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Ask The Expert: Weight Loss

Ask The Expert: Weight Loss
Ask The Expert: Weight Loss
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(KUTV) Michelle Best, Live Well manager for Utah Valley Hospital stopped by KUTV to give some of the best tips to a weight loss plan that will be achievable.

  1. Write down your goals. Post them somewhere visible where you can reflect on them every day. Keeping goals at the front of mind makes them far more likely to be achieved.
  2. Think about your goals differently. Focusing on a number on the scale can make it easy to beat yourself up when the number isn't what you want. Instead of focusing on the outcome (weight loss), set process goals that will ultimately help you achieve your desired outcome.
  3. Know yourself. Different approaches work for different people. When it comes to things like diet, some people excel with moderation. Knowing they can have a little bit of their favorite indulgent food prevents them from feeling deprived, and they're able to eat just a small portion to feel satisfied.
  4. Give yourself grace. It can be easy to overanalyze and be hard on yourself for any little slip-up that you encounter along your weight loss journey and path to health. Instead of retreating to negative self-talk, forgive yourself. Recognize that one date night with Ben and Jerry isn't going to completely sabotage all of your hard work. Give yourself permission to enjoy the ice cream without the guilt trip.
  5. Celebrate small wins. Along the road to accomplishing any goal is a series of milestones that help pave the way. Make sure you take time to celebrate the little things so you continue to feel like you're making progress.