Ukraine DBN, DSTU, VBN, VSN regulations now available in English-k15u1

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We have access to virtually any technical requirements, codes and norms related to Import and Export, Construction, Oil and Gas, Operation, Railway, Safety, Environment Protection and other activities. An example would be DBN, DSTU, VBN, VSN, GOST, NPAON, NPAOP, DNAOP, NPB, SNiP, SanPiN, TR TS, SP 13330, SP 13130, and many more. 
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Moreover we provide Laws, Decrees, Resolutions, Rules and Legal Letters and Instructions issued by the Ukraine Federal government, Parliament, regional agencies and other bodies.  

Below is a list of some codes that we have in English. Regulatory library in English is currently the largest on the internet, with over 120,000 regulatory documents. We add, on average, 50-100 new documents monthly. Any major agency and any country of the former USSR is covered: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, and many more.


keywords: Electronic Adobe Acrobat PDF, Microsoft Word DOCX versions. Hardcopy editions. Immediate download. Download here. On sale. ISBN, SKU. RGTT | Immediate PDF Download. Russian regulations (GOST, SNiP) norms (PB, NPB, RD, SP, OST, STO) and laws in English. |; Codes , Letters , NP , POT , RTM , TOI, DBN , MDK , OND , PPB , SanPiN , SNB, STB, TR TS, Decisions , MDS , ONTP , PR , SN , TSN, Decrees , MGSN , Orders , PUE , SNiP , TU, DSTU , MI , OST , R , SNiP RK , VNTP, GN , MR , Other norms , RD , SO , VPPB, GOST , MU , PB , RDS , SP , VRD, Instructions , ND , PNAE , Resolutions , STO , VSN, Laws , NPB , PND , RMU , TI , Construction , Engineering , Environment , Government, Health and Safety , Human Resources , Imports and Customs , Mining, Oil and Gas , Real Estate , Taxes , Transport and Logistics, railroad, railway, nuclear, atomic.
DSTU B V.2.7-79-98 //   Mastic, butyl rubber and bitumen-butyl-rubber, Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-80-98 //  Silicate brick and stones. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-81-98 //  Viscous petroleum road bitumens. Method for determination of adhesion to the surface of the glass and stone materials.
DSTU B V.2.7-82-99 //  Gypsum binders. Specifications (in Ukrainian and in Russian)
DSTU B V.2.7-83-99 //  Rolled roofings and hydroinsulatings materials.
DSTU B V.2.7-84-99 //  Roofing and hydroinsulatings mastics. Methods of testing.
DSTU B V.2.7-85-99 //  Sulphate resistant cement. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-86-99 //  Oil-well cements. Test methods
DSTU B V.2.7-87-99 //  I-G and I-H well cement. Test methods
DSTU B V.2.7-88-99 //  Oil-well Portland cements. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-8-94 //  Polystyrene foam boards. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-89-99 //  Materials on the basis of organic binders for road and airfield construction. Test methods.
DSTU B V.2.7-90-99 //  Lime for building purposes. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-91-99 //  Mineral binders. Classification
DSTU B V.2.7-92-99 //  Road concrete and cement-concrete mixes with limestone aggregates. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-93-2000 //  Polypropylene pipes for cold and hot water supply systems. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-94-2000 //  Mineral wool. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-95-2000 //  Gypsum plasterboards. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-96-2000 //  Concrete mixtures. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-97-2000 //  Products of mineral cotton on synthetic binders. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-98-2000 //  Thermoinsulating mineral wool vertically-layered mats. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-99-2000 //  Mineral wool slabs of higher rigidity on synthetic binder. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.7-9-94 //  Clay organo-mineral raw materials from coal-mining and coal-washing waste for ceramic products. Specifications.
DSTU B V.2.8-10-98 //  Construction machinery, equipment, inventory and tools. Cargo slings. Classification, parameters and dimensions, technical requirements.
DSTU B V.2.8-8-96 //  Construction machinery, equipment, inventory and tools. Machinery and equipment for mechanization of plaster works in construction.
DSTU B.A.1.1-39-94 //  System of standardization and regulation in construction. Methods of quality control of raw materials and construction materials. Dilatometry, calorimetry and colorimetry.  Terms and definitions
DSTU B.A.1.1-54-94 //  System of standardization and regulation in construction. Raw clay for the production of ceramic building materials. Terms and definitions.
DSTU B.A.1.1-55-94 //  System of standardization and regulation in construction. Natural sands for production of building materials. Terms and definitions.
