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R Gazprom 2-2.3-604-2011  -  Gas-distribution systems. Guidelines for use and implementation of more valid methods for technical diagnosis of gas-pipe sections laid under railways and highways of 1st and 2d categories, under streetways with heavy traffic and intensive engineering services, through water barriers
R Gazprom 2-2.3-612-2011  -  Gas-distribution systems. Guidelines for ensuring traceability at designing of gas-distribution systems
R Gazprom 2-3.3-343-2009  -  
R Gazprom 2-3.5-281-2008  -  
R Gazprom 2-3.5-433-2010  -  
R Gazprom 2-3.5-438-2010  -  Calculation of thermotechnical, gasdynamic and ecological parameters of gas-compressor units under variable conditions
R Gazprom 2-3.6-537-2011  -  
R Gazprom 2-3.7-207-2008  -  
R Gazprom 2-4.1-347-2009  -  
R Gazprom 2-4.1-503-2010  -  
R Gazprom 2-6.2-525-2010  -  
R Gazprom 2-6.2-527-2010  -  
R Gazprom 2-6.2-676-2012  -  
R Gazprom 3.2-2-020-2011  -  Calculation procedure for consumption norms of heat energy for in-house needs of gas-processing plants
R Gazprom 5.10-2010  -  
R Gazprom 5.11-2010  -  
R Gazprom 5.1-2008  -  
R Gazprom 5.12-2010  -  Methods of assessing the reliability of measurements of gas component concentrations by stream chromatographs
R Gazprom 5.13-2010  -  
R Gazprom 5.14-2010  -  
R Gazprom 5.2-2008  -  
R Gazprom 5.3-2009  -  Calculation of thermophysical properties of natural gas at pressures up to 25 MPa
R Gazprom 5.4-2009  -  
R Gazprom 5.5-2009  -  Ensuring uniformity of measurements. Gauge local schemes. The order of development, coordination and approval
R Gazprom 5.6-2009  -  
R Gazprom 5.7-2009  -  
R Gazprom 5.8-2010  -  
R Gazprom 5.9-2010  -  Associated gas from oil, flash gas. Methods for determining the chemical composition
R Gazprom 9.1-008-2010  -  
R Gazprom 9.1-010-2010  -  Protection against corrosion. Protection of marine facilities against corrosion with protective coatings
R Gazprom 9.2-005-200  -  
R Gazprom 9.2-012-2011  -  Recommended practices on electrochemical protection, corrosion control and protective coatings of main gas pipelines with multi-layer thermal and weighted coatings
R Gazprom 9.4-006-2009  -  
R Gazprom 9.4-013-2011  -  Condition control and estimation of efficiency of protective coatings of underground gas pipelines
R RSK 001-95  -  Standard regulation for calibrated laboratory
R RSK 002-06  -  General requirements for the calibration methodology used in the Russian calibration system
R RSK 003-07  -  Procedure for the confirmation of conformity of metrological services of legal bodies  accredited  in the Russian calibration system to the requirements of GOST R ISO/IEC 17025-2006 'General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories'
R SMN 001-08  -  Requirements for the competence of specialists performing accreditation of metrological services of legal bodies  to the technical competence in performing metrological supervision
R.002-2002  -  Manual. Renovation of inland and mixed river-sea-going ships
R.003-2003  -  Construction of inland and mixed river-sea-going ships with the use of elements of operated ships
R.005-2004  -  Technical requirements for ship cargo elevators
R.006-2004  -  Calculation of manoeuvrability and performance of full-level maneuvering trials of inland and mixed river-sea-going ships
R.007-2004  -  Strength calculation of tooth gears
R.008-2004  -  Strength calculation of internal-combustion engine shafts
R.009-2004  -  Calculation and measurement of torsion oscillations of shaft lines and aggregates
R.010-2004  -  Strength analysis of boilers, heat exchangers and pressure vessels. Manual
R.011-2004  -  Classification and construction of floating briges. Temporary guidance
R.013-2006  -  Propulsion-steering and manoeuvering units. Documentation. Requirements for the construction. Calculations. Tests
R.014-2005  -  Guidance on  the technical supervision over the conversion of automobile and tractor engines into marine
R.015-2006  -  Requirements for ships and port raid swimming. Guide
R.016-2006  -  Renovation of engineering ships. Manual
R.017-2006  -  Technical regulations for the classification, construction and inspection of recreational crafts. Manual
R.019-2007  -  Construction of steel hulls of inland and mixed river-sea-going ships
R.020-2007  -  Construction of inland and mixed river-sea-going ship hulls from light alloy
R.022-2007  -  Design of floating and caisson docks
R.023-2007  -  Construction of engineering ships with the use of elements of operated ships
R.024-2008  -  Requirements for the technical equipment of engineering ships
R.025-2008  -  Inspection of the technical equipment of engineering ships in service and technical surveillance over  its production
R.026-2008  -  Requirements for the design and equipment of ships for the protection from oil spill
R.027-2008  -  Requirements for the ships carrying dangerous goods
Range of sizes  -  Rolled metal products range of sizes for use in building constructions
RB 006-98  -  Determination of initial earthquake ground motions for project works
RB 008-99  -  Safety provision when dealing with radioactive waste of nuclear research installations
RB 010-2000  -  Safety provision when dealing with radioactive waste of ships and other floating crafts with nuclear reactors and radiation sources
RB 016-01  -  Requirements for the report on justification of nuclear and radiation safety of the debarkation of discharge fuel assemblies when executing intergrated disposition project PTB 'LEPSE'
RB 021-01  -  Damage rate estimation of nuclear reactor core (for external initial events of natural and man-caused character)
RB 024-02  -  Recommended practices for the execution of probabilistic safety analysis of nuclear plants of 1 level for internal initiating events (when dealing with a block in the mode of electricity output to the external network)
RB 039-07  -  Safety provision at transportation of radioactive materials
RB 041-07  -  Guidance on the execution of periodical safety  evaluation of nuclear plant unit
RB 043-08  -  
RB 088-14  -  "Safety guide on nuclear energy use. Unified control procedures of base materials (semi-products), weld joints and build-ups of equipment and pipelines of nuclear energy plants.   -  Eddy current test."
