Belarus SNB, STB, GOST, TR TS regulations now available in English-snbb0310

They are currently available in RUSSIAN and ENGLISH. Moreover, we can obtain or translate official copies in German, Italian, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese and other languages.


We have access to virtually any technical requirements, codes and norms related to Import and Export, Construction, Oil and Gas, Operation, Railway, Safety, Environment Protection and other activities. An example would be SNB, STB, GOST, SNiP, SanPiN, TR TS, SP 13330, SP 13130, and many more. 
We have a complete set of requirements for Import and Export of Food, Equipment, Machinery, vehicles, Trucks and other Products to Belarus and the Customs Union (Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia).
Moreover we provide Laws, Decrees, Resolutions, Rules and Legal Letters and Instructions issued by the RB Federal government, Parliament, regional agencies and other bodies.  

Below is a list of some codes that we have in English. Regulatory library in English is currently the largest on the internet, with over 120,000 regulatory documents. We add, on average, 50-100 new documents monthly. Any major agency and any country of the former USSR is covered: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, and many more.


keywords: Electronic Adobe Acrobat PDF, Microsoft Word DOCX versions. Hardcopy editions. Immediate download. Download here. On sale. ISBN, SKU. RGTT | Immediate PDF Download. Russian regulations (GOST, SNiP) norms (PB, NPB, RD, SP, OST, STO) and laws in English. |; Codes , Letters , NP , POT , RTM , TOI, DBN , MDK , OND , PPB , SanPiN , SNB, STB, TR TS, Decisions , MDS , ONTP , PR , SN , TSN, Decrees , MGSN , Orders , PUE , SNiP , TU, DSTU , MI , OST , R , SNiP RK , VNTP, GN , MR , Other norms , RD , SO , VPPB, GOST , MU , PB , RDS , SP , VRD, Instructions , ND , PNAE , Resolutions , STO , VSN, Laws , NPB , PND , RMU , TI , Construction , Engineering , Environment , Government, Health and Safety , Human Resources , Imports and Customs , Mining, Oil and Gas , Real Estate , Taxes , Transport and Logistics, railroad, railway, nuclear, atomic.
STB 315-2007 Cottage cheese. General specifications
STB 32-2000 Attachments to a soldering lamp. Specifications
STB 335-98 Pork products. General specifications
STB 337-98 Food mustard and mustard sauces. General specifications
STB 34.101.10-2004 Information technologies. Means of information protection from unauthorized access to automated systems. General requirements
STB 34.101.11-2009 Information technology and security. Criteria for information technology security evaluation. Protection profile of the server operating system for the use in the trusted corporate network zone
STB 34.101.1-2014 Information technology and security. Criteria for information technology security evaluation. Part 1. Introduction and general model
STB 34.101.12-2007 Information technologies. Methods and means of security. Software protection means against malware programs and anti-virus software. Quality assessment
STB 34.101.13-2009 Information technology and security. Criteria for information technology security evaluation. Protection profile of the server operating system for the use in the demilitarized corporate network zone
STB 34.101.14-2009 Information technology and security. Criteria for information technology security evaluation. Router software protection profile for use in the demilitarized corporate network zone
STB 34.101.15-2007 Information technologies. Methods and means of security. Software protection means against malware programs and anti-virus software. Model program and testing methods
STB 34.101.16-2009 Information technology and security. Criteria for information technology security evaluation. Profile of the switch software protection for the use in the trusted corporate network zone
STB 34.101.17-2012 Information technology and security. Syntax of the request for a certificate
STB 34.101.18-2009 Information technologies. Syntax for the personal information exchange
STB 34.101.19-2012 Information technology and security. Formats of certificates and CRL PKI
STB 34.101.20-2009 Information technologies. Syntax of cryptographic information for tokens
STB 34.101.21-2009 Information technologies. Information exchange interface with the hardware and software carrier of cryptographic information (token)
STB 34.101.2-2014 Information technology and security. Criteria for information technology security evaluation. Part 2. Functional safety requirements
STB 34.101.22-2009 Information technologies. RSA based-cryptography
STB 34.101.23-2012 Information technology and security. Syntax of cryptographic messages
STB 34.101.26-2012 Information technology and security. Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
STB 34.101.27-2011 Information technology and security. Safety requirements for software of cryptographic means of information protection
STB 34.101.30-2007 Information technologies. Methods and means of security. Informatization objects. Classification
STB 34.101.31-2011 Information technologies. Data protection. Cryptographic algorithms for encryption and integrity control
STB 34.101.3-2014 Information technology and security. Criteria for information technology security evaluation. Part 3. Guarantee safety requirements
STB 34.101.35-2011 Information technologies. Methods and means of security. Informatization objects. B3 protection profile
STB 34.101.36-2011 Information technologies. Methods and means of security. Informatization objects. A2 protection profile
STB 34.101.37-2011 Information technologies. Methods and means of security. Software protection profile. Content management system
STB 34.101.41-2013 Information technology and security. Maintenance of information safety of banks of the Republic of Belarus. General provisions
STB 34.101.42-2013 Information technology and security. Maintenance of information safety of banks of the Republic of Belarus. Information security audit
STB 34.101.45-2013 Information technology and security. Digital signature algorithms and key transport based on elliptic curves
STB 34.101.47-2012 Information technology and security. Cryptographic algorithms for pseudo-random numbers generating
STB 34.101.48-2012 Information technology and security. Requirements for the certificates application policy of certification centres
STB 34.101.49-2012 Information technology and security. Format the public key card
STB 34.101.60-2014 Information technology and security. Secret sharing algorithm
STB 34.101.61-2013 Information technology and security. Maintenance of information safety of banks of the Republic of Belarus. Methods of assessment the risks of information security violation
STB 34.101.62-2013 Information technology and security. Maintenance of information safety of banks of the Republic of Belarus. Guidelines for documentation in the field of information security in accordance with the requirements of the Standard of the Republic of Belarus 34.101.41
STB 34.101.65-2014 Information technology and security. Transport Layer Security (TLS)
STB 34.101.66-2014 Information technology and security. Common key forming protocols based on elliptic curves
STB 34.101.67-2014 Information technology and security. Attribute certificates infrastructure
STB 34.101.68-2013 Information technology and security. Maintenance of information safety of banks of the Republic of Belarus. Methods of assessing the conformity of the information security requirements of the banks in the Republic of Belarus according to the Standard of the Republic of Belarus 34.101.41
STB 34.101.69-2014 Information technology and security. Cryptology. Terms and definitions
STB 34.101.8-2006 Information technologies. Methods and means of security. Software protection means against malware programs and anti-virus software. General requirements
STB 34.101.9-2004 Information technologies. Requirements for information protection from unauthorized access, established in the terms of reference for an automated system creation
STB 340-93 Clothes hangers, metal and combined. General specifications
STB 342-93 Mourning wreaths and baskets of flowers. General specifications
STB 344-2001 Household services. Repaired clothes of the dress-blouse and coat-suit range. Specifications
STB 35.1-94 State Products Indexing System of the Republic of Belarus. Main provisions

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