DSTU B.A.2.4-13-97 //  System of building design documents. Symbol graphics for engineering-geological investigation documents.
DSTU B.V.1.1-2-97 //  Building materials. Flammability test method.
DSTU B.V.2.3-2-97 //  Motor ways. Method for determining the coefficient of adhesion between vehicle wheel and road pavement. 
DSTU B.V.2.5-1-95 //  Engineering equipment for buildings and facilities. Enamelled steel sanitary appliances. Technical specifications.
DSTU B.V.2.5-2-95 //  Engineering equipment for buildings and facilities. Cast iron heating radiators. Technical specifications.
DSTU B.V.2.5-4-95 //  Engineering equipment for buildings and facilities. Semi-automatic flushing valves. Technical specifications.
DSTU B.V.2.5-8-96 //  Engineering equipment for buildings and facilities. Ceramic sanitary wares. General specifications.
DSTU B.V.2.6-13-97 //  Building and facility structures. Locks and building hardware. General specifications.
DSTU B.V.2.6-1-95 //  Building and facility structures. Locks and latches for wooden doors. Types and main dimensions.
DSTU B.V.2.6-2-95 //  Building and facility structures. Concrete and reinforced concrete products. General technical requirements.
DSTU B.V.2.6-7-95 //  Building and facility structures. Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete construction products. Loading test methods. Rules for assessment of strength, rigidity and crack resistance.
DSTU B.V.2.7-29-95 //  Construction materials. Fine aggregate, natural, with industrial waste, for artificial building materials, products, structures and works. Classification.
DSTU B.V.2.7-32-95 //  Construction materials. Dense natural sand for construction materials, products, structures and operations. Technical specifications.
DSTU B.V.2.7-47-96 //  Concretes. Methods for the determination of frost resistance.
DSTU B.V.2.7-48-96 //  Construction materials. Concretes. Basic (first) method for determination of frost resistance.
DSTU B.V.2.7-49-96 //  Construction materials. Concretes. Accelerated methods for determination of frost resistance by repeated freezing and thawing.
DSTU B.V.2.7-50-96 //  Construction materials. Concretes. Dilatometric method of accelerated determination of frost resistance
DSTU B.V.2.7-51-96 //  Construction materials. Concretes. Structural-mechanical method of frost resistance determination.
DSTU B.V.2.7-55-96 //  Construction materials. Flushing tanks with accessories. General specifications
DSTU B.V.2.7-60-97 //  Construction materials. Clay materials for manufacture of ceramic building materials. Classification.
DSTU B.V.2.7-61-97 //  Construction materials. Ceramic and calcium silicate bricks and stones. Technical specifications.
DSTU BA.2.4-5-95 //  System of building design documents. General provisions.
DSTU BA.2.4-7-95 //  System of building design documents. Rules for execution of architectural and construction working drawings
DSTU BA.2.4-9-95 //  System of building design documents.  Rules of execution of working documents for equipment and pipelines heat insulation.
DSTU BV.2.7-18-95 //  Construction materials. Lightweight aggregate concrete. General specifications
DSTU CEN ISO/TS 17892-1:2007 //  Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Laboratory testing of soil -- Part 1: Determination of water content (CEN ISO/TS 17892-1:2004, IDT)
DSTU CEN ISO/TS 17892-10:2008 //  Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Laboratory testing of soil – Part 10: Direct shear tests
DSTU CEN ISO/TS 17892-11:2007 //  Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Laboratory testing of soil – Part 11: Determination of permeability by constant and falling head (CEN ISO/TS 17892-11:2004, IDT)
DSTU CEN ISO/TS 17892-12:2008 //  Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Laboratory testing of soil -- Part 12: Determination of Atterberg limits
DSTU CEN ISO/TS 17892-2:2007 //  Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Laboratory testing of soil -- Part 2: Determination of density of fine-grained soil (CEN ISO/TS 17892-2:2004, IDT)
DSTU CEN ISO/TS 17892-3:2007 //  Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Laboratory testing of soil -- Part 3: Determination of particle density -- Pycnometer method (CEN ISO/TS 17892-3:2004, IDT)
DSTU CEN ISO/TS 17892-4:2008 //  Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Laboratory testing of soil -- Part 4: Determination of particle size distribution
DSTU CEN ISO/TS 17892-5:2008 //  Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Laboratory testing of soil -- Part 5: Incremental loading oedometer test
DSTU CEN ISO/TS 17892-6:2007 //  Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Laboratory testing of soil -- Part 6: Fall cone test (CEN ISO/TS 17892-6:2004, IDT)
DSTU CEN ISO/TS 17892-7:2007 //  Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Laboratory testing of soil -- Part 7: Unconfined compression test on fine-grained soils (CEN ISO/TS 17892-7:2004, IDT)
DSTU CEN ISO/TS 17892-8:2007 //  Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Laboratory testing of soil -- Part 8: Unconsolidated undrained triaxial test (CEN ISO/TS 17892-8:2004, IDT)
DSTU CEN ISO/TS 17892-9:2008 //  Geotechnical investigation and testing -- Laboratory testing of soil -- Part 9: Consolidated triaxial compression tests on water-saturated soils
DSTU CEN/TR 14073-1:2007 //  Office furniture. Storage furniture. Dimensions (CEN/TR 14073-1:2004, IDT)
DSTU CEN/TR 15019:2008 //  Geotextiles and geotextile-related products. On-site quality control
DSTU CEN/TR 15349:2008 //  Hardware for furniture. Terms for extension elements and their components
DSTU CEN/TR 581-4:2008 //  Outdoor furniture - Seating and tables for camping, domestic and contract use - Part 4: Requirements and test methods for durability under the influence of climatic conditions.