RB 089-14  -  Safety guide on nuclear energy use. Unified control procedures of base materials (semi-products), weld joints and build-ups of equipment and pipelines of nuclear energy plants. Visual and measuring testing.
RB G-05-039-96  -  Guidance on the hazard analysis of accidental detonations and determination of parameters of their mechanical operation
RB-001-05  -  Recommendations  for the report contents of In-Depth Safety Assessment of operating energy units of nuclear power plants (OUOB AS)
RB-001-97  -  
RB-002-97  -  Water-chemical regime of nuclear power plants. General safety requirements
RB-003-98  -  
RB-004-98  -  Requirements for the certification of controlling systems important for the safety of nuclear power plants
RB-005-98  -  Requirements for the certification of engineering structures important for the safety of nuclear facilities
RB-007-99  -  Accounting of high-speed neutrons fluence on the shells and witness samples WWER for further prediction of the burn-up life of shells
RB-009-99  -  Vulnerability assessment methodology for physical protection of nuclear materials and nuclear plants.
RB-011-2000  -  Safety assessment of shallow ground repositories of radiation wastes
RB-012-04  -  Report structure and contents on the radiation safety condition at radiation hazardous sites
RB-012-2000  -  
RB-013-2000  -  Requirements for the program content of the removal of nuclear power plant unit from service
RB-014-2000  -  Provision of safety when dealing with radioactive wastes formed during the extraction, processing and use of mineral products
RB-015-2000  -  Requirements for the composition, content and procedure for the submission of information on the safety of nuclear powered ships in service to Gosatomnadzor of Russia
RB-017-01  -  Requirements for the quality assurance programme  of work execution on discharge of spent fuel assemblies at implementation of complex project 'Lepse'
RB-018-01  -  Procedure for neutron control on the outer surface of shells of water-to-water nuclear power plant reactors
RB-019-01  -  Assessment of seismic danger of the areas of nuclear and radioactive hazardous facilities based on geodynamic data
RB-020-01  -  Safety guide.  Assessment methods for iodine compound emissions into atmosphere in the event of emergencies at nuclear plants with reactors WWER-1000.
RB-022-01  -  Recommendations for  the assessment of waterspout characteristics for nuclear facilties
RB-023-02  -  Recommendations for  the establishment of acceptability criteria for conditioned radioactive wastes for their storage and burial
RB-024-02  -  Recommendations for the performance of probabilistic safety analysis of nuclear plants of level 1 for internal initiating events (when the block operates in the mode of power production for external  network )
RB-024-11  -  Basic recommendations for development of probabilistic safety assessment of level 1 for internal initiating events for all modes of nuclear power plant unit
RB-025-03  -  Content of the annual report of operating organization on the assessment of nuclear and radiation safety condition of research nuclear installations
RB-026-04  -  Methodological recommendations for the execution of physical inventory of nuclear materials on nuclear installations and nuclear materials storage facilities
RB-027-04  -  Composition and content of the report on the results of integrated survey of nuclear power plant unit for the extension of its service life
RB-028-04  -  Analysis of the non-conformity of nuclear power plant unit to requirements of normative documents
RB-029-04  -  Composition and content of materials on the justification of remaining lifetime of nuclear plant unit elements for the extension of its service life
RB-030-04  -  Analysis of operating experience during extending the life of nuclear power plant unit
RB-031-04  -  Composition and content of the report on safety justification at withdrawal of nuclear plant units from operation
RB-032-04  -  General recommendations for the execution of probabilistic analysis of nuclear plants safety
RB-033-04  -  Composition and content of the report on the integrated survey over nuclear power plants of ships at the extension of their service life
RB-034-05  -  Recommendations for the selection, preparation, support and professional development of the operational staff of nuclear fuel cycle facilities
RB-035-05  -  Composition and content of the report on safety justification of temporary radioactive waste storage facilities formed during the extraction, processing and use of mineral products
RB-036-06  -  Monitoring of geological engineering conditions for allocation of nuclear fuel cycle facilities
RB-037-06  -  Analysis of control results and assessment of nuclear and radioactive safety condition of nuclear research installations
RB-038-06  -  Analysis of examination results of the condition of nuclear and radioactive safety of nuclear installations of ships and other floating crafts during their operation
RB-040-09  -  Design ratio and calculation procedure for hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics of elements and equipment of water cooling nuclear installations
RB-041-07  -  Guidance on periodic safety assessment of nuclear station block.
