Page last updated at 20:28 GMT, Friday, 15 January 2010

Boiler scrappage scheme considered in Wales

A Worcester-Bosch combi boiler
The scrappage scheme in England will cost £50m

A boiler scrappage scheme in Wales is being considered by the assembly government.

A scheme in England that gives households £400 off the cost of a new boiler was announced by the chancellor in the pre-budget report.

Wales will receive just over £4m from the UK government following the December announcement.

Environment minister Jane Davidson said any such scheme in Wales would put more "emphasis" on fuel-poor households.

"There has been a substantial amount of interest in this scheme since it was announced and I want to update people in Wales on proposals to introduce a similar scheme in Wales," she said.

"The Welsh Assembly Government is considering introducing a similar scheme in Wales, and we are currently working up a series of proposals taking into consideration the impact on those in fuel poverty, the relative carbon savings and value for money."

The UK government said the scheme in England would help households cut their energy bills, reduce CO2 emissions and support thousands of jobs.

Up to 125,000 households in England could benefit from the scheme, which is costing the government £50m.

People who own their homes or landlords who rent homes are eligible, but social landlords, housing associations and boiler installers are not.

Ms Davidson added: "If a boiler scrappage scheme is introduced to Wales, there is likely to be more emphasis on targeting fuel-poor households under a Welsh scheme.

"The assembly government hopes to make a final announcement on the issue in the near future."

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Boiler scrappage scheme launched
05 Jan 10 |  Business
Call for boiler scrappage scheme
23 Dec 09 |  Scotland

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