $("body").removeClass("gt2-scrolled-down") } prev = curr // legacy profile banner parallax if (curr > bannerHeight) { $("body").addClass("gt2-scrolled-down-banner") } else { $("body").removeClass("gt2-scrolled-down-banner") $(".gt2-legacy-profile-banner img").css("transform", `translate3d(0px, ${curr / bannerHeight * 42}%, 0px)`) } }) }()) // ################ // # URL change # // ################ function beforeUrlChange(path) { path = path.split("?")[0].split("#")[0] // [LPL] reattach buttons to original position if (!_isModal(path)) { let $b = $("div[data-testid=primaryColumn] > div > div:nth-last-child(1) > div > div > div:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(1)") if (!$b.find("> div:last-child:not(:first-child)").length && $("body").attr("data-gt2-prev-path") != path) { $(".gt2-legacy-profile-nav-right > div").appendTo($b) } } } // path helper functions function _onPage(path, ...top) { return top.some(e => e == path.split("/")[0]) } function _onSubPage(path, top, sub) { return (top == null ? true : _onPage(path, top)) && path.includes("/") && sub.some(e => e == (e.includes("/") ? path.split("/").slice(1).join("/") : path.split("/")[1])) } function _isModal(path) { return _onSubPage(path, "i", ["display", "keyboard_shortcuts", "flow", "lists/add_member", "report"]) || _onSubPage(path, "settings", ["trends", "profile"]) || _onSubPage(path, "compose", ["tweet"]) || _onSubPage(path, "account", ["add", "switch"]) || _onPage(path, "search-advanced") || _onPage(path, "intent") || path.match(/\/(photo|video)\/\d\/?$/) } // stuff to do when url changes function urlChange(changeType, changePath) { let path = () => (changePath || getPath()).split("?")[0].split("#")[0] let onPage = (...top) => _onPage(path(), ...top) let onSubPage = (top, sub) => _onSubPage(path(), top, sub) let isModal = _isModal(path()) console.log(`[${changeType}]${isModal ? " [modal]" : ""} ${path()}`) $("body").attr(`data-gt2-path${isModal ? "-modal" : ""}`, path()) let $realPath = $("link[hreflang=default][data-rh=true]") if ($realPath.length) $("body").attr("data-gt2-path", $realPath.attr("href")) // do a reload on these pages if (onPage("login") || (!isLoggedIn() && onPage(""))) { window.location.reload() } // update css if (!$("body").hasClass("gt2-css-inserted")) { updateCSS() $("body").addClass("gt2-css-inserted") } let mainView = "main > div > div > div" waitForKeyElements(mainView, () => { // insert left sidebar if (!$(".gt2-left-sidebar").length) { $(mainView).prepend(`
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75) if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").hideTweetAnalytics) { e[0].parentElement.parentElement.querySelectorAll(":scope > span").forEach(e => e.classList.add("gt2-hidden")) } if (!res.source) return e[0].parentElement.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", `${res.source}`) }) }) } } else if (!isModal) { $("body").removeClass("gt2-page-tweet") } // sidebar let sidebarContent = [] // update changelog if (!GM_getValue(`sb_notice_ack_update_${GM_info.script.version}`) && GM_getValue("opt_gt2").updateNotifications) { sidebarContent.push(getUpdateNotice()) } sidebarContent.push(getDashboardProfile()) // assume profile page if (!isModal || onSubPage("intent", ["user", "follow"])) { if (!(onPage("", "explore", "home", "hashtag", "i", "messages", "notifications", "places", "search", "settings", "404") || onSubPage(null, ["communities", "followers", "followers_you_follow", "following", "lists", "moments", "status", "topics"])) || onSubPage("intent", ["user", "follow"])) { $("body").addClass("gt2-page-profile").removeClass("gt2-profile-not-found gt2-page-profile-youre-blocked") $("[class^=gt2-blocked-profile-]").remove() $(".gt2-tco-expanded").removeClass("gt2-tco-expanded") if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").legacyProfile) { if ($("body").attr("data-gt2-prev-path") != path()) { $("a[href$='/photo'] img").data("alreadyFound", false) } rebuildLegacyProfile() } // redirect to /media on profiles (without /intent) if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").profileMediaRedirect && path().split("/").length == 1 && (!document.body.dataset.hasOwnProperty("gt2PrevPath") || document.body.dataset.gt2PrevPath.split("/")[0] != path().split("/")[0])) { waitForKeyElements(`[href$="/media"][aria-selected=false]`, e => e[0].click()) console.log("redirecting to /media") } // move left media if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").leftMedia && ((!GM_getValue("opt_gt2").smallSidebars && window.innerWidth > 1350) || (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").smallSidebars && window.innerWidth > 1230))) { waitForKeyElements("[data-testid=sidebarColumn] a:nth-child(1) [data-testid=tweetPhoto]", e => { if ($(".gt2-profile-media").length) $(".gt2-profile-media").remove() let $mediaContainer = $(e).parents("a[role=link]").parent().parent().parent().parent().parent() if ($mediaContainer.parent().children().length == 1) $mediaContainer = $mediaContainer.parent() $mediaContainer.detach().addClass("gt2-profile-media") .appendTo(".gt2-left-sidebar") }) } } else { $("body").removeClass("gt2-page-profile") $(`.gt2-legacy-profile-banner, .gt2-legacy-profile-nav, .gt2-legacy-profile-info`).remove() } } // add elements to sidebar addToSidebar(sidebarContent) // own account is blocked by profile page waitForKeyElements(`div[data-testid=placementTracking] div[data-testid$="-unblock"], [data-testid=emptyState] [href="https://support.twitter.com/articles/20172060"]`, displayBlockedProfileData) // home page if (path().split("/")[0] == "home") { if (GM_getValue("opt_gt2").forceLatest) forceLatest() } else { document.body.removeAttribute("data-switched-to-latest") } if (!isModal) $("body").attr("data-gt2-prev-path", path()) } urlChange("init") // run urlChange() when history changes // https://github.com/Bl4Cc4t/GoodTwitter2/issues/96 const exportFunc = typeof exportFunction === "function" ? exportFunction : (fn => fn) const pageWindow = unsafeWindow.wrappedJSObject || unsafeWindow const pageHistory = pageWindow.History.prototype const origPush = exportFunc(pageHistory.pushState, pageWindow) pageHistory.pushState = exportFunc(function () { let path = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2].slice(1) : "???" beforeUrlChange(path) origPush.apply(this, arguments) urlChange("push", path) }, pageWindow) const origRepl = exportFunc(pageHistory.replaceState, pageWindow) pageHistory.replaceState = exportFunc(function () { let path = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2].slice(1) : "???" beforeUrlChange(path) origRepl.apply(this, arguments) urlChange("replace", path) }, pageWindow) window.addEventListener("popstate", function() { beforeUrlChange(getPath()) urlChange("pop", getPath()) }) // remove "t" search parameter (probably used for tracking?) // https://twitter.com/Outrojules/status/1543220843995619328?s=20&t=fCFEatQ_iAtlyiHQCWCxoQ let _selectNodeContents = Range.prototype.selectNodeContents Range.prototype.selectNodeContents = function() { arguments[0].textContent = arguments[0].textContent.replace(/&t=.*$/, "") _selectNodeContents.apply(this, arguments) } })(jQuery, waitForKeyElements)