RB-042-07  -  Procedure of classification of barred radionuclide sources of potential radiation hazard
RB-043-13  -  Annual report structure and contents on nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear fuel cycle facilities
RB-044-09  -  Basic recommendations for probabilistic safety analysis of nuclear plants of level 2 with WWER-type reactors
RB-045-08  -  Dynamic monitoring of building structures of nuclear facilities
RB-046-08  -  Monitoring of meteorological and aerological conditions in the regions of nuclear facilities location.
RB-047-08  -  Safety culture level assessment method at nuclear fuel cycle facilities
RB-048-09  -  Service life extension of shipping packaging sets used for the transportation of burnup nuclear fuel
RB-049-09  -  Radioactive waste handling safety assessment for Techensky cascade of water bodies at their treatment and storage
RB-050-09  -  Structure and content of safety justification report for solid radioactive waste storage
RB-051-09  -  
RB-051-10  -  Regulation on the development of quality assurance programs at designing and engineering of the products to be supplied to nuclear facilities
RB-052-10  -  Regulations on transfer of nuclear materials into the category of radioactive waste
RB-053-10  -  Regulation on the accuracy increase of predictive assessments of radiation characteristics of nuclear environmental pollution and doze budgets for the personnel and population
RB-054-09  -  Regulation on the structure and contents of radiation safety state report in the organizations that use radioactive sources.
RB-055-10  -  Regulation for the development of quality assurance programmes at manufacturing of the products supplied to nuclear facilities
RB-056-10  -  Regulation for the execution of physical inventory of nuclear materials
RB-057-10  -  Regulation for the design and production of fuel elements and fuel assemblies with uranium and plutonium (MOX) fuel
RB-058-10  -  Regulation on the structure and contents of safety provision report on sub-surface nuclear waste disposal sites
RB-060-10  -  Fire and explosion safety assessment of radiochemical production process
RB-061-11  -  Regulations on examination and verification of software at the Concept 'Neutronic Physical Calculations'
RB-062-11  -  Provision on structure and content of Safety Analysis Report for decommissioning of research nuclear installation
RB-063-11  -  Regulation on the structure and contents of Principal programs for the withdrawal of nuclear research installation from operation
RB-064-11  -  Regulation on the structure and contents of radiation sources safety report
RB-065-11  -  Regulation on the data reception procedure on the nuclear material quantity for striking their balance and physical inventory results in the material balance areas.
RB-066-11  -  Regulation on the application of mathematical statistics methods for nuclear materials control and accounting.
RB-067-11  -  Regulation for annual report content on safety provision of ships and other floating crafts with nuclear installations and radiation sources, and facilities of their coast infrastructure
RB-068-11  -  Regulation for general recommendations for the development of probabilistic safety analysis of 2 level of nuclear power plants with reactors of LWGR type
RB-069-11  -  Regulation for the composition and content of the report on systems effectiveness evaluation of physical safety at nuclear facility
RB-070-11  -  Regulation for the composition and content of the report on analysis of the vulnerability  of nuclear facility
RB-071-11  -  Regulation for the performance of inventory of radioactive waste in the organization
RB-072-11  -  Regulations for the performance of inventory of radioactive substances in the organization
RB-073-12  -  Regulation on the documentation structure and contents on integrated survey of nuclear research installations in the event of service life extension.
RB-074-12  -  Regulation on the recommendations for correlation of calculated and measured reactivity at nuclear safety justification of reactor assemblies with WWER.
RB-075-12  -  Design ratio and calculation methods for hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics of nuclear power system elements and equipment with liquid-metal coolant
RB-076-12  -  Basic recommendations for the development of probabilistic safety analysis of level 1 of nuclear plant block for initiating events caused by on-site fires and floods.
RB-077-12  -  Preparation and data transmission in the information support system of state control of nuclear research installations under normal operation conditions and in event of emergency

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