LISTEN: Heidi Cruz says husband will reveal 'the face of the God' in wacky religious rant
Sen. Ted Cruz at a shooting range (screen capture)

Sen. Ted Cruz catches a lot flak for his face, which has been variously described as disagreeable, creepy or disturbing -- but his wife says the Texas Republican is running for president to show Americans the "face of God."

Heidi Cruz, who is probably best known for turning her own face away from her husband's kiss, said the senator had an explicitly religious motivation for his White House bid, reported Right Wing Watch.

Cruz's father said the Holy Ghost had authorized the senator's presidential campaign, and his wife said she and her husband were "doing it for our country."

"We are at a cultural crossroads in our country, and if we can be in this race to show this country the face of the God that we serve — this Christian God that we serve is the foundation of our country, our country was built on Judeo-Christian values, we are a nation of freedom of religion, but the God of Christianity is the God of freedom, of individual liberty, of choice and of consequence," Heidi Cruz said.

Young people are fleeing organized religion almost as quickly as they're abandoning the Republican Party -- and for largely for the same reasons.

But Heidi Cruz said her husband's campaign -- which is built largely on the intolerant, socially conservative ideals abhorred by younger voters -- should help reverse that demographic tide.

"That’s something that this country really needs to be reminded of, is that Christians are loving people, are nonjudgmental people, but there is right and wrong, we have a country of law and order, there are consequences to actions and we must all live peaceably in our own faiths under the Constitution," Heidi Cruz said. "And Ted is uniquely able to deliver on that combination of the law and religion."