3 Steps To Better Time-Control and More JOY!

This post outlines exactly how I use my calendar to control my productivity, time, life-balance, and happiness!  It may seem magical, but actually it’s logical, and you can use it too…

In 3 simple steps, you can put this into practice for a happier and more productive life:

  1. Decide what you want – both on and off your calendar. What do you want more of? What can you get rid of?
  2. Create your IDEAL CALENDAR/PERFECT WEEK 3 months from now, and start slotting things in now.  
  3. Stick to the plan.  It’s OK to shift things –IF- it’s a rare exception, but really TRY HARD to move people into the matching category AND keep your promises to yourself.

The illusion of extra time tends to create waste.

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Bonus tip! Consider shortening your meeting times to enhance focus. MANY meetings have far too much wasted time because they FEEL longer than needed.  Often, a 15min conversation is FAR more productive than a 60min conversation. 

The illusion of extra time tends to create waste. 

Same thing happens in the “Get stuff done” appointments where you are working by yourself.  Race the clock and see what happens!

Control your time. Through the magic of combining a success-mindset, strategy, and time-blocking, you can create the PERFECT WEEK in your calendar and then live it.

March 9, 2016