21CL Winter/Spring 2016 Issue

Page 6

The word ?l eadership? immediat el y st imul at ed an image of a super-hero. Tal l , mascul ine, and post ured in such a manner t hat his f ol l owers were hypnot ized wit h every word he spoke. As a chil d, I creat ed a physical percept ion of t his word, and as I have grown ol der, t his t hought has been shat t ered. Leadership is not a physical aspect ; it is a democrat ic t erm when ut il ized in t he proper set t ing. A l eader is an individual who l eads t hrough ideas and t he not ion of connect ivit y. As 21st Cent ury Leaders, we have been exposed t o l eadership in t he f orm of l eadership programs and t he educat ed viewpoint s f rom modern day

businesses and prof essional s in t he communit y who have nurt ured l eadership skil l s over t he years. Al l of us are l eaders in some f orm l eadership is not st rict l y def ined in any manner. A t erm wit h mul t ipl e meanings t o each person, l eadership as a basis requires knowl edge, st rengt h, and compassion. When f aced wit h a conf l ict , a l eader present s a bal anced pl an of act ion t hrough t he choosing of col l aborat ion. A l eader is wil l ing t o devel op a col l aborat ive inst inct in a gl obal market pl ace. Individual ist ic work f unct ions l imit ed; in order t o reach a part icul ar goal , a

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