
Monday, February 22, 2016

Hardwood Flooring Installation – Why Install During the Cold Seasons

There are many household owners that would install new floors during great weather conditions. After all, when the weather is good, there would less things to worry about in terms of preparation. However, there are some people who would be taken aback when they get in touch with professional flooring installationcontractors when they hear the news that it might be best to set up the new flooring during the colder weather, especially when we’re talking about hardwood floors.

What many do not know is that hardwood flooring installation during the winter season promotes advantages that may not be acquired during other seasons.


The Floorboards Will Change Size Due to the Shift in Temperature

Water is crucial for life to exist and it plays a vital role in organic substances, which would include the natural wood material that is about to be installed in your home as your new floor. These floorboards will expand when heated and will shrink in colder temperatures.

Professionals in the flooring installation industry can tell you that it is quite difficult to properly space the boards during summer, primarily because of the heat. This is because the wooden material will swell and it can be quite hard to install them. However, when installed during the cold seasons, the hardwood materials will shrink, in which professionals can give an allowance when they install it in your home. This can then lessen the possibility of unsightly gaps, which would otherwise happen if the floorboards are installed during the summer.

Moisture is Less Likely to be Trapped Underneath the Wooden Flooring During Winter

When installing hardwood floors during the colder seasons, the material is less likely to warp and buckle over time. This is because there is less chance for moisture to be produced underneath the flooring during the cold season, which may otherwise happen if the floor is installed during summer. Furthermore, if there exists moisture underneath the flooring, it can promote the growth of molds and mildew.

If you are about to install your new hardwood floors, whether as DIY or through professional assistance, do not lay them down immediately; have them get acclimated by leaving them in a certain spot in your home for about 24-hours. When that’s done, then you or the contractors can begin with the work

If you are indeed looking for professional help for hardwood flooring installation, you can contact CCC Floors for all of your floor installation needs. 

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