DSTU CEN/TR 81-10:2005 //  Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts. Basics and interpretations. System of the EN 81 series of standards
DSTU CEN/TS 12983-2:2007 //  Cookware. Domestic cookware for use on top of a stove, cooker or hob. Further general requirements and specific requirements for ceramic, glass and glass ceramic cookware
DSTU CEN/TS 14751:2008 //  Welding - Use of time-of-flight diffraction technique (TOFD) for examination of welds
DSTU CEN/TS 15149-1:2009 //  Solid biofuels - Methods for the determination of particle size distribution - Part 1: Oscillating screen method using sieve apertures of 3, 15 mm and above
DSTU CEN/TS 15185:2008 //  Furniture - Assessment of the surface resistance to abrasion
DSTU CEN/TS 15186:2008 //  Furniture - Assessment of the surface resistance to scratching
DSTU CEN/TS 15210-1:2009 //  Solid biofuels - Methods for the determination of mechanical durability of pellets and briquettes - Part 1: Pellets
DSTU CEN/TS 15210-2:2009 //  Solid biofuels - Methods for the determination of mechanical durability of pellets and briquettes - Part 2: Briquettes
DSTU CEN/TS 15289:2009 //  Solid Biofuels - Determination of total content of sulphur and chlorine
DSTU CEN/TS 15290:2009 //  Solid Biofuels - Determination of major elements
DSTU CEN/TS 15296:2009 //  Solid Biofuels - Calculation of analyses to different bases
DSTU CISPR 11:2007 //  Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment - Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
DSTU CISPR 12:2007 //  Vehicles, boats, and internal combustion engine driven devices - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of receivers except those installed in the vehicle/boat/device itself or in adjacent vehicles/boats/devices
DSTU CISPR 12:2009 //  Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of off-board receivers
DSTU CISPR 14-1:2004 //  Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances , electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission
DSTU CISPR 14-2:2007 //  Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 2: Immunity - Product family standard
DSTU CISPR 15:2007 //  Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment
DSTU CISPR 16-1:2005 //  Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus - Measuring apparatus
DSTU CISPR 16-2:2005 //  Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2-1: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity - Conducted disturbance measurements
DSTU CISPR 17:2007 //  Methods of measurement of the suppression characteristics of passive radio interference filters and suppression components
DSTU CISPR 22:2007 //  Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
DSTU CISPR 23:2007 //  Determination of limits for industrial, scientific and medical equipment
DSTU CISPR 24:2008 //  Information technology equipment - Immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
DSTU CR 14379:2006 //  Classification Of Toys - Guidelines
DSTU CWA 14167-3: 2008 //  Security requirements for trustworthy systems managing certificates for electronic signatures. Cryptographic module for CSP key generation services. Protection profile (CMCKG-PP)
DSTU CWA 14355:2009 //  Guidelines for the implementation of secure signature-creation devices
DSTU CWA 14365-1:2008 //  Guide on the use of electronic signatures. Legal and technical aspects
DSTU CWA 14365-2:2009 //  Guide on the use of electronic signatures. Protection profile for software signature creation devices
DSTU CWA 14590:2009 //  Electromagnetic compatibility - Requirements for household appliances , electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission
DSTU EEK OON DDF 02:2007 //  Walnut Kernels - UNECE Standard DF-02 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control
DSTU EEK OON DDF 07:2007 //  Prunes - UNECE Standard DF-07 Concerning the Marketing and Commercial Quality Control

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